Have you ever just "lost it"?



Audioholic Ninja
I can vouch for people being born gay. My cousin has been, for as long as I can remember, very much gay. When he was 5 or so, he was mad that he couldn't be a princess for Halloween. Was his family abnormal? Nope, just a normal catholic family, and his brothers and sisters are all straight.

I'll readily admit that the thought of him being homosexual does make me a bit uncomfortable, but I think that's only because of the extremely conservative and Christian leaning of our society. Discounting the extreme left wing peopel here (IE hippies), even the common "liberal" in this country is far right by European standards. The Puritanism still plays a major role here. Homosexuality is much more accepted in Europe (this is a general statement, as there are places in the US that tend to be more tolerant/accepting of homosexuals, like SF and Ann Arbor).

In all honesty, I just don't care. If that's how you are, then that's fine. As long as you aren't encroaching on other people's rights and well being, go ahead and live your life.


Audioholic Samurai
Buckeyefan 1 said:
There's a gland in the brain that controls sexual desire and preference. Studies have proven sections of the hypothalamus vastly differ in size in gay men and women compared to those that are straight.
.....Buck, I presume to judge no person, let me first make that perfectly clear....I did a google on this Xq28, and clicked on the first link....I read the whole thing, and it didn't seem to establish anything, as being anything, but conjecture and attempted justification for practices of wantonness....the article, about 5 or 6 paragraphs down, even listed a direct confrontation to the swollen/thicker gland theory, and from the 8th paragraph down, comes the statement,

"But it's not clear whether the brain differences found so far really influence sexual orientation, or are the results of it"

.....Buck, I believe certain people are fighting tooth-and-nail to establish it's ok to be homosexual apart from societal and Biblical values and leanings.....



Audioholic Samurai
Buckeyefan 1 said:
There's a good special on The National Geographic Channel at 10pm eastern tonight. They're usually very interesting.

Wednesday, September 14, 2005, at 10P
.....Buck, I don't guess I'm familiar with the National Geographic Channel....is that 10 central?....I'll look for the right channel.....

.....and Buck, we've all known guys who gave every indication of being very feminine....maybe they had homosexual tendencies or desires, maybe they didn't, I don't know....none ever hit on me, but a friend told me one time there was a big difference between desiring certain sexual acts from and with a man, and actually being in love with a man....he also said no one could give him oral sex better than someone who really wanted to, and from that, I concluded he had dabbled in such activities.....

.....I think it's a choice, Buck, initially for sure, and I always will, no matter what's thrown at me....and may I add, I have never understood, nor desired to understand, how it could get any better than making love with a well-built woman who truly loved me, and me her.....

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
I'm baaaack

Wow, this keeps on going. Great! Darn that Adam and Eve (not Adam and Steve, mind you). Because of the fall I have to work for a living...a lot here lately, thank goodness! I work for my brother and he stays on me bad about making my margin EVERY month.
Yo, Ironlung. I thought I answered most of your questions in one of my posts. Others threw in there .02 as well. If there is one you feel I didn't address fully, PM me or ask on here again.
As for the gay thing, in a way, it doesn't matter to me if it is a choice or a physical thing, it's still sin, period. If science can help determine a reason some people are gay and they (the gays) want to correct it, fine. I know of One who can correct it everytime. I, too know a guy that was gay. He struggled with it a lot. Once he totaly commited to Christ and dealt with the sin by letting Christ take control of it, he has never had another problem with gay feelings. I try not to take a holier than thou attitude towards gays or any other group/person. I will try to tell them about Christ and let the Holy Spirit deal with that person about their sin problem. We all have a sin problem. The Pope, Billy Graham, my pastor, me, you, everybody. We are born into sin. Jesus came and made a way for us to be cleansed of sin. Only through Him can we overcome.
I believe in a big God. One that has no limits. The nature he created can't stump him, time means nothing to him as he always has been, is now and always will be, certainly the humans he created can't one-up him; if so, then he would not be God. Why would anyone choose to believe in something or someone that could be limited? If thier god is limited, then it/he/she is no better or deserving of our worship than any human (which some people do worship).
To those of you that do not believe, let's put the shoe on the other foot and get you to prove that he does not exist. Show me proof. Hey, the Bible says even the demons believe, and fear!

Best wishes


Wow, this is a bit to much for me. So I am posting a PM, I just sent to someone.

Is it me

Or are there a lot of gay supporters here????
Granted, I have nothing completely against gays, but isn't this subject just a bit much for a audio forum. Honestly, if I wanted to talk about gays, I'm sure there are plenty of forums for that. Heck, just type in a google search for 'Gay Forum'.

That was what I sent. Anyhow, if we have to stay on the subject; Can we at least talk about lesbians????

Clearly Buck, Dukester, Sheep, etc.. want to stay on the subject. (Gay?? This may be a question you may have to ask yourself)

Anyhow, on with the lesbians :D

If not the babes, then go over to this thread and vote......


