Did you just wet the floor again?

Make sure to wipe your trailer's floor otherwise mom won't be happy. Wash your hands and drawers as well. [
Well, being you're the one that initially stoopped to the level of dragging our sex lives into this, I guess this is your chosen level of witty discourse. Enjoy it. I made my comment and I'll stick by it.
Now bout nukes, what goes around comes around, you nuke others, they nuke you back, plenty of nukes around to do so, and with interest. You kill, they kill you, tis the rule of the Earth, don't cry when they maim, kill, nuke and decimate you, piece by piece. Don't expect sympathy from others as well.
So, now you're threatening to nuke us, are you? Well, rest assured, if that heppens there will be quite a few smoking cindersthaqt used to be countries shortly afterwards. Remember, we have more nukes than anyone else and the means to deliver them. ...and our tax dollars keep them fully functional. Oh, one of the main reasons for maintaing that level is so that cocountries with a bit of intelligence know they will be on the losing end of that stick shortly later and it's a strong deterrent, don't you think? But, obviously, you didn't see that, did you? Again, there's that arrogance and ignorance you proudly inflict on this forum.
As I said before, stop global policing before things really gets out of hand, some of us would like to live longer and listen to our audio systems, we have done well in our life, have every reason to live, fully satisfied with what we have and contended as well, if you are suicidal, go join the army, they are pretty shorthanded right now with the current situation there, US army and state department yarns and hiding actual causality counts aside.
Well, jeez, I don't think Eurpope is too pissed at us for getting them safely through WW1 and II, do you? How about China and their little issue with the Japs taking their women and forcing them into prostitution in WWII. BTW, they are still waiting for an apology and, If I were Japan, I would be more than a little bit concerned. China has grown some in the past 60 years and just might be the big guy on the block there. How about NAtO? who pulled the european's fat out of the fire with that Serbia/Herzgowhatever thinge in the 90's?
Now back to the topic of illegal immigration which was the original intent of this topic. Illegal immigration will stop of US stops acting as the Messiah and stops their US pot of Gold propaganda machine as well as the haven for poor, tired and destitute. Most in poorer countries, specially the lazy ones as well think that coming into US by hook or crook will ultimately lead to a huge pot of gold and believe it or not, some spend more than they will ever earn in their lifetime in the US just to get inside US.
So, you think feel that people are entitled to come here and take all that we've worked for? Interesting conecept. Remember, we've been paying into Social Security and taxes all our working lives. Why should someone just waltz in and get our benefits for free, and not even speak the language?
I dio have one question I would like you to answer here. When you make this statement "
Most in poorer countries, specially the lazy ones
". who, exactly do you see as "the lazy ones"?
I guess the current issue of discontent with the immigration policies is because people of color are outnumbering the ones of European origin, fair enough, point is Europe apart from the eastern sector and few countries in the west are not that poor anymore, so they don't need to emigrate, OTOH, most of the poorer parts of the world are going through middle ages and for them, its a do or die state.
So, now you're making it a racial issue, are you? Figures, what with your weak, hateful mind. Just because you see problems with people of color don't assume we all share your fears. If that was the case, the Asians ans Orientals would have people against them but you rarely seethat, right?
No, child, it's not a color issue, you simple minded bigot. It's a cultural issue. America does have a culture. It's a blended culture made of parts of everyone elses. You see, had you been around for a while, you would have known that when other peoples came to this country, and that includes Europeans, Asians, Africans, and virtually everyone for that matter, they didn't ask for handouts. They didn't expect us to learn their language. They didn't force their cuistoms on us. ...and they came with skills that helped build this country, not empty pockets to fill and leave.
They fuilled out the forms, they came over, they learned the language, got jobs and, when taxes were due, they paid them. Many maintained their own cultures in their little circles and bits and pieces spilled over into the great melting pot. My brasialan in-laws have their own little foods and customs but they are 100% American when it comes down to it. In what other country can you find such a varied assortment of different reataurants?
Now it seems that certain peoples are refusing to blend in and forcing the country to speak and have schools teach in their language and, all the while, not being here legally. Between that and the strain on our resources, that's what many people have against illegal immigrants.
You, sir, have an attitude and an arogance that just won't quit and steadfastly hold on to your ignorance. Every post you've made here just shows how much rancor you have for this country. I suggest you openly state your feelings in public, but you won't. You're the typical coward. If you did, nobody woulkd ever trust you.
But yet you remain here and suck up all you can. Must be nice to be so morally offended by the country you live in and yet too afraid to live up to your convictions and renounce it.