I find it hard to believe a country that's not third world, wouldn't have universal health care for all.
The majority (50% +1 at least) don't care even to the slightest degree about their fellow citizens, or about the whole of humanity save themselves in general.
They can't even take care of the veterans well.
They, they, THEY! DEFINE THEY PLEASE. I know (and work with) veterans that run the gamut from poor care to the best of care. Evaluating care is a case by case basis. Let's stick to statistical data and not opinions.
Im pretty sure one of your PMs just came on down for heatlh care
In other words, you're confirming that this country's medical sector places a higher value on those with money than those without. Agreed. Moving on.
You think executives at for profit insurance companies have your best interests at heart?
Medicine is a for-profit industry.
This bill has nothing to do with turtles...
or health care for that matter.
not trying to argue, but...
He didn't engage, he stated a fact.
If that were true, why does the US already have the fattest people on earth.
Statistically you are incorrect. However, if you consider only those developed nations that the US would consider its peers, certainly correct. For the record, Mexico has the highest obesity percentage of population in the world.
I have a very close friend that works as a Welfare case worker. He tells me that on any given day, 70% of his clients are cheating the system, and truly shouldn't be on welfare.
The fraudulent cases go unreported because, if they lost that many people from the Welfare system, then case workers know they would lose their jobs. So the system perpetuates.
So your friend is part of the problem, not the solution. Nice.
we decided to instead have the BEST health care system the world has ever known.
to append your statement: for those who can afford it. For the record, I'm one of those, but I don't ignore the disadvantages of those who can't.
Newark NJ crime statistics showed that a very high percentage, over 65%, of the firearms recovered from crimes over the last 3 years were guns bought in other states, most notably VA and West VA. Nice that those states are so lax in their gun control policies. I should go pick one up.
Not according to the World Health Organization.
But, private health care is more efficient, why is the US health care system the most expensive on the planet?
It's good marketing. Magic Johnson looks healthier than a champion steed, yet we have children dying from easily curable illnesses because they get rejected for treatment or their treatment is mishandled due to lack of insurance. But who cares about those people anyway.
If times get tough, we tighten our belts and mind you I grew up poor enough to remember two generations of hand me downs and my folks buying a freezer just so we could freeze day old bread.
Ditto. Were you worth less as a person when you were that poor? That's what the actions of our medical sector say. Just be glad you never ran into a situation where they could share that viewpoint with you firsthand.
Evidently you put more credence in what some socialist from the United Nations has to say than I do.
I have as much respect for the UN as I do for the huffington post, the daily kos, move on, and the criminal organization formerly known as ACORN.
Well, if you put it that way, then absolutely.
Do I really have to put a "

" or "

" after every joke for you guys?
In a policital discussion? You should know better.
In closing, this "reform" will fail without question. We as a society fail without question. The day we ALL sit home and ALL refuse to vote for more of the same is the day we can truly change things. As it stands, the "dog eat dog" mentality is exactly what will destroy us. Too many people are willing to run out and vote not for FOR who they believe is GOOD for us, but rather vote AGAINST who they believe is BAD for us.
When you choose between the lesser of two evils, prepare for some degree of evil. It starts NOT at the top with the president, but at the lowest levels with your mayors, governors, and congress members. The CIC doesn't hold nearly as much power over public policy as some people love to believe.