Have you ever just "lost it"?



Takeereasy said:
Come on majorloser. If Christianity had such a big advertising budget don't you think the pie chart Brian posted would have been exploded for dramatic effect? ;)
OK, so my favorite group of Christians spent the extra money, the Rastafarians. They need to import since the hurricanes wiped out the crops.


Buckle-meister said:
What? Not even moderators?! ;)


You're welcome! (For the moral support of not killing your friend. ;) :) I was stating that hypothetically.)


majorloser said:
No, I just want to start a new religion. One based on home theaters. This way we can write off our purchases as a tax deductible contribution! :D
Where do I sign up Bishop Majorloser?
nibhaz said:
If you are going to use a body text as evidence you may not pick and choose the pieces that fit your argument and ask us to ignore the rest of the text. You can not simply say that one portion is valid and true because you are in agreement with that point of view and ask us to believe that the rest is invalid and untrue because it does not fit your argument.
Irrelevant in the discussion of historical accuracy. I was solely focusing on manuscript evidence. If Socrates disagrees with Plato - that says nothing about the authenticity of Plato's work.

Different topic/discussion.


Audioholic Field Marshall
Buckle-meister said:
No. Until a person accepts Christ as his/her saviour, he/she remains a sinner.

So says you and a book. So its ok that you belive that way but its not ok for some of us to not belive? Sometimes i feel that churchs are out recruiting, you know,the door to door stuff. Time for a bigger,much bigger,fancy church. More members,more money,bigger church. Who really needs these hugh,fancy churchs,the church{God} leaders or God?

There is nothing naive nor homophobic about it, and those with faith are arguably more likely to accept the huge diversity of mankind. Even if you have no faith at all, it cannot be disputed that homosexuality is an unnatural act. In evolutionary terms, the definition of a successful human is one which procreates. Clearly this cannot be achieved by gay couples.
If you are going to quote me Shockhead, please ensure I actually wrote the words.



ironlung said:
Where do I sign up Bishop Majorloser?
Well, I have to work out my government worker's comp scam first. I'm trying to figure out how to claim that my job has caused irrepairable mental damage due to the work related stress.

This web site is just taking too much time away from my work schedule to finish the scheme.

Oh well, got to go. It's time for my union break.


Audioholic General
Buckle-meister said:
If you are going to quote me Shockhead, please ensure I actually wrote the words.

It was a reply,not a quote. Wasnt it?


Audioholic Field Marshall
Nick250 said:
That homosexuality is unnatural cannot be disputed? Are you serious? Then masturbation is unnatural, your dog who humps anything (or anyone) is unnatural, monkeys who masturbate are unnatural, dolphins who engage in sex play are unnatural.
I am serious as regards homosexuality yes. That alone is what I discussed.

Nick250 said:
And speaking of evolution, I thought you folks...
You folks? You folks?! :mad:

Now now. Lets not start branding each other us and them. :)

Nick250 said:
One's sexual identity is genetically hard wired from birth, it's not a moral issue or a choice. And what about cave men? A certain number of them were gay and there was no one around to tell them not to do it so are they going to hell? If all of us were born gay, we would not procreate and the human species would die out, that's how evolution works. It happens, that's the natural order of things. Heck, humans may die out in a nuclear Holocaust. Species die out because as they evolve they are unable to deal with change.
You have extrapolated. I simply wrote that homosexuality is an unnatural act. Not that people don't have a choice in the matter etc. etc.



Buckle-meister said:
If you look at your post #111, you will see that the middle paragraph of the quote shows text which I did not write.

Yeah, you really should not comment inside his quote shokhead (or anyones, for that matter). I would even edit that. However, the damage is done. Buckle will have to live with this mis-quote.


Audioholic Samurai
.....I do not believe any person is "born" a homosexual....I believe it is a "choosing", with the initial allure made excitable by the concept of stolen apples, or that which is wrong and unnatural....I believe too many times it is an experience from early childhood, and is the first sexual experience.....therefore, that first sexual experience is likened to the opening of Pandora's Box of awareness....parents, please be especially careful to monitor your small children's activities, and be especially careful who you entrust your small children to for baby-sitting....


