Have you ever just "lost it"?

Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
What a dreadful thing to say ....
What? God has to be kind & benevolent 100% of the time? You're starting to sound like a fair weather christian....


Audioholic Spartan
I would never wish harm on anyone, especially a child. My point was sarcastic; how can a benevolent god choose to take a baby before it was even born?

Remember the movie Clash of the Titans? The 'gods' are manipulating clay figures of the people down on earth. Is that the way it is? God just picks and chooses what to do with the people - one gets to be a murderer, one gets to die before they graduate from high school, one gets to live to 110 years old...there is nothing benevolent or loving about that. I have a hard time just accepting that it is all part of a grand plan whose purpose will be revealed in due time to only the 'chosen' ones.


blind faith vs. logic

Buckle-meister said:
I knew it! Didn't I say it?! Huh?! Huh?! A closet Christian! ;)
I never said I wasn't raised a christrian. After I started thinking for myself and questioning everything(including my parents) I came to my own conclusion. They lied about Santa why not Jesus? If a lie is 2000+ years old does it make it more true?

Your profile says your an engineer. If the pope decalred 2+2=3 would you believe him.

I've said it before I treat people the way I want to be treated because it's the right thing to do. It is NOT motivated by the fear of god.

Buckle-meister said:
You cannot 'plan' any such thing. You must know this.

Yet you cannot know for sure. I do not see the relevance of your question. Can you elaborate please?
Sure I can elaborate but I think you are trying to avoid my point rather than not understanding it.

I was non existant, not aware until I was conceived. I will live through my life time and when I die I will continue to be non existant and unaware for all eternity.

Are bears in heaven? Are dogs, cat, fish, amoeba, spiders, crickets, monkeys in heaven? They are just as alive as I am. I know, I know they are not CHOOSEN AND CREATED IN GODS IMMAGE

Buckle-meister said:
You are using logic. Do you seriously believe that people believe in God to make themselves feel better? Firstly, if they did, I'm sure we are all aware that this would not grant them entry through heaven's gates. And secondly, to think in such a manner is indicative only of selfishness. Nothing more.
I think more people need to question the world around them. Are you saying trying to be logical and strive for the truth is a bad goal? You might be right without blindly beliveing the Nazi might not have made it so far and who would fly planes into buildings or blow themsleves up in the 'tubes'.

I DO think people use religion to feel better. See my old post. Why is religion more important in peoples lives as you go down the social and economic ladder. Religion sells false hope. Donald Trump never claimed to see the Virgin Mary in his grilled cheese and his billionaire friends would not line up around the block to witness the 'miracle' if he did.

Buckle-meister said:
You state as if there is only one absolute answer, yet you must admit that Christians see things from a different perspective. To a Christian, a child is God's gift to a couple.


I'm not saying I have the answers. I'm just going with the one that makes the most sense to my little pea brain. You should belive whatever feels right to you. I whole heartedly agree christians see things differently.

I'll address the whole gods gift thing in another post.

repeating myself so much, :)
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Audioholic General
See, even though i'm on the fence, i see it this way. If indeed there is a god,he made us and put us here and thats the end of his help. What happens,happens and the things that go on are just running its course. Things that happen,happen. He gave us brains to use right or wrong. God has nothing to do with what happens,good or bad. What really upsets me is when bad things happen,god didnt have anything to do with it but something good like coming out of a 20 year coma,its god. Dont buy it. Now of course some will think i'm full of it but its what i BELIVE,at least for now.
There is a great book out there called "The Case for Christ" by Lee Strobel. It's a good read by an author who set out as a skeptic to disprove Christianity and ended up becoming a Christian after seeing the overwhelming amount of evidence (he was a journalist for the Chicago Tribune by trade).

My thought is this: I can believe what I want... but if I am standing on a railroad tack, and a train is coming at me at 60 MPH... It doesn't matter that I think it's a "marshmellow train". It's real and it's going to hit me. You have a right to your own personal beliefs - but that doesn't necessarily make those beliefs... right - if you catch my drift.

If you trust yourself that much to make up what is real - then that's your choice. Me personally? I'd do the research. This certainly isn't the only book out there - and it's not perfect, but it's a decent place to start evaluating.

PS. Anyone can feel free to PM me if they want to know what I believe and/or why...

