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So what this can actually lead to is a mutated kind of "forum virus"?
Resident Loser

Resident Loser

Senior Audioholic

...know who you are...Thank you...

jimHJJ( and all...)

ronnie 1.8

Sheep said:
The Negative came in a thread about the Denon Link.

While -40 maybe a bit much, he was way off with his statements.

Let's be accurate, Sheep. If by "way off" you mean I provided inaccurate info, I disagree. If by "way off" you mean I challenged an Admin, you are correct. Well, to be accurate, I challenged a forum member who happened to be an Admin. I did not seek an Admin to challenge. I would have challenged anyone who provided that particular answer, Admin or not. Likewise, should I not challenge any figure of authority because they are a figure of authority?

I mean no disrespect to ANYONE here (only expressing my thoughts), but this IS a forum, where folks come for AV assistance/help. I have come asking for assistance, and I have given assistance. It absolutely drives me crazy to ask (or to see someone ask a question), and receive suggestions on how to find the answer themselves. I am posting a question in a forum. That means I want an answer, not advice on how to find the answer. How many of us reading this post, advise the asker of a question to find the answer themselves? Not many, I believe. If someone asks me a question on a subject (AV or other), for which I know the answer, ESPECIALLY in a forum, I am going to provide an answer to the question, not give them hints on how to find the answer themselves. What about the hundreds of folks reading that string that really wanted that answer, but instead received advice on how to find it, and didn't have the necessary hardware to find the answer?

Anyone can respond all they want about, "Yeah, but that was an Admin". I'll stick w/ my argument, there should be nothing wrong with challenging an Admin, as long as it is respectful - and not personal. My comment was/is impersonal.

By the way, I'm still waaaay negative. :)
Resident Loser

Resident Loser

Senior Audioholic

ronnie 1.8 said:
Let's be accurate, Sheep. If by "way off" you mean I provided inaccurate info, I cetera...
...I agree, partially...where we diverge is the providing info stuff...

Like the old saying goes, give a man a fish and he has dinner...teach a man to fish and he'll never be hungry...or sumphin' like that.

There are some people who have never looked at the owners manual...

There are some people who couldn't be bothered doin' a Google...and I'm sorry, if you have the hardware to access this site...yada, yada, yada...

There are some people who don't seem to have the common sense required to work things out on their own, yet they'll spend thousands on gear with zipp homework or forethought...

There are some people who come here expecting us boobs to answer any question they might come up with...

There are some people who ask questions and then argue with and insult those who have taken the time to (a) visit a mnfrs. website, (b) download a .pdf and (c) read the owner's manual searching for info pertinent to the situation at hand...

We do what we can as a one gets squat for trying to help...but, there's some stuff that's so basic, as a noob I'd be ashamed to post it...

jimHJJ(...but that's just me...)


Audioholic Overlord
ditto cubed

I don't think anyone here has a problem answering a valid question but sometimes it sure seems that some people feel it's easier to post a question on a forum and wait for everything to be spoon fed to them rather than make the effort to read the manuals and try to figure it out for oneself.

i.e: "I just bought a 7.1 system. How do I connect it all together for the best sound and video?"

ronnie 1.8

Resident Loser said:
...I agree, partially...where we diverge is the providing info stuff...

Like the old saying goes, give a man a fish and he has dinner...teach a man to fish and he'll never be hungry...or sumphin' like that.

There are some people who have never looked at the owners manual...

There are some people who couldn't be bothered doin' a Google...and I'm sorry, if you have the hardware to access this site...yada, yada, yada...

There are some people who don't seem to have the common sense required to work things out on their own, yet they'll spend thousands on gear with zipp homework or forethought...

There are some people who come here expecting us boobs to answer any question they might come up with...

There are some people who ask questions and then argue with and insult those who have taken the time to (a) visit a mnfrs. website, (b) download a .pdf and (c) read the owner's manual searching for info pertinent to the situation at hand...

We do what we can as a one gets squat for trying to help...but, there's some stuff that's so basic, as a noob I'd be ashamed to post it...

jimHJJ(...but that's just me...)
I understand this point, and agree with it (MarkW's example is perfect). I clearly am one who performs his own research, 180 degrees from your description, and yet the answer to my question was advice on how to find the answser myself. And this from an authority who probably knew the answer, in detail, off the top of his head, without requiring additional research (I'm assuming that). Focus on one shot at a time, one shot at a time...) :) :)
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Resident Loser