Me........I love lesbose, as long as there hot! :D

You know, Rosie, Ellen etc. :eek:

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
First off, Buck, two people with the mentality of three yr olds would most likely never have a child. I know what you are getting at, though, so I won't bust you too bad. No one has more of a right to go to heaven than another person. In fact, nobody deserves to go to heaven at all. It is only by the blood of Jesus that we can go to heaven.
Part of what you are saying is the problem I have with any works based religion. If you could do anything to gain heaven such as works, buy your way, talk your way, gain enough power, etc to get there then it would exclude the possibility of others such as the examples you gave of ever getting there. There are people who just plain cannot make it if works are required. Jesus died for all mankind. It's up to us whether or not to accept his free gift of salvation. Christianity is not exclusive. Anyone who accepts Christ as their savior can become a Christian.
As I have stated, we all are born into sin. We don't have to DO anything to spend an eternity in Hell. Since we have a sin problem and we all fall short of the glory of the Lord, God in his mercy provided a perfect sin sacrifice in the form of his son, Jesus. He was without fault or blemish. Only the blood of a perfect sacrifice is sufficient. On the old testament the blood of the best animal you had was required. Some people were giving the lame or less than best animal for blood sacrifices and God rejected their offerings.
Jesus was born of woman, but not of man, so he was not born into sin as we are. Immaculate conception is another of the core beliefs a Christian must hold true. If Jesus was born of man and woman like us, he would just be another man. He was both fully God and fully man.

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
brian32672 said:
Wow, this is a bit to much for me. So I am posting a PM, I just sent to someone.

Is it me

Or are there a lot of gay supporters here????
Granted, I have nothing completely against gays, but isn't this subject just a bit much for a audio forum. Honestly, if I wanted to talk about gays, I'm sure there are plenty of forums for that. Heck, just type in a google search for 'Gay Forum'.

That was what I sent. Anyhow, if we have to stay on the subject; Can we at least talk about lesbians????

Clearly Buck, Dukester, Sheep, etc.. want to stay on the subject. (Gay?? This may be a question you may have to ask yourself)

Anyhow, on with the lesbians :D

If not the babes, then go over to this thread and vote......
Ben there and done that! (voted, that is!)

The lesbians are included, as far as I'm concerned.


Audioholic Samurai
There is a Country and Western song titled: "Would Jesus Have Worn A Rolex On His Television Show". I don't remember the lyrics but I sure do like the title.
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
Lesbians don't need/have the online protest support because they don't need it. Unlike hot man-on-man action, which is the cause of all the caterwauling going on (or at most just "swept under the rug"). Lesbian activity (the woman-on-woman action) are actually encouraged in our society! Don't believe me? Just turn on any TV channel, movie, radiostation, go to any bar, or read most any magazine. Since childhood women are saturated with the girl-on-girl image. Pretty much all men, and their wallets support this. Society (even the christian straight society) gobbles it up 24 hours a day! Our society not only allows but fosters it.

And thats why theres the homosexuality double standard: men bad, women good! Yes, some people are pushing the "gay agenda", but really its like a drop in a bathtub compared to the "lesbian agenda".

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
Nick250 said:
There is a Country and Western song titled: "Would Jesus Have Worn A Rolex On His Television Show". I don't remember the lyrics but I sure do like the title.

Probably not, since he was born in a cave (stable) and pretty much only had the clothes on his back. I would like to think he would have ridden a Harley instead of a colt, however (even the colt was borrowed, though).


Audioholic Spartan
Buckeyefan 1 said:
OK, how's this for being politically incorrect?

Choice, or genetics??? :D :D :rolleyes: :p

PS, I posted on the Athena sub.
You are too funny. I cracked up when I scrolled down and saw the picture of Mr. Lowell.


Audioholic Chief
Clint DeBoer said:
Irrelevant in the discussion of historical accuracy. I was solely focusing on manuscript evidence. If Socrates disagrees with Plato - that says nothing about the authenticity of Plato's work.

Different topic/discussion.

I'll accept that point of view, in regards to the historical accuracy. The historical and political environment that resulted in the choice of books we now call the Bible is in fact, a completely different topic/discussion.


Audioholic Field Marshall
jaxvon said:
...even the common "liberal" in this country is far right by European standards...Homosexuality is much more accepted in Europe (this is a general statement, as there are places in the US that tend to be more tolerant/accepting of homosexuals, like SF and Ann Arbor).
Homosexuality is prevalent in all major cities around the world. These cities foster an 'anything goes' culture.

Not that there's any connection between the two... ;)



Audioholic General
droeses58 said:
Me........I love lesbose, as long as there hot! :D

You know, Rosie, Ellen etc. :eek:
Hot lesbose get me going. Its fun. :pI only have a problem with men and men,women and women{as long as they are hot} dont bother me. Is that a sin?


Audioholic Samurai
Nick250 said:
There is a Country and Western song titled: "Would Jesus Have Worn A Rolex On His Television Show". I don't remember the lyrics but I sure do like the title.
OK, Ray Stevens sang it:

"Stevens: Well, you know, I don’t think I have a very heavy reputation; I mean — but the song was a fun song. Chet Atkins and Margaret Archer wrote that song and gave it to me to record. And I just had a great time recording it.

Paulson: Can we hear a little bit of that?