The Dukester

Audioholic Chief
Hello, folks,
It's been awhile since I posted here. Man, this thread is kind of like the energizer bunny. Good to see at least some of you are thinking and examining.
Yo, Ironlung. Maybe I didn't answer your question about 2000 years making a lie more true. Absolutely not. A lie is a lie is a lie. The thing you (and everyone) has to answer for themselves is if indeed the story of Jesus is a lie. I can answer that it is not, but you have to decide to believe or not. None of us were alive when any other of the people throughout history we read/hear about were around (insert name here: Shakespear, Ivan the Terrible, whoever). Do you believe they existed? Maybe they were all a lie.
I'm with you on repeating myself, but Christianity is still all about relationship. It's hard to have a realtionship with a dead person. It tends to be a little one sided. Jesus is alive and well.
The story about the guy chaulking his granddaughter's death up to God's will, well, I don't know about simply "chaulking it up". A fellow just came to my church awhile back that had a similar experience, except it was his own child that died very shortly after birth. He did not just chaulk it up, but accepts the fact that God is in control. I would not want to believe in any god that has limited power, does not know everything, cannot control everything and did not create everything. Talk about logic, why would anyone want to? If a god is not all the above, then he/she/it isn't much of a god to me. No reason to put my complete trust in a god that could possibly fail. Jesus never fails. This guy has complete peace about the whole thing because he knows God is in control.
Many people have tried to use logic to prove God does not exist. Many people have come to the logical conclusion that God must indeed exist.
As far as the sperm lotto thing, well, Christ died for all. Having a relationship with God or being "saved" is not for just an elite group of people. Jew and Gentile, rich and poor, educated and uneducated have all come to know Christ. The bible does say it is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God, however. Why, you ask? I believe it's because the well off tend to put their faith in thier wealth and/or ability to make money instead of depending on God for their needs. Does this mean you have to be poor to believe in God? No. I am not a wealthy person, by no means. Neither am I poor, but I have trusted Jesus for my salvation. The well off tend to become comfortable in their lifestyle and see no need for a Savior, using things to satisfy their intermost longings. The thing is, there is a deeper need that material things cannot meet. There have been threads in here, even that attest to the fact that it seems whatever we have, it is never good enough. When a new receiver or TV comes out that has a couple more features we are no longer satisfied with what we have and just have to have that new toy. The only thing that can really satisfy that longing is Jesus. Don't mistake what I'm saying. It is certainly not wrong to want things have money or strive to better ourselves as long as it's not our main focus. We should strive to live more like Jesus everyday. He met people at the point of their need and we shoud also. It's hard to tell a person about a loving Jesus when they have not eaten in three days and you offer them nothing to eat. Which brings me to my next reply.
No, I don't care for others just because I fear God. I go the extra mile and can love people that I would not otherwise love because of the love God has placed in me, not out of fear. I, too, have tried to treat others as I would want to be treated for the most part (the guy that pulls out in front of you and goes 20 miles under the speed limit may not receive all the grace I should give him, however...JK!).
Another quick example of how God can make a difference in your life and allow you to love the unlovely is my former music minister's wife. They were involved in a terrible car wreck. Their car was hit by a drunk driver head-on. Jim (the music min) was fatally injured. His wife is a nurse and knew when she saw blood coming out of his ears he was in bad shape. The drunk escaped almost all injury. He did even know why he was in jail the next day. No recollection. He called the hospital to check on the satus of the guy he hit. Jim's wife, Lane, answered the phone in the ICU waiting area. She did not identify herself for sometime, but talked to the fellow while he asked questions. She eventually asked him if he knew Christ as his personal savior and only after that did she identify herself. She told him she forgave him. What kind of person could care about a person so much as to ask about his eternal destiny instead of cursing him out while knowing it was the person that killed her husband?! Only one that has the love of Christ in them. This is what I mean by being able to love people you would just not ordinarly love.
I'm sorry that some feel that churches only want you to come because you represent a checkbook. My church invites people of all incomes to come and worship together. If you have a job and love God, you will give because you want to be obedient, not because the preacher shakes your hand with one hand and holds out his other expecting you to fill it up. We have several people in our church that cannot give much money. In fact, we help many people out financially. We feed several people on Wed night that could never pay for a meal out. We don't expect anything in return, just let us love on you and come worship with us. We try to look at people through spiritual eyes and not worldly. More bodies means more people we can impact for the Kingdom of God, not gold fixtures in the restrooms.
If you want a little more evidence of God being alive and living in people, go to a hospital and talk to people on their deathbed that have a real relationship with God and those who don't. The ones that do have a hope; the hope of eternal life. They do not fear death because they are sure of what's next. They may not want to die, but they are not afraid none the less. Even though (as far as I know!) I'm not on my deathbed, I have hope as well. I have hope of a fuller life here and of life eternal to come. I know of a life with no hope and of one with hope. I'll take hope. Does this make me "feel good"? You bet! It is not, however, why I have trusted in God. If you think all people or even most people believe to feel good, ask the people in Jesus' day or even now that are made human torches because of their faith if it's so. Not exactly my idea of feeling good. Yes, there are some places where they burn you alive for professing Christ as Lord.
Hope this answers some questions and give more insight.


