hey rmk, after briefly mulling over your latest photo, methinks that a false wall + AT auto masking system would be awesome. Expensive on one hand for the auto masking, but I think you might actually be done for a long while!!
The problem is how big the screen needs to be. Because the bar on the bottom of screen, or anything that is not AT, that falls in the way of any drivers is no good, obviously.
So, if its AT, its going to fall
below the entire center speaker, but most likely fit in between the mains. If the full screen falls flush to the top of the center speaker, you don't even need AT, which has its own benefits I suppose.
I've never owned a flat panel, but if the plasma didn't have to be quite as recessed, IOW pulled out a bit, I think it can look pretty good in some "shadow-box/false wall" scenario.
Whaddya think?
Ok, after second look, I say AT that falls beneath the center speaker. For if you have auto masking, you can basically have any darn size, for any AR, at any damn time you please. Therefore, might as well have giganormous-mode available at any time you wish.
Basically a screen big enough, mounted just low enough, where it can simultaneously fall beneath entire center, but stay between mains.
I admit I am talking above my head.

But I like my idea.