Incongruous media coverage of Rittenhouse vs actual testimony

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Audioholic Warlord
To reach the acquittal they must have had to take away all weapons charges. Otherwise a not guilty verdict with some type of weapons misdemeanor is a little confusing albeit still acting in self-defense. Still there's the image on Drudge of acquitted with him hold an AK like he's a soldier LOL.
I may be overthinking that. They had to take all weapons charges off the table to reach the acquittal.


Audioholic Overlord
The dismissal of the weapons charges is a complete travesty, imo.


Audioholic Spartan
This wasn't a protest or demonstration. This was bedlam, anarchy, chaos that was going on. Tell you what I'll purchase you a plane ticket and plop you down in the middle of the next 'demonstration'.
More guns are needed, obviously. :rolleyes:


Seriously, I have no life.
The lesson is that it's fine to bring an assault rifle to demonstrations, so the BLM movement should take notice and come armed to the teeth when protesting.
You really think that was a 'demonstration'? Do demonstrations in your country usually include firebombs, looting, other methods of arson and destruction of private/public property? Here, we call that a 'riot', not a protest or demonstration.

OK, now you're trying to incite violence. If "BLM shows up armed to the teeth", it's gonna be SHTF time.

Who said it was OK to show up with a rifle? Trust me, your belief that all of the GOP/Republicans/anyone else thinks this is OK is wrong. Far too many do, but they're wrong, too. The people in the streets weren't standing up to the government in an armed conflict, they were protesting the shooting of someone who wasn't supposed to be where the incident occurred, took his ex's keys and was going to leave with her vehicle and her kids were still inside of the van. He resisted the police and he has admitted that he went back to the vehicle to get his knife, which would have likely made it a deadly shooting, rather than his being wounded. But everyone knows he didn't do anything wrong, right? He should have complied, same as so many others who fought with the police, shot at, drove aggressively toward or ran/drove away from. His criminal record isn't so extensive that it would have resulted in much more than being charged with violating a TRO (Temporary Restraining Order).

To be fair, the cop is an idiot and not too long after, he left his service weapon in the glove box of his girlfriend's car, and it was stolen. That's a good example of an irresponsible cop and he should have been suspended, at the very least.

I'm still amazed and pissed off that the weapons charge was dropped. From the link, "Wisconsin state law clearly states that lawful gun owners can “generally open carry without a permit” as long as the person wielding the “dangerous weapon” is 18 or older. However, Rittenhouse’s defense attorney is arguing that his client was protected under a different “vague state law” that allows younger children to carry rifles for hunting. "

He wasn't hunting, so he was carrying illegally, yet the defense was able to get the charges dropped. That's inconceivable. The article further shows "Some advocates have argued that Rittenhouse relinquished his right to self-defense by committing the crime of having carried a firearm while being under the age of 18."

I agree with that argument. A minor can carry this kind of gun if they're hunting, but not in the streets and there was absolutely no reason for him to go in the first place, never mind his saying that he was asked to protect a business. Why the F would anyone ask a 17 year old idiot to protect their business? Even if I owned a business, there's no way I would have my 17 year old kid go there for ANY reason, especially armed.



Seriously, I have no life.
More guns are needed, obviously. :rolleyes:
Hardly. The only things needed are: better decisions made by people who are being detained or arrested, fewer people raising violent kids and cooler heads. The only thing that likely makes Grosskruetz not guilty of a weapons charge is the possibility that he was openly carrying because his concealed carry permit had expired. Why he felt the need to approach someone with a rifle is beyond me- the whole point of guns is to be able to hit a target from a distance and if HE had fired at Rittenhouse or anyone else, his death would definitely be justified. For that matter, someone could have shot Rittenhouse and it would have been justified because he was a risk to their safety, or that of someone other than the person who might have shot him.


I would be willing to guarantee that if KR was black and this happened, the outcome would have been completely different, if not disastrous.
Of course, that what the whole BLM movement is about.
I 100% disagree if referring to to the acquittals.


I'm still amazed and pissed off that the weapons charge was dropped. From the link, "Wisconsin state law clearly states that lawful gun owners can “generally open carry without a permit” as long as the person wielding the “dangerous weapon” is 18 or older. However, Rittenhouse’s defense attorney is arguing that his client was protected under a different “vague state law” that allows younger children to carry rifles for hunting. "

He wasn't hunting, so he was carrying illegally, yet the defense was able to get the charges dropped. That's inconceivable. The article further shows "Some advocates have argued that Rittenhouse relinquished his right to self-defense by committing the crime of having carried a firearm while being under the age of 18."
I agree. While based on the evidence I think he was justified in the homicides I was hoping some other charge would stick to keep that idiot from ever owning a firearm again.

