Let's be accurate, Sheep. If by "way off" you mean I provided inaccurate info, I disagree. If by "way off" you mean I challenged an Admin, you are correct. Well, to be accurate, I challenged a forum member who happened to be an Admin. I did not seek an Admin to challenge. I would have challenged anyone who provided that particular answer, Admin or not. Likewise, should I not challenge any figure of authority because they are a figure of authority?
I mean no disrespect to ANYONE here (only expressing my thoughts), but this IS a forum, where folks come for AV assistance/help. I have come asking for assistance, and I have given assistance. It absolutely drives me crazy to ask (or to see someone ask a question), and receive suggestions on how to find the answer themselves. I am posting a question in a forum. That means I want an answer, not advice on how to find the answer. How many of us reading this post, advise the asker of a question to find the answer themselves? Not many, I believe. If someone asks me a question on a subject (AV or other), for which I know the answer, ESPECIALLY in a forum, I am going to provide an answer to the question, not give them hints on how to find the answer themselves. What about the hundreds of folks reading that string that really wanted that answer, but instead received advice on how to find it, and didn't have the necessary hardware to find the answer?
Anyone can respond all they want about, "Yeah, but that was an Admin". I'll stick w/ my argument, there
should be nothing wrong with challenging an Admin, as long as it is respectful - and
not personal. My comment was/is impersonal.
By the way, I'm still waaaay negative.