You mean there is more?
Seriously, Alandamp, you must remember what has been said here. There is only "FAITH". There is no proof. There is no logic (even though some might want to try to prove their faith). I like Mulie's statment..."it's a walk of faith". Proof and logic cannot prevail in a metaphysical its very definition. So do not look for it.
But just for the fun of it, I'll detail a personal event in my life...just to let you know where I'm coming from. I, too, was born to Catholic parents...and fled the religion as have so many. Sixteen years ago, I (clinically) died. My heart had stopped beating for something in excess of 5 minutes. Anoxia beyond 5 minutes usually results in drain brammage (J/K

), so perhaps I'm not to be trusted with my memories. Nevertheless....if it makes you feel any better, I had no visitations from long dead relatives, there was no light at the end of a tunnel, no beckoning deities, there was nothing. Endless, quiet, peaceful nothing. I was as dead as anyone you're ever likely to know....and returned.
Nothing was there. Was that proof that god does not exist? No. Do I believe? Sorta. I believe that life is unbelievably precious and fragile, and is an amazing 'gift'. Who or what provided me this gift I do not know. But I will forever treasure it. And you know what else? I don't need an organized religion or belief in salvation to know that.
Good cheer.