How much do you invested in cables?

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Wow thanks for the couple of replies that were actually on topic, what a novel idea!
To cover another post in a soon to be locked thread here is the quote and my reply to once again argueing cables can and do sound different, I am paraphrasing to get to the heart of the issue......

Originally Posted by Seth=L
No, I never said that cables can't sound different. Let me start over. Cables "can" sound different. If a cable is engineered to sound different it is coloring or distorting the original signal. Most cables are completely transparent, as they should be. If these Boutique cables sound different it more than likely isn't a night and day difference, and if it is they might be faulty or very very intentionally sound different.

So why is there an arguement? If I or anyone else chooses to pay for a cable because we like what it does for our system and you admit there are cables that sound different then why is it "Snake Oil", that term was coined from products that promised a result but did not deliver, if a cable sounds different, and you admit they can and do then there is no snake oil. There can now only be a belief that I may like what you consider a flawed sound which is fine, but you cant say it doesnt exist............and many here have been pushing that idea.
We dont always purchase "transparent" we purchase desired results. The CD was pushed as "Perfect Sound" and many strongly disagree with that, prefering what is considered the "flawed" sound of good old Vinyl. If you think folks like me and others here who have mailed me in support privately are weird or foolish that is fine but we are buying a real product with a real result and seeing how it is our money, our systems and for our enjoyment why cant you just shut up?
This is not directed at any one member but to all in general who choose to undermind anothers enjoyment in this and the audio hobby, I have yet to see anyone laugh at the simple, budget, poorly set-up systems many have here so why do these people choose to attack those of us who went our own way in this, isnt life too short?
I think it's what you consider "real results" that has people up in arms. Your perception is real, but so is subjective testing and today's audio advancements where not designed by sensory stimuli based chiefly on memory.

I urge people to read this article(all 7 pages) written by people that know a lot more about this stuff than most anyone here.
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Audioholic Intern
*Looks at thread tittle........ looks at thread........*

Ok ummm... I use Liberty 12-2P-UC THX Ultracap. I use Viablue expandable sleeving to make it look nice. They are connected using lockable banana plugs from Blue Jeans. All of my coax is also from Bluejeans. So I believe I've spent ~120-150 on all my wiring.


Audioholic Overlord
*Looks at thread tittle........ looks at thread........*

Ok ummm... I use Liberty 12-2P-UC THX Ultracap. I use Viablue expandable sleeving to make it look nice. They are connected using lockable banana plugs from Blue Jeans. All of my coax is also from Bluejeans. So I believe I've spent ~120-150 on all my wiring.
Good deal, glad someone has their head on their shoulders.:D


Seriously, I have no life.
How simple can you be? I asked what you have invested, if its $40.00 or $4000 that would be an answer but I see I must have asked too complex of a question.
Yes, that is what you did.
Most around here would rather not spend much at all as there is not much reason to do so. Only what is really necessary.
Perhaps a hundred-2 hundred with all the HDMI one needs, etc.


Seriously, I have no life.
And I was right, nobody has added anything of value or substance to this thread, if you dont think cables are of any benefit then why bother posting, do you have nothing better to do? Cables for Power, Speaker, Source, and Video ALL can and do make a diiference if you know what you are doing and anyone who simply ignores this is never going to know what most quality systems are capable of but ignorance is bliss so I say smile away.

You are right, we have nothing better to do. And, it was an open thread, right? Open invite for a response; you don't like that?

I suppose you know what you were doing with all those cables you bought?
That would have bought a really nice sub that would have really made a BIG difference, vs that imagined differences with wires, in most cases.
Welcome to reality. :D


Senior Audioholic
How exactly am I a troll when I simply asked how much money people spend on cables? I also prefaced my thread with admiting that even I think some claims, prices and reviews are suspect so again I ask just how am I a troll?
Many of you chose to completely ignore the question at hand and hijack the thread, so much so a moderator had to step in and yet I am a troll, when over 30 people puonced on me with jokes and insults I chose to explain my intent and beleif yet again, how does that make me a troll? If you people decide that any view that isnt shared by the masses equates to trolling then you are simply looking for yet another "yes man" who champions your short sighted and rather snobish point of view. There is only room for one Alpha male and that is me, so somebody get me a beer and wash my car....I feel a nap coming on as my tumor is swelling and causing me discomfort.


Senior Audioholic
You are right, we have nothing better to do. And, it was an open thread, right? Open invite for a response; you don't like that?

