Living close to Philly (Philadelphia, PA for those who don't speak the lingo) I get kind of tired of the "North easterners are rude" comments. I speak to people all over the country everyday and we are no more rude than any other area. It's all in the presentation. We are more blunt/abrupt but no more rude.
We all know the dangers of stereo types. My wife and I go to great lenths to raise my son to always be polite and say "please" and "Thank you" and are still lumped into a stereo type of rude northeasterners.
I really do think that the blunt presentation is the root. Please understand it is not usually meant to be rude.
Thank you for the comment "I'm sure there's a lot of great people over there" because there is, as well as all over the country.

(even in California)
Thank you for the opportunity to "vent" one of my pet peeves,
p.s. the "rudest" company I deal with is in a suburb of Portland, OR. (that doesnt make the north west rude does it???)