Outlaw - 5 Channel Amp or 5 Monoblocks?



Audioholic Samurai
brandon123 said:
Hi, folks. I just wanted to let you know that I have five Outlaw M2200 monoblocks for my HT 5.1 setup and the amps are not only 1 or 2 lbs each. Each monoblock is 18lbs but the transformer is on the left side of the case and each one is at least 8-10lbs each. The transformers are very wide, shallow and heavy. Thus, you have anywhere between 40-50 lbs of transformers for the 5.1 setup! Just some extra information I thought I would share with everyone.
.....Brandon, are you calling the transformer along with amp section 8-10 pounds?....big difference.....


Audioholic Samurai
.....have been thinking about this Earthquake amp coming.....have run the thoughts gambit top to bottom....and the only thing to be wondered about, from me, is the decay factors....with that amount of clean and seperated, normal amounts of decay would be more in order, I suspect....suspect the damping factor rating would be about 300....McIntosh gets the decay factors loooong at 100....3000, for crispness, in my lows, is hopefully my route....guys, bear with me, this is probably my last system, haha......

.....edit....shoot, I'll build 12 more systems, and attend every one of ya's funeral....all the preachers will say nice things, but I'll be a'thinkin', over there lies a tin-eared Neanderthal hopefully at 12 foot with the lawyers.......
Last edited:


tdeluce said:
Yes, I said as good *or* better - I did not state that they were
definitely better.

Since I noticed a difference at reference level when the Outlaw
amp's drove my LCRs compared to when the Denon amps drove them,
I suspect if there were any difference driving the surrounds, the
difference would be better. I have not spent much time comparing
material through my surrounds to go out on a limb and declare the
Outlaw amp's better than the Denon amp's at reference level.

Hence the use of the word *or* ...

How many people purchase 5 sets of identical expensive speakers for their 5.1 setup? Most people use really cheap easy to drive, efficient surrounds for their rears.

Great, now it comes down semantics, the word "or" makes all the difference in the world. From what you stated, I could have inferred that those Outlaw monoblocks drive the surrounds about as good as or worse than the Denon receiver. That's also a fair judgement since I explicitly never stated they are "absolutely worse," I used the word "or."


Audioholic Samurai
.....with this hobby, if you're into it, you make a large purchase every now and then, and then adjust for awhile getting by as cheaply as possible....Rolyasm told me he is going to get an Earthquake 5 also, and will be eating mouse burgers for awhile....I also am gearing toward cheaper cuts of meat, and just got back from Sam's with a 20 pound bag of frozen chicken faces......


Audioholic Chief
mulester7 said:
.....with this hobby, if you're into it, you make a large purchase every now and then, and then adjust for awhile getting by as cheaply as possible....Rolyasm told me he is going to get an Earthquake 5 also, and will be eating mouse burgers for awhile....I also am gearing toward cheaper cuts of meat, and just got back from Sam's with a 20 pound bag of frozen chicken faces......
Mule, I was at a resteraunt once when I was a small boy and a man came in and ordered a turkey but. I'm not kidding.
You might also try pressed rat and warthog.
Ginger Baker from the group CREAM can tell you where to purchase them.:D




Audioholic Samurai
surveyor said:
Mule, I was at a resteraunt once when I was a small boy and a man came in and ordered a turkey but. I'm not kidding.
You might also try pressed rat and warthog.
Ginger Baker from the group CREAM can tell you where to purchase them.:D


.....thanks, Surveyor, don't know how I missed this one....Hmmm, so the guy ordered a turkey butt, huh?....I'd say that would qualify for a cheaper cut of meat......


Audioholic Chief
mulester7 said:
.....thanks, Surveyor, don't know how I missed this one....Hmmm, so the guy ordered a turkey butt, huh?....I'd say that would qualify for a cheaper cut of meat......
I would think it should be cheaper than chicken faces?:D


Audioholic Chief
surveyor said:
I would think it should be cheaper than chicken faces?:D
In addition see the following.

By ginger baker and mike taylor

Pressed rat and warthog have closed down their shop.
They didn’t want to; ’twas all they had got.
Selling atonal apples, amplified heat,
And pressed rat’s collection of dog legs and feet.

Sadly they left, telling no one goodbye.
Pressed rat wore red jodhpurs, warthog a striped tie.
Between them, they carried a three-legged sack,
Went straight round the corner and never came back.

Pressed rat and warthog have closed down their shop.
The bad captain madman had told them to stop
Selling atonal apples, amplified heat,
And pressed rat’s collection of dog legs and feet.

The bad captain madman had ordered their fate.
He laughed and stomped off with a nautical gate.
The gate turned into a deroga tree
And his pegleg got woodworm and broke into three.

Pressed rat and warthog have closed down their shop.
They didn’t want to; ’twas all they had got.
Selling atonal apples, amplified heat,
And pressed rat’s collection of dog legs and feet.


Full Audioholic
Hey Mule,
I can't afford turkey butt; however, I did lick some gum off of some ladies shoe the other day. Spearmint I believe. Anyway, it is Wednesday. You should have your little baby Cine5 today. Oh, and bad news. I was on another site and a guy had run some specs on his system. He said it really was't 300 watts per channel, all channels. He said it was more like 325! :eek: Hope you are wearing a cup when you hook it up.


mulester7 said:
.....have been thinking about this Earthquake amp coming.....have run the thoughts gambit top to bottom....and the only thing to be wondered about, from me, is the decay factors....with that amount of clean and seperated, normal amounts of decay would be more in order, I suspect....suspect the damping factor rating would be about 300....McIntosh gets the decay factors loooong at 100....3000, for crispness, in my lows, is hopefully my route....guys, bear with me, this is probably my last system, haha......

.....edit....shoot, I'll build 12 more systems, and attend every one of ya's funeral....all the preachers will say nice things, but I'll be a'thinkin', over there lies a tin-eared Neanderthal hopefully at 12 foot with the lawyers.......
Mulester7, how do you like the Cinenova Grande 5 ?


Audioholic Samurai
tdeluce said:
Mulester7, how do you like the Cinenova Grande 5 ?
.....I like it very much, TDeluce, very much....amazingly clean and descriptive, with instant flow of current for instant lows that are full and clean....am using two channels right now to push the mini-barns at 4 ohms with the mains....what I'm getting is going to be hard to beat....am getting amazing definition from the subs, I mean to the bottom-most realism concussion....this 5 channel amp IS a 5 channel amp......


mulester7 said:
.....I like it very much, TDeluce, very much....amazingly clean and descriptive, with instant flow of current for instant lows that are full and clean....am using two channels right now to push the mini-barns at 4 ohms with the mains....what I'm getting is going to be hard to beat....am getting amazing definition from the subs, I mean to the bottom-most realism concussion....this 5 channel amp IS a 5 channel amp......
Congratulations! I am glad you are enjoying it...


mulester7 said:
.....I like it very much, TDeluce, very much....amazingly clean and descriptive, with instant flow of current for instant lows that are full and clean....am using two channels right now to push the mini-barns at 4 ohms with the mains....what I'm getting is going to be hard to beat....am getting amazing definition from the subs, I mean to the bottom-most realism concussion....this 5 channel amp IS a 5 channel amp......
By the way, did you ever find out what the damping factor is on the
Cinenova Grandes?

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