This wasn't survival of the fittest. It was survival of the least idiotic.


"Some advocates have argued that Rittenhouse relinquished his right to self-defense by committing the crime of having carried a firearm while being under the age of 18."
That doesn't hold water for obvious reasons. If you're a minor and being chased and you are cornered in an alley and you fall down and see a gun, pick it up, and defend yourself with it...

You never, regardless of age, lose any right of self preservation.


Audioholic Spartan
The lesson is that it's fine to bring an assault rifle to demonstrations, so the BLM movement should take notice and come armed to the teeth when protesting.
The lesson was rioters already were. They're were plenty armed that night. On both sides.

The lesson is what reason did the town and those small business owners do to deserve having they're community and businesses they're very livelihood destroyed?

The lesson is why did the governor and the local authorities allow them to riot which is not only breaking the law but doing enormous damage to a community?

What are people supposed to do just stand by and watch a bunch of criminals many of whom traveled across state lines burn they're town and livelihoods to the ground? The rioters out past the curfew were just there to watch the world burn

The lesson is If these rioters had any balls they'd be taking on the police. I mean that's who they have a problem with right? is the police and local government. That's whose sponsoring state endorsed racism if you look at the statistics. Why not burn the police station down? Don't want that kind off smoke? So you target innocent civilian targets in the community? Pathetic and cowardly

The governments first responsibility is law and order public safety for ALL citizens They could have allowed the protests they are our constitutional right after all and then shut down the rioting hard with the police and national guard as rioting is not a constitutional right

But no they stand down and allow it to happen for politically motivated reasons and left innocent civilians to fend for themselves

It's common sense really. If you bail out rioters don't prosecute them and don't enforce public safety then eventually average citizens will get fed up and take the law into there own hands.

I'm praying that justice is carried out in the Arbery case. That's a 12 person jury with 11 whites and 1 black. The public opinion and I agree is those 3 hunted him down in cold blood. I don't even want to think about what could happen if those 3 walk. Talk about rioting? That will make what happened in Kenosha look like a picnic. Especially if the government won't enforce law and order. It will be a total cluster.


Audioholic Spartan
I would be willing to guarantee that if KR was black and this happened, the outcome would have been completely different, if not disastrous.
Of course, that what the whole BLM movement is about.
There are plenty of cases that refute what your saying. A black kid in Texas shot another kid in school just recently he was allowed out on bond and even was allowed to leave the scene and turn himself in.

A similar situation where a black man did exactly what Kyle did was protecting his community in a riot was forced to defend himself and even had to fire on police that responded. All charges were dropped against this man.

Despite what some like to advocate a lot of progress has been made we have got to continue to improve but it's not always as simple as what your implying and that's because progress has been made
Replicant 7

Replicant 7

Audioholic Samurai
This wasn't a protest or demonstration. This was bedlam, anarchy, chaos that was going on. Tell you what I'll purchase you a plane ticket and plop you down in the middle of the next 'demonstration'.
You seen what's going on in Chicago? They're Mobbed up looting right now!


Junior Audioholic
He said he went there to protect businesses and give medical aid- who the hell asked a 17 year old to do that and why did he think he could legally carry a rifle, at 17 years of age?

Bottom line- if he hadn't been there, this wouldn't have happened. If the DA can't prove the charges beyond a reasonable doubt, and it looks like he didn't (unless the jury just wants to pin it on him), he should still be charged with something, maybe voluntary manslaughter-

I’m proud of him for going out to protect the community!! Maybe if the majority would go out and take care of this nationwide big city problem we wouldn’t have all of these businesses being burned to the ground and looted. These people think they can do what they want but this bullshit was met with resistance in my town and no businesses were damaged.


Audioholic Warlord
The lesson was rioters already were. They're were plenty armed that night. On both sides.

The lesson is what reason did the town and those small business owners do to deserve having they're community and businesses they're very livelihood destroyed?

The lesson is why did the governor and the local authorities allow them to riot which is not only breaking the law but doing enormous damage to a community?