Audioholic Field Marshall
ironlung said:
I never said I wasn't raised a christrian.
All those little funnies I put after those types of comments means that I'm having a gentle dig. I don't mean for them to be serious. I am not having a go at you. I apologise if you think that I am.

ironlung said:
If the pope decalred 2+2=3 would you believe him.
Actually, in certain number systems, one can prove that 2+2=3 and the like! I know that this is not what you mean though. To answer your question, no, I do not take everything at face value. It must come across in my posts that I blindly accept everything I am taught/told. This is not the case at all.

ironlung said:
I've said it before I treat people the way I want to be treated because it's the right thing to do. It is NOT motivated by the fear of god.
I never said is was. I also (try to) treat others well, and for the very same reasons.

ironlung said:
Sure I can elaborate but I think you are trying to avoid my point rather than not understanding it.
No. You are wrong. I will answer or not questions put to me by anyone as I see fit. What I will not do is lie to anyone. Either I will answer truthfully, or not answer at all. I was not avoiding your question. I did not understand it.

ironlung said:
Are you saying trying to be logical and strive for the truth is a bad goal?
No I am not.

ironlung said:
I DO think people use religion to feel better. See my old post. Why is religion more important in peoples lives as you go down the social and economic ladder. Religion sells false hope. Donald Trump never claimed to see the Virgin Mary in his grilled cheese and his billionaire friends would not line up around the block to witness the 'miracle' if he did.
I'm sure there are people who use religion to feel better. That does not detract from the fact that for a Christian, this is not enough to get into Heaven. There's just no fooling God. Religion only sells false hope if it is proven to be a fallacy. To date, this has not been achieved. I have no idea who Donald Trump is, but I can tell you this;

At various points in every person's life, there will be challenges. A severe challenge to one person may very well not be to another. Just because Donald Trump is financially wealthy does not mean that he has not had his own trials and tribulations to overcome. No doubt he has his own personal demons just like the rest of us.

ironlung said:
I'm not saying I have the answers. I'm just going with the one that makes the most sense to my little pea brain.
As am I.



Audioholic Field Marshall
Rock&Roll Ninja said:
What? God has to be kind & benevolent 100% of the time? You're starting to sound like a fair weather christian....
You have misunderstood me:

MDS said:
I guess god didn't see fit to bless that family with the greatest gift.
No one who has not been through such an ordeal can fully appreciate the anguish of it. To take such a terrible event lightly, as proven by;

MDS said:
My point was sarcastic...
is dreadful in itself. It is completely unrelated to whether or not one has faith or not.

It is a terrible thing to say.

With such a sensitive topic I'd like to remind everyone to give the benefit of the doubt and not jump to conclusions should you feel your personal beliefs are being attacked... i.e. try not to get personal and refrain from attacking or being overly-defensive. Just assume that if you post in here you may be misinterpreted at some point and/or that what you read may not be the way the author intended it (if you feel slighted).

Makes for a kinder, gentler thread. :)


Audioholic General
Just incase i've been misunterstood,i have no problem with church goers,none. I think its great. Its just not for me and that could change but let me decide that. My wife is on the church board,spends more time at church then with me,wont go on vacation because she needs to be there. She has even put it before the kids on a few rare times. She gives the church money we dont have to give away and they keep close tabs on how much she gives. I only know its over 3K ayear but all that is ok with me if it makes her happy. Plus its an extra prayer for me as she belives i'm in great need. :D


Ironlung the Choosen One

Dukesters post makes me want to pray for a double space feature. I found myself with a sheet of paper on the screen to keep track.

Clint the example of the marshmellow train is a poor example. A train is a multi ton machine whose kenitic energy can be calculated at any speed. Tests can be done on cadavers to see what kind of forces it takes to rip them apart. Data can be taken from other impact accidents to see what is survivable. It does not matter what the person in front of the train 'believes'.

I will try to get a copy of the book you refer to.


