What makes you think I hate this country you little kid, its because I care that I talk about what I feel thats wrong about it, if I didn't care, I would just be happy and contended with my fat paycheck that I take at the end of the day and lead a selfish unattached life, its because of my concern at the direction which this country is generally taking stirs my passion, I have a different view and idea of US that I would like to live my rest of life and therefore I will exert my right in a democracy to keep it that way, freedom of speech and change is well within the framework of US last time I checked the constitution although I don't know how long that shall be going by the current trends.
I am not against Europeans, just against naive, ill informed, pregnant immigrant women kicking, racist, bigoted trailer trash and by the way, some of my best friends are of European origin so there goes your theory. Never said I hated Christians, but fundamentalists I despise and abhor due to their inherent nature of operation. Guess I am talking to someone with an IQ of less than borderline, better of talking to a wall. Open your horizons, read some journals apart from the sugared up US state department propaganda, go back to school as well, seems like you need it.
About my Yamahaluver title, I have been using it since the time I owned audio gear and it speaks of my allegiance and admiration to a certain brand, something a pregnant women kicking criminal would not have the depth to understand. In auto forums, I use my vehicle's title as thats the brand and vehicle I have been driving and owning for a long period of my time, again, its commitment, don't expect that to go through your types where you change your wives every few years and don't even have a family background.