Stevens: Yeah, let’s see. Let’s see. How’s that go? Um — [Plays and sings] “Woke up this mornin’,/ turned on my TV set./ There in living color was something I can’t forget./ This man was preachin’ at me./ Yeah, laying on the charm,/ asking me for $20 with $10,000 on his arm./ He wore designer clothing,/ big smile on his face,/ selling me salvation while they sang ‘Amazing Grace,’/ asking me for money/ when he had all the signs of wealth./ You know, I almost wrote a check out./ But then I asked myself:/ Would He wear a pinkie ring?/ Would He drive a fancy car?/ Would His wife wear furs and diamonds?/ Would His dressing room have a star?/ If He came back tomorrow,/ now, there’s something I’d like to know./ Tell me./ Would Jesus wear a Rolex on his television show?”


Audioholic General
I'll be honest. If it wasn't for all the wang the gay lifestyle would be where it's at for me. Lots of drinking, sports watching, and loving. You can leave the seat up, have a ton of one night stands with no guilty feelings, etc. etc. etc.. No I'm not gay, and I don't have any gay friends, but I would never turn away a friend because they were gay, or not make friends with someone because they were gay. I did get hit on once by a guy, but I just laughed it off and went home with his hot lady friend because I was "so understanding". Maybe I lead a sheltered life but I just don't know any gay people. I believe that a person will go to hell for taking actions that harm others or for allowing others to be harmed, not for whom they love. Two guys making out isn't hurting anyone IMO. Two girls making out might make me crash while driving, but they aren't hurting anyone either. I'm actually a really conservative guy, but gayness isn't a hot-button topic for me. Life is too short not to embrace who you are. If for some it means being attracted to the same sex in order to be happy I say go for it. The more hot man-on-man going on the more ladies for me.

The whole destruction of the delicate infrastructure of society arguement doesn't fly with me. What I posted is my opinion, feel free to disagree, but unless you can show me how a gay person has ever, in any way, impacted my life or the life of anyone I know then please don't try to change my opinion. It won't work, I'm a stubborn SOB. That doesn't mean I won't respect your opinion as well, but I'll be keeping my own counsil on matters of the bedroom.
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
I bet you $20 that evangelists 500 years from now will tell the story of Jane the abortion protestor who prayed for an angry God to smite some sinners, and how that exact same day a Hurricane destoryed New Orleans and killed all of its evil homosexual/sinful/abortioning/Satanic inhabitants.
oh, I'm sorry my timing was off. It only took three weeks! Ha!


Audioholic Ninja
The Dukester said:
To say you believe in nothing takes more faith than saying you believe in something. God isreal. I know because I have a personal relationship with a living God, not a dead one. Heaven and Hell are real places. The earth is proof enough that God is real. It also takes alot more faith to say the the world and especially people came from some primordial soup and a big bang than from a Creator. The Bible says that at some point every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that Jesus is Lord. Like the commercial says; You can pay (confess) me now or pay (confess) me later. The choice is yours.
Anyone here that would like a book that would hopefully help you see that God is real feel free to PM me with their address and I'll send you a book to read. Free. No collection or payment required, not even for the postage.
Some churches do require you to give. I believe they are in error. God does require you to give, but the church should not. The church should encourage you to do what God says in his word, but not force you to. If you love Him you will do His will, including tithing. Many churches and/or the people that are over them do misuse the money donated to them. This is unfortunate. It is the duty of the members, however, to hold them accountable for how they spend God's money. If the church continues to abuse the money after you have confronted them, then I would prayerfully consider going to another church where you feel comfortable knowing they are careful with not only the money, but how they conduct themselves in all matters.
Hypocrites. Their are some in every church I have been a part of. If you let them come between you and God then they are closer to God than you are! All kidding aside, you shoud develop role models for your life, including your walk with Christ, but keep the ultimate role model as Christ himself as he is blameless, spotless and holy.
Am I trying to save everyone on this site? No. Neither I nor anyone else can rescue you from the pit of Hell, only Jesus himself. It is, however, my obligation to tell you about Him. Their is no other way to heaven other than through Him.
As far as overzealous religious folks, well, even Jesus did not particularly like them,either. He called a group of Pharasees a "brood of vipers". Not too nice for the supposed religous elite of his day. He does indeed know your heart as mentioned earlier. The Pharasees had become so involed in following the law to the letter that they forgot a very important thing: people.
I agree with others that have posted here about having feet to your words or prayers. You cannot work your way into heaven, nor should you only pray for someone when you have the means to do something personally for them. Don't just pray for the victims of hurricane Katrina when you can either give money, food, etc, or even go down to the Gulf coast and help out in any way you can. Pray, for sure, but DO something as well. The same with your neighbor or fellow workmates.
This is posted to enlighten rather than enrage, although Jesus by nature will cause some to become angry. Sin and holiness are obviously opposites. While opposites sometimes attract, their will always also be friction.


PS If I receive red chicklets for this, thanks!!! I count it joy to suffer for the cause of Christ! Red or green, I can't loose! Whoo-hoo!
You might want to repost this at another web site and see what kind of responses you get:


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