Great question, simple and straight to the point!
Here's the answer, from Krell's website:
About – Krell (
"..................Every Krell component upholds this mantle by incorporating uniquely proprietary technologies—
the direct results of Krell’s R&D prowess. Krell’s discoveries in audio amplification continue to deliver unprecedented linearity, control and accuracy—which can only come from superior current capability. The resulting sound is lively and unconstrained,
in a manner evocative of live performances and the true sounds of instruments—including the human voice..............."
If we can believe them, the answer is therefore "NO", they should just amplify the signal without distorting it for a "unique sound".
Those who look for some sort of unique sound should probably try the likes of Hegel (cheaper), Marantz (Vintage ones), D' Agostino (more expensive) amps.