

Audioholic Ninja
He now knows it's not only his guys with the guns. And he knows what they're aiming at.

When's the next rally?
In fairness: this particular guy doesn't appear to have been politically motivated. He's the mass shooter looking for the biggest target and the Trump rally was only an hour's drive away.


Seriously, I have no life.
It's like the war on drugs. There is no fixing the issue as long as there is demand. As long as the source countries of illegal migrants remain in dire economic, governance and climatic straits, there will be demand. Building a higher and wider wall on the border is a band-aid.

Trump bemoans lack of immigrants from majority-white countries to the US | Donald Trump | The Guardian

The thing is, you can allow people in from those countries. There just isn't a big demand from them to immigrate to the US.

Don't get me wrong. I understand that refugees, asylum seekers and illegal immigration are a serious issue. But, you can't deport your way out of the problem. It's like trying to bail out a leaking boat. It's an issue in Canada, as well. The issue isn't quite as large here, simply because it's more difficult to get here.

Western Europe has the same problem. Russia is trying to make it worse.
Why Poland says Russia and Belarus are weaponizing migration to benefit Europe’s far-right | AP News
Finland proposes new law to stem migration from Russia | Reuters
Part of the demand equation- lots of people who become addicted never even intended to try some drugs, like Heroin, Fentanyl, Crack, Meth, PCP, etc. They go out or to a party, the drugs come out and pretty soon, peer pressure rears its ugly head. They try it, they decide they like it and they're hooked. Some (far too many) buy a bit of the stronger/more addictive drugs and without knowing how much to take, overdose. A lot of Heroin is spiked with Fentanyl and it takes very little to kill someone.

Do you think that all illegals are from Mexico or Central America? That's far from the truth- please look into it further. They're coming from all over and in the case of the Chinese from the mainland, there's no protocol for dealing with them. As of a couple of months ago, more illegal Mainland Chinese came in than all of last year.

Thanks for allowing us to let them in, but the fact is, the US has taken more illegals into the country than Canada's entire population. Why not let our country handle this and youpr country can handle your problems. Sorry that the US is one of yours, but if you want that to change, we'll need a better education system, better parents, better government and, well, I think you get the idea. FWIW- one party wants to let everyone in, the other doesn't, without them being checked out. It's not a blanket "No! get out!", we need to check them out.

I'm not sure it would be so difficult to enter- you have more uninhabited area than most countries and if it's so easy to enter the US, it should be easy to find a desolate area and cross into Canada. Come into AZ, head straight north and pass through three largely uninhabited states- piece of cake, right?

If you can explain why illegals weren't required to be vaccinated against COVID, I would love to hear that.

I have seen a lot of recent reports about the problems with several groups, not just Belarus and Russian illegals. And they didn't think it would be a problem.......


Seriously, I have no life.
There's no miracles if there's no god, and you know he's godless.

Putting your head down to sleep after getting it shot at has to rattle your cage.

He now knows it's not only his guys with the guns. And he knows what they're aiming at.

When's the next rally?
I can guarantee he's not sleeping on his right side- I cracked the cartilage in my left ear and it hurt like hell, for months.

Did you hear about the two cops that were looking out from a second floor window and left, to look for Crooks?


Seriously, I have no life.
The low was during the Obama administration. Then Trump spiked higher than at any point since Bush. 2022 did break that.

I wonder if congress refusing to pass immigration and border security laws over the last 4 years has anything to do with it.

That's not actually true. The left has remained willing to reach across the isle. The right has a stated obstructionist policy going back at least to Gingrich in the 1990s.
Congress sucks and their approval rating has been crap for a long time, but they're so freaking arrogant that they don't care.

The machine is broken and the repair people are on break or vacation.

Listen to Schumer and tell me the story about the Left being willing to reach across the aisle, Uncle Jerry!


Seriously, I have no life.
The murder rate was 0.00005 per capita in 1966
The murder rate is 0.00004 per capita in 2019 (Same source as before)
IN 1966, the US had a population of 193 million,in 2019, it was over 334 million, so your murder rate of .00005/capita equals 9650 and in 2019, 13,360. What's your point? Also, you might want to look at FBI stats- they show more homicides.

You wrote that kids are staying in school longer- where? As I posted, I write about this locally and if you were to come here, you would be appalled. Ever see someone working at a cash register and can't figure out how to make 40 cents change? I did. Came within 8 cents, but I still don't know how she came to the conclusion that I should get pennies. My guess- she was taught Common Core Math and lost track of the number of 'ones' I should get. I started using the Metric system in 1970, when I was in 7th grade. I would have thought they still attempt to teach it, but the guy at a bike shop seems to have been absent that day- I asked for a 1" bearing, having forgotten that the bike world uses Metric more than English/SAE. He came out and apologized, saying "I only have 25.4mm, I don't know what that is, in inches".

Language and skills no longer go together, math is out of the question, history? Not a chance.