Last night in my sleep benevolent aliens came to me and said I was the choosen one on this planet. The said I have to convince everyone I can that mankind is going to destroy the planet so badly that it will be uninhabitable in 50 years.

I also need to convince them to give me all of their worldly possesions and dedicate their life to building a landing site. All who participate will be saved from certain death on the wrecked earth. The aliens will take all who believe in their heart of hearts to a land of milk and honey on a planet behind the north star.


Why don't you believe me? You have as much proof as Jesus being the son of god.

That's the beauty of the system. You can be opressed your whole life, babys are still born, drunks are unharmed when they run over familys. But it is not the randomness of life it is gods will or gods test. There is no proof or disproof, it's brilliant.

Agreeing to disagree,



I know when your joking and I hope you don't think I am personally attacking you. I enjoy the debate going on here. Even though we do not see eye to eye on this subject I still consider you a friend.

Agreeing to disagree..again, :)

P.S. Donald Trump is a real estate billionaire in the U.S.A. you could sub in the Queen of England and a tea stain on her dress. :)
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Audioholic Ninja
The Dukester said:
Hello, folks,
It's been awhile since I posted here. Man, this thread is kind of like the energizer bunny. Good to see at least some of you are thinking and examining.
Yo, Ironlung. Maybe I didn't answer your question about 2000 years making a lie more true. Absolutely not. A lie is a lie is a lie. The thing you (and everyone) has to answer for themselves is if indeed the story of Jesus is a lie. I can answer that it is not, but you have to decide to believe or not. None of us were alive when any other of the people throughout history we read/hear about were around (insert name here: Shakespear, Ivan the Terrible, whoever). Do you believe they existed? Maybe they were all a lie.
I'm with you on repeating myself, but Christianity is still all about relationship. It's hard to have a realtionship with a dead person. It tends to be a little one sided. Jesus is alive and well.
The story about the guy chaulking his granddaughter's death up to God's will, well, I don't know about simply "chaulking it up". A fellow just came to my church awhile back that had a similar experience, except it was his own child that died very shortly after birth. He did not just chaulk it up, but accepts the fact that God is in control. I would not want to believe in any god that has limited power, does not know everything, cannot control everything and did not create everything. Talk about logic, why would anyone want to? [emphasis added]

So you believe whatever you want to believe, and do not follow evidence in the formation of your beliefs. It should be obvious that believing based upon what one wants, rather than based upon evidence, is unlikely to result in accurate beliefs.

The Dukester said:
If a god is not all the above, then he/she/it isn't much of a god to me. No reason to put my complete trust in a god that could possibly fail. Jesus never fails. This guy has complete peace about the whole thing because he knows God is in control.

So, the guy is fine with God killing his child? (If God is really in control of what happened, then God is the one who killed his child.)