What are people supposed to do just stand by and watch a bunch of criminals many of whom traveled across state lines burn they're town and livelihoods to the ground? The rioters out past the curfew were just there to watch the world burn

The lesson is If these rioters had any balls they'd be taking on the police. I mean that's who they have a problem with right? is the police and local government. That's whose sponsoring state endorsed racism if you look at the statistics. Why not burn the police station down? Don't want that kind off smoke? So you target innocent civilian targets in the community? Pathetic and cowardly

The governments first responsibility is law and order public safety for ALL citizens They could have allowed the protests they are our constitutional right after all and then shut down the rioting hard with the police and national guard as rioting is not a constitutional right

But no they stand down and allow it to happen for politically motivated reasons and left innocent civilians to fend for themselves

It's common sense really. If you bail out rioters don't prosecute them and don't enforce public safety then eventually average citizens will get fed up and take the law into there own hands.

I'm praying that justice is carried out in the Arbery case. That's a 12 person jury with 11 whites and 1 black. The public opinion and I agree is those 3 hunted him down in cold blood. I don't even want to think about what could happen if those 3 walk. Talk about rioting? That will make what happened in Kenosha look like a picnic. Especially if the government won't enforce law and order. It will be a total cluster.
Because the police were outnumbered. They waited and used video and first person to nab them later. They are not going after ALL of them but the ones directly responsible for arson etc.


Audioholic Spartan
Because the police were outnumbered. They waited and used video and first person to nab them later. They are not going after ALL of them but the ones directly responsible for arson etc.
That lasted for about 3 days 3 days. A request was made to send in 2000 troops they only sent 250. They were going to wait to use video and 1rst person to nab them later? Are you kidding me? You know how many rioters were nabbed for stuff last year and were let right back out on the street to do it again? Due to prosecutors who refused to prosecute? Your out past curfew you get put down hard. Ypu go after ALL of them. And charge them for breaking the law. And make it stick

That local government pandered to politics and let that situation get out of control. The riots didn't stop until when? 2 people got killed and a third got shot? Wow I wonder why that happened? Rioters got some real consequences and actually stopped rioting who have thought that could happen?


Where do I sign up for that? :rolleyes:

I bet Kyle knew that shooting a few of them would likely slow their roll.
I think that KR and others thought that the presence of rifles would have done that. Further proving that the idiot creation process gets better every generation.

As noted I had a friend at a house party empty an AK47 into a basement wall. I wasn't even there for that I knew to distance myself.

Everyone in this, as far as I'm concerned, has authorship.


Audioholic Warlord
That lasted for about 3 days 3 days. A request was made to send in 2000 troops they only sent 250. They were going to wait to use video and 1rst person to nab them later? Are you kidding me? You know how many rioters were nabbed for stuff last year and were let right back out on the street to do it again? Due to prosecutors who refused to prosecute? Your out past curfew you get put down hard. Ypu go after ALL of them. And charge them for breaking the law. And make it stick

That local government pandered to politics and let that situation get out of control. The riots didn't stop until when? 2 people got killed and a third got shot? Wow I wonder why that happened? Rioters got some real consequences and actually stopped rioting who have thought that could happen?
If you're outnumbered, I doubt the force will engage all of em. I assume you do what you can during the incident and anything unresolved other methods are used to catch them. Arson and looting, but I doubt realistically they can nab every kid running around out there past curfew. In my city a military convoy came driving by.


Audioholic Warlord
If you're outnumbered, I doubt the force will engage all of em. I assume you do what you can during the incident and anything unresolved other methods are used to catch them. Arson and looting, but I doubt realistically they can nab every kid running around out there past curfew. In my city a military convoy came driving by.
They had a helicopter over Target and military. The rioters were starting to head east so they closed that down for a few days. Volume store so that goes down then the neighborhood is kinda in shits for supplies.


Audioholic Spartan
If you're outnumbered, I doubt the force will engage all of em. I assume you do what you can during the incident and anything unresolved other methods are used to catch them. Arson and looting, but I doubt realistically they can nab every kid running around out there past curfew. In my city a military convoy came driving by.
Kenosha was the culmination of all the riots that had led up to it.

If you hadn't had politicians and prosecutors pandering tieing the hands of there police and national guard and in previous riots encouraging it by refusing to prosecute bailing out rioters some of that done by our current political administration by the way then this wouldn't have escalated to the point it did.

It just emboldened the wrong elements to get more and more out of control

Eventually forcing regular citizens to do the best they could to protect there own which of course is a recipe for disaster

You want people to rely on law and order and the government? Then actually enforce it.
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