Oh god,i gotta think ive spent around $1,000 total in all the cables ive bought new but i do have a lot of them,now if i totaled up all the freebie cables ive acquired it'd be pretty freaking huge

Since this thread's allready been hijacked past the point of no return i'll add my 2 cents on the cable issue,ive got a ton of cables including some seriously expensive stuff that i dont talk about here,not that im ashamed of owning them but it's a non issue with me,i got them free with used gear i bought & i keep them because selling used cables is not my favorite thing to undrtake,way too many qeestions from buyers & way too much headache for me.
Anyhow about hearing a difference,ive said this before on this site too,i have heard differences with different cables in my systems,the differences i heard were not dependant on tube or solid state & were heard with both type systems,what i did hear was very slight differences in the overall tone of the music,for the record i'll say very slight one more time,so slight it was like tiny adjustments of a tone control,being that any difference i heard was so slight it became a non issue with me.
As for power cords i own a few different kinds but i run Krell power cords on my amps & Monster on everything else,i cant hear a difference between the high performance cords & the $1 power cords that come with Mcintosh gear,i run them simply because the stock PC's were cheap,flimsy & crappy lookin.
On a side note i do think some of you guy's need to put the fangs away,just because AH was founded on truth in audio does not mean that every last thread that mentions something high end needs to turn into this,especially when the thread had nothing to do with hearing a difference in anything,this thread was not about hearing anything.
Thanks to those who held their composure.