The Dukester said:
Many people have tried to use logic to prove God does not exist. Many people have come to the logical conclusion that God must indeed exist.
As far as the sperm lotto thing, well, Christ died for all. Having a relationship with God or being "saved" is not for just an elite group of people. Jew and Gentile, rich and poor, educated and uneducated have all come to know Christ. The bible does say it is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God, however. Why, you ask? I believe it's because the well off tend to put their faith in thier wealth and/or ability to make money instead of depending on God for their needs. Does this mean you have to be poor to believe in God? No. I am not a wealthy person, by no means. Neither am I poor, but I have trusted Jesus for my salvation. The well off tend to become comfortable in their lifestyle and see no need for a Savior, using things to satisfy their intermost longings. The thing is, there is a deeper need that material things cannot meet. There have been threads in here, even that attest to the fact that it seems whatever we have, it is never good enough. When a new receiver or TV comes out that has a couple more features we are no longer satisfied with what we have and just have to have that new toy. The only thing that can really satisfy that longing is Jesus. Don't mistake what I'm saying. It is certainly not wrong to want things have money or strive to better ourselves as long as it's not our main focus. We should strive to live more like Jesus everyday. He met people at the point of their need and we shoud also. It's hard to tell a person about a loving Jesus when they have not eaten in three days and you offer them nothing to eat. Which brings me to my next reply.
No, I don't care for others just because I fear God. I go the extra mile and can love people that I would not otherwise love because of the love God has placed in me, not out of fear. I, too, have tried to treat others as I would want to be treated for the most part (the guy that pulls out in front of you and goes 20 miles under the speed limit may not receive all the grace I should give him, however...JK!).
Another quick example of how God can make a difference in your life and allow you to love the unlovely is my former music minister's wife. They were involved in a terrible car wreck. Their car was hit by a drunk driver head-on. Jim (the music min) was fatally injured. His wife is a nurse and knew when she saw blood coming out of his ears he was in bad shape. The drunk escaped almost all injury. He did even know why he was in jail the next day. No recollection. He called the hospital to check on the satus of the guy he hit. Jim's wife, Lane, answered the phone in the ICU waiting area. She did not identify herself for sometime, but talked to the fellow while he asked questions. She eventually asked him if he knew Christ as his personal savior and only after that did she identify herself. She told him she forgave him. What kind of person could care about a person so much as to ask about his eternal destiny instead of cursing him out while knowing it was the person that killed her husband?! Only one that has the love of Christ in them. This is what I mean by being able to love people you would just not ordinarly love.
I'm sorry that some feel that churches only want you to come because you represent a checkbook. My church invites people of all incomes to come and worship together. If you have a job and love God, you will give because you want to be obedient, not because the preacher shakes your hand with one hand and holds out his other expecting you to fill it up. We have several people in our church that cannot give much money. In fact, we help many people out financially. We feed several people on Wed night that could never pay for a meal out. We don't expect anything in return, just let us love on you and come worship with us. We try to look at people through spiritual eyes and not worldly. More bodies means more people we can impact for the Kingdom of God, not gold fixtures in the restrooms.
If you want a little more evidence of God being alive and living in people, go to a hospital and talk to people on their deathbed that have a real relationship with God and those who don't. The ones that do have a hope; the hope of eternal life. They do not fear death because they are sure of what's next. They may not want to die, but they are not afraid none the less. Even though (as far as I know!) I'm not on my deathbed, I have hope as well. I have hope of a fuller life here and of life eternal to come. I know of a life with no hope and of one with hope. I'll take hope. Does this make me "feel good"? You bet! It is not, however, why I have trusted in God. If you think all people or even most people believe to feel good, ask the people in Jesus' day or even now that are made human torches because of their faith if it's so. Not exactly my idea of feeling good. Yes, there are some places where they burn you alive for professing Christ as Lord.
Hope this answers some questions and give more insight.

The idea of having a "personal relationship" with God is shared by other religions. So, because some Moslems have a "personal relationship" with God, does that prove that the Koran is the correct book to follow? Does it give ANY evidence at all? Yet it is the same that you have claimed for your religion. If your "personal relationship" proved that Jesus was the son of God, then a Muslim's "personal relationship" would prove that Mohammed was the true prophet of God. Yet both Christianity and Islam cannot be simultaneously true, so we can be certain that feeling one has a "personal relationship" with one's God proves nothing at all about the reality of the religion in question.

As for God "living" in people's lives, that is no more than simply the fact that they believe in God, and this belief affects their actions and lives. No one is questioning the fact that some people believe in a god. The real question is, is their belief an accurate representation of reality?
Rock&Roll Ninja

Rock&Roll Ninja

Audioholic Field Marshall
May you be forever touched by his noodily tendrils.


Audioholic Ninja
Buckle-meister said:

I'm sure there are people who use religion to feel better. That does not detract from the fact that for a Christian, this is not enough to get into Heaven. There's just no fooling God. Religion only sells false hope if it is proven to be a fallacy. ...
No, religion sells a false hope if it is really false. Whether anyone proves religion is false to your satisfaction or not is irrelevant.

One thing we can be absolutely certain about is this: At most, one religion is completely true. The rest are all selling false hope, as they all contradict each other. Proving which one is right (if any are right) is a more difficult matter, though, of course, very important to the whole discussion. After all, most people just believe basically whatever they were told when they were young and impressionable. That is why, in predominantly Christian countries, the most popular religion is Christianity, and in predominantly Muslim countries, Islam is most popular, and in predominantly Hindu countries, the Hindu religion is most popular. And, of course, prior to any examination of the matter, each religion, popular now or even one that one dreams up on the spur of the moment, is as likely as any other. This means that there are an infinite number of possible religions, and the odds of picking the right one by chance are pretty much zero.

Of course, it could also be the case that all religions are wrong and that the atheists are right that there is no god at all. Prior to a careful examination of the matter, it is as likely as any other possibility.


Audioholic Samurai
Buckle-meister said:
Good grief man! Don't apologise! What makes you think I think of her as my queen?!
.....Buckle-Meister, what exactly is the political structure of Scotland?.....

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