Audioholic Warlord
In fairness: this particular guy doesn't appear to have been politically motivated. He's the mass shooter looking for the biggest target and the Trump rally was only an hour's drive away.
Begs why he went to the Trump rally if it was not politically motivated. I'd say it was political.


Audioholic Slumlord
In fairness: this particular guy doesn't appear to have been politically motivated. He's the mass shooter looking for the biggest target and the Trump rally was only an hour's drive away.
Hey Jerry, it's been too long!

I don't think motivation counts. If it was me, bullets would count. Bullets hitting me ... those would count more.

I think I wrote it on FB but the other day I was sort of counting my blessings in an admittedly modest life and almost as an afterthought I heard the words in my head, "at least nobody is shooting at me."

Do you think he'll ever be able to watch another Disney movie without shitt!ng his pants at the mention of Donald Duck?


Audioholic Warlord
Part of the demand equation- lots of people who become addicted never even intended to try some drugs, like Heroin, Fentanyl, Crack, Meth, PCP, etc. They go out or to a party, the drugs come out and pretty soon, peer pressure rears its ugly head. They try it, they decide they like it and they're hooked. Some (far too many) buy a bit of the stronger/more addictive drugs and without knowing how much to take, overdose. A lot of Heroin is spiked with Fentanyl and it takes very little to kill someone.
How people become addicted to drugs is not relevant to my point.
Do you think that all illegals are from Mexico or Central America? That's far from the truth- please look into it further. They're coming from all over and in the case of the Chinese from the mainland, there's no protocol for dealing with them. As of a couple of months ago, more illegal Mainland Chinese came in than all of last year.

Thanks for allowing us to let them in, but the fact is, the US has taken more illegals into the country than Canada's entire population. Why not let our country handle this and youpr country can handle your problems. Sorry that the US is one of yours, but if you want that to change, we'll need a better education system, better parents, better government and, well, I think you get the idea.
I realize they aren't all from Latin America, but that's the main source. The number of illegal immigrants in the US is actually about a quarter of Canada's population.
What we know about unauthorized immigrants living in the U.S. | Pew Research Center

I don't know how my post gave you the idea that I'm encouraging the US to let them in. What I'm saying is that as long as there is a strong demand to immigrate to the US, immigration policies will always be a step behind. Those are two completely different statements. I try to be unambiguous in my comments, so if I don't say something, don't assume that I'm insinuating it. And, I'm not judging US immigration policies, just making an observation.

The point is - AGAIN - stricter laws/enforcement will not solve the problem, as they haven't with the drug war. If you think dumping them back across the border will discourage others from coming...well, good luck with that. The problem has to be solved in the source countries, not in the US.

FWIW- one party wants to let everyone in, the other doesn't, without them being checked out. It's not a blanket "No! get out!", we need to check them out.
You know this is bull$hit.

I'm not sure it would be so difficult to enter- you have more uninhabited area than most countries and if it's so easy to enter the US, it should be easy to find a desolate area and cross into Canada. Come into AZ, head straight north and pass through three largely uninhabited states- piece of cake, right?
It's far more difficult to cross the Mexico-US border than the US-Canada border. In fact, it's not difficult at all to cross the border into Canada - from the enforcement standpoint. It's just that we don't share a land border with a large source of demand, which adds a degree of difficulty to getting here. Still, we have one of the highest immigration rates in the world and about 23% of our population was born in a different country. The number of illegal immigrants is estimated to be around 500,000. Nobody knows for sure because, well...they aren't easy to count. That's about half the number per capita compared with the US.

If you can explain why illegals weren't required to be vaccinated against COVID, I would love to hear that.
I don't know. Maybe it's because they they are there illegally, so how do you enforce it? If you can't explain it, why would you expect me to?
I have seen a lot of recent reports about the problems with several groups, not just Belarus and Russian illegals. And they didn't think it would be a problem.......
It's not so much Belarussian or Russian illegals that are crossing over into western Europe. Those two countries are bringing migrants from Africa, the Middle East and South Asia and trying to dump them across EU borders - for the express purpose of destabilizing western Europe.


Audioholic Spartan
...It's not so much Belarussian or Russian illegals that are crossing over into western Europe. Those two countries are bringing migrants from Africa, the Middle East and South Asia and trying to dump them across EU borders - for the express purpose of destabilizing western Europe.
Russia and Belarus do that, for sure, thus the response from some border countries. But from the beginning of the Russian full scale invasion of Ukraine there have been great concerns about agents slipping into Europe. In Sweden and Norway there are regular reports of "tourists" taking photos of military installations/sensitive places or using drones, for instance.


Audioholic Warlord
SCotUS decided that the state cannot enforce the constitution within their own state, even though the 14th charges the states with the same responsibilities.

SCotUS said "Allowing states to enforce Section 3 for federal candidates could result in a scenario in which “a single candidate would be declared ineligible in some States, but not others, based on the same conduct "

Now the GOP is mulling over suing in each state to try to get the states to disqualify Harris.