I suppose you know what you were doing with all those cables you bought?
That would have bought a really nice sub that would have really made a BIG difference, vs that imagined differences with wires, in most cases.
Welcome to reality. :D
I have a great sub, along with speakers that measure -10db at 16HZ :)


Audioholic Samurai
Until any of the people in this thread show any hard evidence (you know, proof) that they DO make an audible difference that the human ear can detect, the debate is over. Notice how the nay sayers have proof
Here's what all you guys refuse to acknowlege,this thread was never a debate as you call it,the thread was hijacked in hope's of turning it into a debate by a select few.


Audioholic Samurai
It would be nice if the "any cable will do, just go to Home Depot" crowd would see that they have nothing relevant to add to this thread but I doubt they can keep quiet, I know many feel that cables do not make any improvement and there are some questionable at best claims, prices and reviews but CABLES CAN AND DO MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE so lets hear what you use.
Ok I get it, everyone follows the leader here and it is cool to be in the big line bashing the opinion of one guy, bravo. You guys feel better now?
The spirit of the thread was asking questions that others ask all the time, "what did you pay for?" If you guys think that budget gear and cables sound fine then thats great, I am sure later in life with age, wisdom and income many here will change their mind. So I wish these folks well and be sure to Grow up, Learn and Earn and I will see some of you later in life, cheers

This is SuperChad signing off, "Alpha, Mike, Foxtrot"
Negative amigo - Your very first post came off as totally condescending and did not in anyway invite a true discussion on opposing points of view, as you specifically stated CABLES CAN AND DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, thereby effectively shutting out anyone who disagrees with you right from the get-go. Then you further condescend to those in disagreement by telling them to grow up, learn and earn - what's up with that? Your simple question of "How much did you pay for your cables" was completely overshadowed by the fact you immediately put anyone down who didn't spend a truckload of money on interconnects. Who needs to grow up here? :rolleyes:


Audioholic Ninja
All my stuff now is BJC (maybe 200.00 worth.) When I was young, ignorant, dumb and with plenty of cash: MIT Music Hose (350.00), MIT balanced interconnects (300.00+), then I grew up read books and realized my ignorance had suckered me out $650.00 dollars that I could have used for something better. As they say "read and grow," or is that "live and learn?" Anyway, I digress. There's no need to get all upset, we know that cables are nothing at all, a properly designed and executed cable will do it's job correctly, maybe not as pretty as a "jewel" cable but the same where it counts. The old analogy applies, you buy a Rolex for status, not time keeping, you buy a quartz watch for time keeping, not status.:D Cables provide eye-candy and pride of ownership, that's it. We've been down this road so many times it feels like a merry-go-round.


Negative amigo - Your very first post came off as totally condescending and did not in anyway invite a true discussion on opposing points of view, as you specifically stated CABLES CAN AND DO MAKE A DIFFERENCE, thereby effectively shutting out anyone who disagrees with you right from the get-go. Then you further condescend to those in disagreement by telling them to grow up, learn and earn - what's up with that? Your simple question of "How much did you pay for your cables" was completely overshadowed by the fact you immediately put anyone down who didn't spend a truckload of money on interconnects. Who needs to grow up here? :rolleyes:
Don't forget this jewel...
I have yet to see anyone laugh at the simple, budget, poorly set-up systems many have here.
mike c

mike c

Audioholic Warlord
All my stuff now is BJC (maybe 200.00 worth.) When I was young, ignorant, dumb and with plenty of cash: MIT Music Hose (350.00), MIT balanced interconnects (300.00+), then I grew up read books and realized my ignorance had suckered me out $650.00 dollars that I could have used for something better. As they say "read and grow," or is that "live and learn?" Anyway, I digress. There's no need to get all upset, we know that cables are nothing at all, a properly designed and executed cable will do it's job correctly, maybe not as pretty as a "jewel" cable but the same where it counts. The old analogy applies, you buy a Rolex for status, not time keeping, you buy a quartz watch for time keeping, not status.:D Cables provide eye-candy and pride of ownership, that's it. We've been down this road so many times it feels like a merry-go-round.
ouch on the 650 dollar cables! :( but if a speaker wire was named "Music Hose", i'd sure be enthusiastic about what it can do to my music :D

Rolexes can tell the time? :rolleyes::D
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Audioholic Samurai
Looks like there are some here who dont think cables make any difference so I am curious to see what others have invested into their cables.

