.....guys, there's only one way Jesus Christ can be proven, and it comes not, from reasoning....sure, there's solid evidence that He existed in that Eastern region at that time, but we weren't there, were we?.....let me assure you....before this life is over, you WILL, CRY OUT, in EARNEST, to Him.....you cannot have an encounter with Him unless He deems it, and I believe with all my heart, THAT He deems it, for every human past accountability....St. John 3:16 says, "that WHOSOEVER believeth in Him, should not perish".....and, "whosoever will, may come", is referenced in a different account of the Four Gospels.....
.....guys, youngsters think they've got plenty of time to dabble wherever, forever, but let me assure you, a day of decision cometh....I say, save yourselves years of running into brick walls, possibly losing things-precious along the way, that didn't need to be lost, and try His Way....God demands our attention sometimes for our own good, it would seem.....
.....too many guys are honestly brought to an encounter, make a commitment, and God, "THROUGH", The Lord Jesus, does His/Their part, They ALWAYS do Their part, and the guy does, splat, "nothing"....he doesn't commit to reading his Bible every day, and being led by the Holy Spirit in earnest prayer....it's GOT to be a relationship with two way conversation....without it, the plane never leaves the ground, and here's the evidence....others, and let's say loved ones, must notice "change" in the new Christian....it's scriptural that "change", must be noticed.....and, it's scriptural that we attend Church, as to be a part of "The Body", and recieve spiritual renewal....the exact words are "forsake not the assembling of yourselves together".....
.....Guys, I love you all, and this is THE BEST I can give you....I believe EVERYTHING, in this life, is a choice....and I believe ALL, in this age of communication, even unto the African Bush country and Polar regions, have received The Message, and are now standing in accountability.....
.....I most firmly believe, "whosoever will, may come".....and I equally believe, ALL, are destined for an encounter with Jesus Christ before leaving this Earth, having heard, as each, must choose......