Latest Reputation Received

no. 5

no. 5

Audioholic Field Marshall
darien87 said:
Come on, you can admit it. You know you wanna live in the land of hot, sun-tanned women, killer beaches, and the best food in the country. There's a reason why it's so damn expensive to live here. :D
funny, your red chicklet says "darien87 should probably be ignored" :D

(just joking around darien :) )


Audioholic Warlord
no. 5 said:
funny, your red chicklet says "darien87 should probably be ignored" :D

(just joking around darien :) )
Whats better is he tried to hand me a red, just to have it turned into a grey.

no. 5

no. 5

Audioholic Field Marshall
Sheep said:
Whats better is he tried to hand me a red, just to have it turned into a grey.
Sheep, you'r a Medusa to red chicklets. :D


Audioholic Spartan
Sheep said:
Whats better is he tried to hand me a red, just to have it turned into a grey.

This has gotten COMPLETELY stupid. I only have a bad rating because I said I didn't care about this online rep crap and SOMEBODY, (probably Sheep), decided to be an *** and gave me -36 for the hell of it. The message says, "just testing your ego, lol". Way to go smartass.

Look. I just come here every once in a while to get some information for my home theater. Up until now, it was all good. But hey, if you guys wanna be schmucks and pizz on people that come in your sandbox, by all means, go ahead.

By the way Sheep. It wasn't me that gave you negative rep, (though you probably deserved it). That's pretty childish and petty. I don't have time for that crap. So go throw your stupid accusations somewhere else. What's better is that you feel the need to throw your "online weight" around like an over-the-hill jackass that buys a Porsche and combs his hair over his bald spot to try and compensate for his inadequacies. "He tried to give me negative rep, but I'm so big and bad that it didn't stick. I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you." Grow up Sheep.
Last edited:


Audioholic Spartan
Matt34 said:
Nope, I like my guns, modified cars and SF made it clear they don't care for the military.
Let's not get political here. I know plenty of people with guns, I was in the Army, and my Mustang is FAR from stock. Try not to make such sweeping generalizations.


Audioholic Spartan
Best food in the country???
That's what I said. We've got some of the best local produce you'll find ANYWHERE. And I'll put up some of the restaurants in SF and LA up against any in the world. Ever hear of The French Laundry? Easily one of the best restaurants in the nation. Look that one up. Right here in Yountville.


Audioholic Warlord
darien87 said:
This has gotten COMPLETELY stupid. I only have a bad rating because I said I didn't care about this online rep crap and SOMEBODY, (probably Sheep), decided to be an *** and gave me -36 for the hell of it. The message says, "just testing your ego, lol". Way to go smartass.

Look. I just come here every once in a while to get some information for my home theater. Up until now, it was all good. But hey, if you guys wanna be schmucks and pizz on people that come in your sandbox, by all means, go ahead.

By the way Sheep. It wasn't me that gave you negative rep, (though you probably deserved it). That's pretty childish and petty. I don't have time for that crap. So go throw your stupid accusations somewhere else. What's better is that you feel the need to throw your "online weight" around like an over-the-hill jackass that buys a Porsche and combs his hair over his bald spot to try and compensate for his inadequacies. "He tried to give me negative rep, but I'm so big and bad that it didn't stick. I'm rubber, you're glue, whatever you say bounces off me and sticks to you." Grow up Sheep.

This has been explained, but I guess you didn't get it. ONLY ADMINS OR MODERATORS CAN GIVE LARGE NEGATIVE POINTS. Thusly, IT WAS AN ADMIN/MODERATOR.

Now I have a message in my rep box saying...

"I guess no one's going to listen to me now. Someone gave me -36 just to be a smart ***. Oh well. - Darien"

And it's grey. Hm, wonder what that was?



Audioholic Spartan
Sheep said:

This has been explained, but I guess you didn't get it. ONLY ADMINS OR MODERATORS CAN GIVE LARGE NEGATIVE POINTS. Thusly, IT WAS AN ADMIN/MODERATOR.

Now I have a message in my rep box saying...

"I guess no one's going to listen to me now. Someone gave me -36 just to be a smart ***. Oh well. - Darien"

And it's grey. Hm, wonder what that was?

As I explained in my PM to you Sheep, I was trying to send a message to Ronnie1.8. I definitely wasn't trying to give him negative rep. I don't even know how the damn system works. So if I gave you negative rep, it was a mistake.