Resident Loser

Senior Audioholic
Just lookee... most of the rest of your post:

ronnie 1.8 said:
...but this IS a forum, where folks come for AV assistance/help...It absolutely drives me crazy to ask (or to see someone ask a question), and receive suggestions on how to find the answer themselves. I am posting a question in a forum. That means I want an answer, not advice on how to find the answer. How many of us reading this post, advise the asker of a question to find the answer themselves? Not many, I believe. If someone asks me a question on a subject (AV or other), for which I know the answer, ESPECIALLY in a forum, I am going to provide an answer to the question, not give them hints on how to find the answer themselves. What about the hundreds of folks reading that string that really wanted that answer, but instead received advice on how to find it, and didn't have the necessary hardware to find the answer?
You posted the above captioned quote and I answered it...even agreeing with your opening comments...Where is there even the slightest inference in my response that it was directed at you personally? Although I must admit your response (a guilty conscience perhaps?) has piqued my interest in your prior missives...You had a complaint re: the handling of some (generic) posts...and now say the response received has "...has no place in this particular point of discussion..."??? Some others would seem to disagree.

Under the best of circumstances some posts take on a life of their own and veer way, way off-topic...this has not been one of them...

Judging by the way this thread seems to be going, you may have shot yourself in the foot and are now in the process of reloading...

jimHJJ( chicklets you say?...)

ronnie 1.8

Resident Loser said: most of the rest of your post:

You posted the above captioned quote and I answered it...even agreeing with your opening comments...Where is there even the slightest inference in my response that it was directed at you personally? Although I must admit your response (a guilty conscience perhaps?) has piqued my interest in your prior missives...You had a complaint re: the handling of some (generic) posts...and now say the response received has "...has no place in this particular point of discussion..."??? Some others would seem to disagree.

Under the best of circumstances some posts take on a life of their own and veer way, way off-topic...this has not been one of them...

Judging by the way this thread seems to be going, you may have shot yourself in the foot and are now in the process of reloading...

jimHJJ( chicklets you say?...)
The implication that your response was directed at me personally lay in the fact that you quoted my post in your response. However, my purpose in this forum is not to debate such things. If your response was not directed at me, I take your word for it, and will look forward :). Yep, still red chicklets, and no guilty conscience.
Resident Loser

Resident Loser

Senior Audioholic
And whose post...

ronnie 1.8 said:
The implication that your response was directed at me personally lay in the fact that you quoted my post in your response. However, my purpose in this forum is not to debate such things. If your response was not directed at me, I take your word for it, and will look forward :). Yep, still red chicklets, and no guilty conscience.
...would you deem proper to be quoted when addressing a subject that you and only you brought up...Adlai Stevenson?

jimHJJ(...and you are puzzled at getting red chicklets?...)

ronnie 1.8

You've said your comment was not personal, and I accept that. Can we move on? No more shots? No, I am not puzzled at the red chickets. I disagree w/ them, but am not puzzled.

My original point remains. If one takes the time and effort to find the answer themselves to a difficult question, and cannot find it, they should receive the answer to that question on the forum - not advice on how to find that question. I am not at all referring to folks that spend no effort themselves, yet want answers handed to them, and in addition, sometimes argue the given responses. I do believe they should be given guidance to find the answer themselves - they can learn a bit while they're at it.
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Audioholic Spartan
Geez. All of a sudden I've got -36. :rolleyes: Guess I should have kept my mouth shut.

Excuse me while I retire to the corner to put on my dunce cap and cry my eyes out.

Hey Ronnie,
Maybe it's a Bay Area thing. I'm in San Jose. You know how jealous people are of California. ;)


darien87 said:
Hey Ronnie,
You know how jealous people are of California. ;)

Ladies and gentlemen, we have a comedian in the house!


Audioholic Warlord
ronnie 1.8 said:
Let's be accurate, Sheep. If by "way off" you mean I provided inaccurate info, I disagree. If by "way off" you mean I challenged an Admin, you are correct. Well, to be accurate, I challenged a forum member who happened to be an Admin. I did not seek an Admin to challenge. I would have challenged anyone who provided that particular answer, Admin or not. Likewise, should I not challenge any figure of authority because they are a figure of authority?

I mean no disrespect to ANYONE here (only expressing my thoughts), but this IS a forum, where folks come for AV assistance/help. I have come asking for assistance, and I have given assistance. It absolutely drives me crazy to ask (or to see someone ask a question), and receive suggestions on how to find the answer themselves. I am posting a question in a forum. That means I want an answer, not advice on how to find the answer. How many of us reading this post, advise the asker of a question to find the answer themselves? Not many, I believe. If someone asks me a question on a subject (AV or other), for which I know the answer, ESPECIALLY in a forum, I am going to provide an answer to the question, not give them hints on how to find the answer themselves. What about the hundreds of folks reading that string that really wanted that answer, but instead received advice on how to find it, and didn't have the necessary hardware to find the answer?

Anyone can respond all they want about, "Yeah, but that was an Admin". I'll stick w/ my argument, there should be nothing wrong with challenging an Admin, as long as it is respectful - and not personal. My comment was/is impersonal.