Audioholic General
brian32672 said:
Yeah, you really should not comment inside his quote shokhead (or anyones, for that matter). I would even edit that. However, the damage is done. Buckle will have to live with this mis-quote.
No damage as i screw up and everybody will fix it.
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
Thats it, I'm converting!

All praise Cthulhu! Ia Ia Ia Fhtagn!


Rock&Roll Ninja said:
Thats it, I'm converting!

All praise Cthulhu! Ia Ia Ia Fhtagn!
R & R Ninja or any of the true believers,

Most of you just keep proclaiming that you believe. I don't doubt that. Why don't you dicuss some of the questions I asked a little more specifically?

It will be fun :)
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Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
R & R Ninja or any of the true believers,

Most of you just keep proclaiming that you believe. I don't doubt that. Why don't you dicuss some of the questions I asked a little more specifically?

It will be fun
Now what gave you the idea that I believe? maybe I just spent 12 years being taught in Catholic schools and know the rules & procedures like the back of my own hand, while at the same time becoming so enraged at the school of forced indoctrination that I rebeled and have spent my life as a member of a Satanic cult. Or maybe I just gave up and became an Agnostic after the "run over puppy" episode. Or maybe I just read the back of a Hosties cereal box. Maybe I'm a member of some militant alien group (like the Raelians) and use my knowledge of a "normal" religion to blend-in with you simple country-folk.

But if you insist......

Why are humans so special?
We are the only terrestrial species with the mental capacity required to support a belief system. I am currently unaware of any religion established by cats or dogs. Cro-Magnon and Neanderthal (assuming you aren't a creatiuonist) did leave some ritual-like trinkets for us to find 40,000 years later, but we kinda killed them all and never got to write down any ancient corn dances.

I'll ask the question again. If you believe in god, do you also believe in Santa, Easter Bunny, Tooth fairy? Why not?!?!?!?!?
Santa, aka. St. Nicholaus is a Catholic saint and Catholics are supposed to believe in his work, the red-suited commercial bastardization of Saint Nick is largely a product of the Coca-Cola company. The Easter Bunny is a six foot tall rabbit thats craps milk chocolate, what kind of retard would believe that. I've never heard a plausible backstory for the tooth fairy, and don't remember believing it as a child, so I can't explain that one either.

If a lie is 2000+ years old and billions have believed in it, does it make any more true?
No. What happened happened. However no two people can ever remember anything the same way, for an example, watch the excellant Kurosawa film Rashomon

As far as the Jericoh(sp) reference I think its especially dangerous to treat the bible as a history book. Do you think that really happened?
Hmmm.... loud noise and a wall collapsed. You think maybe some pro-God copyman perhaps chalked-up an unrelated earthquake to "divine justice". I bet you $20 that evangelists 500 years from now will tell the story of Jane the abortion protestor who prayed for an angry God to smite some sinners, and how that exact same day a Hurricane destoryed New Orleans and killed all of its evil homosexual/sinful/abortioning/Satanic inhabitants. Sombody somewhere prays to God at exactly the same time something happens anywhere in the world and thus it can be attributed to "The handiwork of God".

I think the bible used as a fictional peice of literature is valuable. It can teach how to treat the world in a generally good way. It should be no more special than any other fictional work for illuminating the human condition.
It doesn't matter if you pray to a bearded old bodybuilder in the clouds, a flying spaghetti monster, sentient trees, or a space alien with a cephalopod for a head. The point is that the Bible lays out the rules for a working society, wrapped in creation myths, superstitions, and everything else needed to answer the unanswerable questions thatmankind might ask himself when he has time to think about it. Yes science may have proven that the world is more than 8000 years old, it may prove the sun is the center of the universe, it may even prove mankind evolved from KY*Jelly, the fact of the matter is that 99.9% of the world will live and die never needing to know enough science beyond "wash your hands" and "cook chicken all the way". Christianity, and any other religion teach enough to get people through an entire lifetime alive, and give them something to think about while the chickens cooking.

How bout the religion of the Tourtise and the Hare?


Now you can bash Santa Claus (never gave me nothing but coal) and you can bash the Tooth Fairy (check out the movie Darkness Falls) but DAMN IT don't mess with a rabbit that can crap chocolate! I mean really, where do you think Hersheys come from? Some town in Pennsylvania? And do you know how hard it is to crap that candy coating on an M&M? That's talent! Water to wine? Baby stuff!

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