No hypocrisy is too hypocritical it seems. When it was a state removing Trump, states couldn't be allowed because sedition. When it's Harris because presumptive nominee dropped out, they want the states to act.
Republican legal action over Biden-Harris swap unlikely to go far (
I don't see how the GOP would even have standing to challenge it. If the individual states in question had an issue with it, wouldn't it be up to them?


Audioholic Spartan
If you can explain why illegals weren't required to be vaccinated against COVID, I would love to hear that.
Dude 1: "We got this new very contagious and deadly virus we don't know much about. Our health care system is on the very brink of collapse. We even have to put the dead in trucks as the morgue is filled up! Urgently needed medical care is halted with people dying because of that. What should we do?"

Dude 2: "Require illegal immigrants to take a COVID vaccine!"

Dude 1: "We don't have a vaccine yet, much less a proven and effective one."

Dude 2: "Require illegal immigrants to take a COVID vaccine!"

Dude 1: "That's not helpful! While we have some hope of new ways of making vaccines but for sure we aren't there yet."

Dude 2: "Require illegal immigrants to take a COVID vaccine!"

Dude 1: "Sigh"

Dude 2: "The great President Trump said that injection with bleach is a cure!"

Dude 1: ":rolleyes:"

...Some time passes...

Dude 1: "We don't have enough doses of the vaccines for the whole population. Shouldn't we prioritize those most vulnerable? Like the elderly and the sick?"

Dude 2: "Require illegal immigrants to take a COVID vaccine!"

Dude 1: "Don't you think the illegal immigrants would be afraid of being put into camps and deported?"

Dude 2: "So what? They're here illegally! It's their duty to take the vaccine to protect all of us! Not taking the vaccine just shows how criminal and illegal they are!"

Dude 1: "You mean that everyone should be required to take a vaccine, barring medical reasons not to?"

Dude 2: "What? Of course not!"
Last edited:


Audioholic Ninja
IN 1966, the US had a population of 193 million,in 2019, it was over 334 million, so your murder rate of .00005/capita equals 9650 and in 2019, 13,360. What's your point? Also, you might want to look at FBI stats- they show more homicides.
My point is that that the rate at which people commit homicides is down from 1966, not up as you claimed.

I'm sure you know that, as you are making a claim about people and society, it's the per-capita rate that matters.

And I thought you clarified that you were talking about Milwaukee. You seem to want to argue nationally when you think you are right and then hide behind "I meant local" when you aren't supported. I'm not going to try to force you into a national discussion if that's not what you meant to have (I didn't know you were specific to one city until you responded); but don't try to play both sides.

You wrote that kids are staying in school longer- where?
In the US

As I posted, I write about this locally and if you were to come here, you would be appalled. Ever see someone working at a cash register and can't figure out how to make 40 cents change? I did. Came within 8 cents, but I still don't know how she came to the conclusion that I should get pennies. My guess- she was taught Common Core Math and lost track of the number of 'ones' I should get. I started using the Metric system in 1970, when I was in 7th grade. I would have thought they still attempt to teach it, but the guy at a bike shop seems to have been absent that day- I asked for a 1" bearing, having forgotten that the bike world uses Metric more than English/SAE. He came out and apologized, saying "I only have 25.4mm, I don't know what that is, in inches".
So in 1966 your age was in single digits and you really have no idea how well people made $0.40 change. I'd imagine that their skills with an iPhone were worse still.

People largely couldn't convert metric to inches in their head in 1966 and still can't today.

Language and skills no longer go together, math is out of the question, history? Not a chance.
You don't seem to have data to support your position.


Audioholic Ninja
Republican legal action over Biden-Harris swap unlikely to go far (
I don't see how the GOP would even have standing to challenge it. If the individual states in question had an issue with it, wouldn't it be up to them?
And I don't see how the president would be immune to the law.
I don't see how special councils, in use since 1875 would be illegal.
I don't see how the agencies empowered by congress to create regulation (such as OSHA) wouldn't be deferred to when it comes to creating regulation.

But we have two rulings and an opinion from SCotUS that say it's so.

Besides: all the GOP needs is one single person who claims to have voted in a democratic primary.


Audioholic Ninja
In fairness: this particular guy doesn't appear to have been politically motivated. He's the mass shooter looking for the biggest target and the Trump rally was only an hour's drive away.
Begs why he went to the Trump rally if it was not politically motivated. I'd say it was political.
Because it was a big target only an hour's drive away.

The FBI asserts it's not politically motivated; but if you, lacking any of the data they are working from, are simply incredulous because reasons....


Audioholic Ninja
Hey Jerry, it's been too long!

I don't think motivation counts. If it was me, bullets would count. Bullets hitting me ... those would count more.

I think I wrote it on FB but the other day I was sort of counting my blessings in an admittedly modest life and almost as an afterthought I heard the words in my head, "at least nobody is shooting at me."

Do you think he'll ever be able to watch another Disney movie without shitt!ng his pants at the mention of Donald Duck?
Hey back :)

When I'm getting shot at I likely am less concerned about motivation than I am aim. On a bigger scale it absolutely matters (because it speaks to the ways to prevent the next one).

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