By the way, I'm still waaaay negative. :)
Part of being on a forum is speaking, and reading. Most of the time, there is more reading going on then speaking. If you're goiong to say something, be prepared for someone to disagree, or be offended. I took the time to put a warning in my signature.

If you're going to give advice, or post "experiences" you better be on the ball. This rep system is not based on who is nicer, it's based on who is right. What you were saying about the DACs is, IMO, bull. You didn't test them in controlled environments, nor did you have measurements. You basically bashed a company and their product, all on biased information.

I'm sorry, but I disagree with what you said, and think that your negative points were earned.

Resident Loser,

Well put.

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Audioholic Spartan
Matt34 said:
Ladies and gentlemen, we have a comedian in the house!
Don't forget to tip your waitresses. I'll be here all week.

Come on, you can admit it. You know you wanna live in the land of hot, sun-tanned women, killer beaches, and the best food in the country. There's a reason why it's so damn expensive to live here. :D

ronnie 1.8

Sheep said:
Part of being on a forum is speaking, and reading. Most of the time, there is more reading going on then speaking. If you're goiong to say something, be prepared for someone to disagree, or be offended. I took the time to put a warning in my signature.

If you're going to give advice, or post "experiences" you better be on the ball. This rep system is not based on who is nicer, it's based on who is right. What you were saying about the DACs is, IMO, bull. You didn't test them in controlled environments, nor did you have measurements. You basically bashed a company and their product, all on biased information.

I'm sorry, but I disagree with what you said, and think that your negative points were earned.

Resident Loser,

Well put.

Why must one be "on the ball" when participating in an AV forum? Are we going to battle? I am of the belief this is a learning environment. It’s because of angry folks like you that take pride in their ability to harrass genuine and well-intentioned members. A member's experience, honestly and accurately shared is by no measure "bull". "Bull" implies an intent to mislead. The purpose of this forum is for folks that are linked by a common interest to learn - not to be concerned that eveything they say must be tested, verfied, checked and confirmed, else be pounced on with a sarcastic tongue! Give your fellow audioholics the benefit of the doubt - we're all trying to be helpful. This is not a forum of debate (those do exist – perhaps you'd be more comfortable in that atmosphere). I've had my system for just over a year, and AV is one of my two passions. I’m here to learn of my passion, and I genuinely hope others can learn from my experiences. If my experience did not consist of "testing in a controlled environment", I’m sure folks in this forum are smart enough to recognize that forums consist primarily of "IMO". I’ve no doubt you've shared many valuable comments in your thousands of posts, but this last post won't be mistaken as one of them!


darien87 said:
Don't forget to tip your waitresses. I'll be here all week.

Come on, you can admit it. You know you wanna live in the land of hot, sun-tanned women, killer beaches, and the best food in the country. There's a reason why it's so damn expensive to live here. :D
Nope, I like my guns, modified cars and SF made it clear they don't care for the military.


Audioholic Warlord
ronnie 1.8 said:
Why must one be "on the ball" when participating in an AV forum? Are we going to battle? I am of the belief this is a learning environment. It’s because of angry folks like you that take pride in their ability to harrass genuine and well-intentioned members. A member's experience, honestly and accurately shared is by no measure "bull". "Bull" implies an intent to mislead. The purpose of this forum is for folks that are linked by a common interest to learn - not to be concerned that eveything they say must be tested, verfied, checked and confirmed, else be pounced on with a sarcastic tongue! Give your fellow audioholics the benefit of the doubt - we're all trying to be helpful. This is not a forum of debate (those do exist – perhaps you'd be more comfortable in that atmosphere). I've had my system for just over a year, and AV is one of my two passions. I’m here to learn of my passion, and I genuinely hope others can learn from my experiences. If my experience did not consist of "testing in a controlled environment", I’m sure folks in this forum are smart enough to recognize that forums consist primarily of "IMO". I’ve no doubt you've shared many valuable comments in your thousands of posts, but this last post won't be mistaken as one of them!
I said, be prepared for people to dislike and/or disagree with what you say. Debate is a key part of every forum. If you don't like it, maybe YOU should go somewhere else. I've been here for a year and a half or so, and Debate is pretty much the backbone. When was the last time you saw a thread where one person posted an idea, and every following post was exactly the same? Unless it's something simple like, DAC's, it won't happen often.

If you're not on the ball, and constantly give out bad advice, you're going to get reds, bringing this FULL circle to why you received red chicklets in the first place.



Audioholic Spartan
darien87 said:
Don't forget to tip your waitresses. I'll be here all week.

Come on, you can admit it. You know you wanna live in the land of hot, sun-tanned women, killer beaches, and the best food in the country. There's a reason why it's so damn expensive to live here. :D

Best food in the country???

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