My cables include, for Audio:
Cardas Hexlink Digital Coax (2)
Kimber Hero Cables (2)
Audioquest King Cobra (2)
Audioquest Side Winder (2)
MIT terminator 3 (1)
Silent Audio Ribbon solid core Silver (1)
Dayton Audio High Definition (6)
Tara Labs Prism (1)

For Power cables
Tekline Refrence Power cables (5)
2 Hubbell Cryo outlets
Monster 3500 Power cond
Monster 2500 Power Cond
Blue Circle Noise Pillow

and Video
Audioquest YIQ3 Component Video (3) One is 5 Meters, other are 1 meter

I am sure I forgot a couple but I do know my total is a bit over $2000 or so, this is just a poll to see what folks run and how much they invest. It would be nice if the "any cable will do, just go to Home Depot" crowd would see that they have nothing relevant to add to this thread but I doubt they can keep quiet, I know many feel that cables do not make any improvement and there are some questionable at best claims, prices and reviews but CABLES CAN AND DO MAKE A BIG DIFFERENCE so lets hear what you use.

I really wish I would have gotten in on this one before Matt had to edit your post, but, as luck would have it... :p

You are obviously a Monster poster boy, and a KK and AQ pb as well. Next time you want a simple answer to a simple question...ask it. I could educate the likes of you for years to come, but for those that will not listen, what's the point?

JFYI: the simple question would have been something like:

"How much did you spend on cabling?" Nothing more, nothing less. Then your rants on hijacks and attacks would have been warranted.

Your diatribe and poster boy likes invite the answers you have received. Period. Now go lick your wounds, because you'll never hear the $2,000.00 worth of sound that you've invested in your cabling. That's right...NEVER!!! I doubt if you could get $0.10 on the dollar for your wise and educated investment. Some people never learn, and some people are so thirsty they'll drink from the mirage presented by Monster, KK and AQ. Now put that in your pipe and smoke it. This is the Steam Vent, and I've just let off some steam. :p


Audioholic Samurai
It's unbelievable the attitude Chad presented with this topic - basically saying that if you don't spend excessive amounts of money on cables for your system then your opinion doesn't even count here. He comes onto an A/V forum where the majority of people are in agreement that fancy cables aren't worth the money, and proceeds to kick everyone in the teeth.

Hey, news flash for you Chad - not everyone can afford a $500 cable; so does this make us unworthy? I guess, by your logic it does. Go find some snooty hi-fi audiophile forum, so you can sit around and laugh at us little people, and our wretchedness. I agree with Strat - this topic has been covered way too many times already - so what fresh ideas are you trying to bring to the table anyway?

I have never once had a problem with any of your posts before dude, but this one is out there. I feel like I've just been talked down to, because I use a combination of monoprice and bluejeans cable.

But hey - you know what? If I did have a truckload of money I wouldn't buy a Rolex, and you can bet your a** I would still be using monoprice and bluejeans cable. :rolleyes:


Audioholic Ninja
ouch on the 650 dollar cables! :( but if a speaker wire was named "Music Hose", i'd sure be enthusiastic about what it can do to my music :D

Rolexes can tell the time? :rolleyes::D
Mikey! I was young! Dumb as a rock! That's when I bought my Krell/Proceed 2.0 system way back when, I was an avid Stereovile reader, I even had a subscription!:rolleyes: So the pretty lady at Sound Advice said I needed the MusicHose (I can just hear all the innuendos coming from the peanut gallery!) to make my system complete and besides Stereodung had it on it's approved list. I was single and flushed with cash so I said "Meh, why not? Throw in the Hoses, (sales-hotty: "Ohhh, but you'll also need the balanced interconnects, flashes thigh, twirls blond hair, eyes sparkle, voloptuous chest in my face!!!!!)YES!!!!!!!!I'LL TAKE THEM, I'LL TAKE THEM!! And that's how young guys with money get snookered all the time, never fails!:D


Audioholic Overlord
If the OP really wanted to avoid all of this, he wouldn't have made such a big thing out of the naysayers from the get go. If you had just asked how much people had invested in cables instead of pretty much insulting those that don't in your very first post, it might not have happened.

chadnliz said:
If you people decide that any view that isnt shared by the masses equates to trolling then you are simply looking for yet another "yes man" who champions your short sighted and rather snobish point of view. There is only room for one Alpha male and that is me, so somebody get me a beer and wash my car....
We're snobish?:rolleyes:
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