Im going to be straight with you,your an excuse maker,"everywhere you go there will be bad apples"WHAT A LOAD OF CRAP,just another excuse to excuse inhuman behavior from a bunch of animals,yes animals,they are taught from a very early age to kill & even worse they are taught to hate,they are taught to not only hate americans they are taught to hate all non muslims,they are taught to hate their neighbors,they are taught that death is good,they are taught songs that glorify the killing of an infidel & songs that dying for the jihad is good.
Your analogy of a 12 year old child hunter in the US compared with a 10 yr old trained killer in iraq, armed with a hatred for all non secular muslims & an AK-47 is nothing short of sheer stupidity on your part,get real.
You are allready aware of everything i have pointed out to you about the iraqi people ,but you will surely have more excuses for them ,how its not their fault

,or maybe we as americans just dont understand them

,most of understand them just fine,we understand that they are savages,not because of what they own but because of the way they lead their lives.
I could care less that,as you say" they have less to live for" than us,maybe if they put down their guns,stopped killing each other over stupid things such as what time of day the tribe next door prays at or how many times a day each tribe prays,maybe just maybe they could feed & cloth theirselves properly, then maybe they might have something to live for,to submit that they dont have anything to live for as an excuse for their millenium of ruthless & savage behavior twords any non believers is stupid .
These people have little to live for EXCEPT the jihad,they have only known death & murder as their main form of politics for thousands of years,to be very blunt they are uncivilized savages,they openly degrade & beat their women like farm animals & you come here & make excuses for them
And if you Really want to know who or what "ali baba" is try watching some war footage & you'll see,what you will see is American forces searching iraqi homes & finding large stashes of weapons,then the home owner ALWAYS says" ALI BABA, ALI BABA" meaning that the weapons are for home protection from highway robbers

Ali baba is what they tell our forces when they are caught red handed with weapons that are meant for killing us,then they feed us a line of crap about home protection.
Quit making excuses for these savages.