Look. This has gotten completely out of hand. I think online rep is stupid. But I guess I took it personal when someone decided to jack with my rating for no reason. So I'll extend an olive branch and apologize to anyone I may have offended, (Sheep, Matt34, Strongbadf1).

I come to this site to get information. Once in a while I may chime in if I think I have some knowledge to impart, or can help someone out. No, I'm not any kind of audio expert. I'm just a guy that tries to stay somewhat well-informed and has an opinion. If everyone wants to ignore me because ONE person decided to thrash my rating, so be it. No skin off my nose. I don't know any of you guys anyway.
Tom Andry

Tom Andry

Speaker of the House
Best thread ever! It's already degenerated to name calling and finger pointing. Pretty soon it'll turn into conspiracy theories. All the while the majority of the admins that have been at CES all week and haven't had the time or inclination to follow this juvenile crap get blamed. I don't know about Gene or Clint but every time I sat still for more than 60 seconds I fell asleep so I wasn't in any state to be handing out copious amount of negative rep just to add fuel to this argument. Feel free to continue the discussion. Blame OPRA, I do.


Audioholic Spartan
Tom Andry said:
Best thread ever! It's already degenerated to name calling and finger pointing. Pretty soon it'll turn into conspiracy theories. All the while the majority of the admins that have been at CES all week and haven't had the time or inclination to follow this juvenile crap get blamed. I don't know about Gene or Clint but every time I sat still for more than 60 seconds I fell asleep so I wasn't in any state to be handing out copious amount of negative rep just to add fuel to this argument. Feel free to continue the discussion. Blame OPRA, I do.

Pretty damn stupid isn't it? Whatever, I'm done with this crap. It's too damn late and I've got Kenjutsu class in the morning. By the way. it's OPRAH, Tom. Uh-oh, I feel more negative rep coming my way. How much negative rep does it take to get kicked off the site?

p.s. ONLINE REP SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Audioholic Warlord
darien87 said:
As I explained in my PM to you Sheep, I was trying to send a message to Ronnie1.8. I definitely wasn't trying to give him negative rep. I don't even know how the damn system works. So if I gave you negative rep, it was a mistake.


Look. This has gotten completely out of hand. I think online rep is stupid. But I guess I took it personal when someone decided to jack with my rating for no reason. So I'll extend an olive branch and apologize to anyone I may have offended, (Sheep, Matt34, Strongbadf1).

I come to this site to get information. Once in a while I may chime in if I think I have some knowledge to impart, or can help someone out. No, I'm not any kind of audio expert. I'm just a guy that tries to stay somewhat well-informed and has an opinion. If everyone wants to ignore me because ONE person decided to thrash my rating, so be it. No skin off my nose. I don't know any of you guys anyway.
Agreed. Some on the Mods are shallow in these regards, screwing with people based on personal crap.

The rep system is stupid because it is never used in the way it was intended, and good people get bad rep simply because someone has a personal beef with them.



Audioholic Overlord
Tom Andry said:
Best thread ever! It's already degenerated to name calling and finger pointing. Pretty soon it'll turn into conspiracy theories. All the while the majority of the admins that have been at CES all week and haven't had the time or inclination to follow this juvenile crap get blamed. I don't know about Gene or Clint but every time I sat still for more than 60 seconds I fell asleep so I wasn't in any state to be handing out copious amount of negative rep just to add fuel to this argument. Feel free to continue the discussion. Blame OPRA, I do.
I will do what my friend does..... I blame Lowes.


Audioholic General
I don't blame Lowes, I blame your mom. :D :D :D

I blame everything on the Advocates for Automotive Highway Safety Racing Department.


Audioholic Overlord
yettitheman said:
I don't blame Lowes, I blame your mom. :D :D :D

I blame everything on the Advocates for Automotive Highway Safety Racing Department.
That is oxymoronic, and you are a moron.:D

Since we are name calling, if figured why not just go crazy.


Audioholic General
oxymoronic.... you damn palindromed excuse for a monkey! :D


your grandma. :D


Audioholic Overlord
yettitheman said:
oxymoronic.... you damn palindromed excuse for a monkey! :D


your grandma. :D
What you think that you are my only friend, you are delusional. I was speaking of Ian. He blaims Lowes and sometimes he points at some random guy and blaims them.:D

The Oxymoron was the Safety and then Racing in the same title.


Audioholic General
Ian. I make laughs too. :D
boomhickerery doop da doo....

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