Has gene ever used wire world cables?



As long as you're happy with what you hear, it doesn't matter to me. But I don't even see a TT in your setup, is that correct? So you're shootin' off your mouth and you don't even use a TT? Good Lord, go set in the corner and put the pointed hat on. My heavens you ignorant person.. You offer advise and you don't even use the medium?

How do I fix a Saturn 5 Rocket? Well ask NINaudio, that makes about as much since. You offering advise and you know NOTHING about it.. Does that sum it up? Be quiet and let others share some good tips on TTs.

I love Russcos.. I use to do the machining on the factory rebuilds in the 60/70s.

Your starting to bore me to tell the truth, kiddo. That's not nonsense either.. I have a hemorrhoid that affects me in the same way..


Audioholic Samurai
As long as you're happy with what you hear, it doesn't matter to me. But I don't even see a TT in your setup, is that correct? So you're shootin' off your mouth and you don't even use a TT? Good Lord, go set in the corner and put the pointed hat on. My heavens you ignorant person.. You offer advise and you don't even use the medium?

How do I fix a Saturn 5 Rocket? Well ask NINaudio, that makes about as much since. You offering advise and you know NOTHING about it.. Does that sum it up? Be quiet and let others share some good tips on TTs.

I love Russcos.. I use to do the machining on the factory rebuilds in the 60/70s.

Your starting to bore me to tell the truth, kiddo. That's not nonsense either.. I have a hemorrhoid that affects me in the same way..
I don't need a TT to know you're the ignorant one who thinks that they can hear a difference in their wires after 1000 hours. And people have asked for links or descriptions of the differences yet you provide neither. Just go put your tinfoil hat on and keep believing that you can tell a difference after 1000 hours of burn in.

Once again a Saturn V rocket is a terrible comparison for this conversation, just as all your other comparisons have been. Guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks.


Seriously, I have no life.
No. It's cable, not wire. and Caps "TT" Still NO! I'm feeling really underappreciated about all this. :)

BUT in a nutshell, they sound thin, usually boiling highs even in a well treated room. Nothing sounds the same by using a simple break-in LP. Sony on repeat 5/24 then 15 days on a cooker. I listen to a lot of the same cables side by side, one set conditioned one set not.. It's pretty simple to hear. I'm using dual Decware preamps same build to compare with. I haven't in quite a while.. Why should I. I don't sell the stuff. I don't pay very much for it either..

I hook sets in a tape loop, that helps with TT RCAs or any RCA for that matter. I put them in anti static bags too.

Any wire with Teflon and caps with teflon. High voltage boutique caps can take forever to sound correct too. Some never do.
What were the results of your last hearing test?


I don't need a TT to know you're the ignorant one who thinks that they can hear a difference in their wires after 1000 hours. And people have asked for links or descriptions of the differences yet you provide neither. Just go put your tinfoil hat on and keep believing that you can tell a difference after 1000 hours of burn in.

Once again a Saturn V rocket is a terrible comparison for this conversation, just as all your other comparisons have been. Guess you can't teach an old dog new tricks.
How am I ignorant? I think it's the other way around, you don't seem to be very well informed, I'm just listening to YOU. It's CABLE, not wire. It's cable not cord. I don't use tinfoil hats and it is BREAK-IN not Burn-in. You ARE dense aren't you. Mercy!

YES you need a turntable. YES YOU NEED A TURNTABLE to chime in, I insist. I'll send you one of my specials. We can't have you talking out your A$$ to long, it will hurt your throat. :)

In context it is a perfect example, YOU know nothing about either. TT or The Saturn V. That's what I was referring to. Personally I worked for Holt and I helped work on the crawler's remote and hydraulic systems.. It carried the Saturn V and all the Space Shuttles.

TTs I worked for Marchio's Machine and Iron and machined the Aluminum cast platters for Russco, Sparta and a few other.. I worked and learned. That guy taught me a lot about dampening materials. I was 15-19 then. I'm 68 now.

You need to learn some manners, young, or old it really doesn't matter. YOU just don't want to get along. What are you? A teacher or something? You read about it, but you don't know about it? Everything about you is rude up to this point.

You ask how I tested my gear, I assumed you had or have a different way. Hell, I'd doubt at this point if you have done squat other than regurgitate the CRAP you read or been reading. I didn't ask you to like me, I didn't ask you much, to tell the truth. I listen to every part of the systems I use. Pretty simple.

Your talking about what you don't even OWN or use and then admit it. At least you're honest. I don't understand that at ALL. It's better to side on kindness don't you think? I've had better conversations with my youngest grandson. He's 7. He makes a pretty good argument for waffles over pancakes. You not so much.

Enjoy your system.

On a different note and to salvage something from this back and forth BS:

How's that Ultimax?

I've used over 100 Ultimax drivers. I used 4cf boxes 12,15 active and a 18" passive. I used a lot of Rythmic plates and drivers too.

My favorite driver for the money is Dayton Audio RSS265HO-44 10" Reference Series HO DVC Subwoofer. Non servo, BUT I'm working on that one. I use it a lot in the old 10" Infinity Bass towers, when I find a set hollowed out.

I like GRs dual OB servo subs, too. I use 3 with my Elixirs and a pair of Bass columns. All GOOD CABLES. Well done so to speak.. LOL Mostly Mac and Cary valve gear.

I'm working on a pinwheel Power Cable. Has anybody else made one or working on a design? Mine reminds me of Alien vs Predator for some reason.. Maybe it's something to do with the laser fiber optics. :)

I know there are some brainiacs stashed around here..


Audioholic Jedi
After returning from vacation, and reviewing this thread, this Ohm bloke fulfils too many DSM criteria to mention, but this old doc gives him the diagnosis of JPN!


Seriously, I have no life.
After returning from vacation, and reviewing this thread, this Ohm bloke fulfils too many DSM criteria to mention, but this old doc gives him the diagnosis of JPN!
JPN ~ Jet Propulsion N......working on the last letter.


Audioholic Jedi
No. It's cable, not wire. and Caps "TT" Still NO! I'm feeling really underappreciated about all this. :)

BUT in a nutshell, they sound thin, usually boiling highs even in a well treated room. Nothing sounds the same by using a simple break-in LP. Sony on repeat 5/24 then 15 days on a cooker. I listen to a lot of the same cables side by side, one set conditioned one set not.. It's pretty simple to hear. I'm using dual Decware preamps same build to compare with. I haven't in quite a while.. Why should I. I don't sell the stuff. I don't pay very much for it either..

I hook sets in a tape loop, that helps with TT RCAs or any RCA for that matter. I put them in anti static bags too.

Any wire with Teflon and caps with teflon. High voltage boutique caps can take forever to sound correct too. Some never do.
Nah, it's just tt, no need to capitalize such an abbreviation. It's more individual wires in a tt arm or are you doing some sort of kimber kable twisting?

You must have one helluva sonic memory....can tell differences over 1000 hours of lp playing (which is like 2000 hours of real life :) ). Must really piss you off when after 1000 hours you find you still got the wrong wire because it not sounding good at that time....heck it couild just go backwards at that point and 1000 hours later be same as new again....the trials and tribulations of the audiophool and the careful choosing, break-in and storage of wire must be so tiring....


Audioholic Jedi
If you hear something different after 1000hrs with a cable, then I would be far more inclined to say something other than that cable changed or something is wrong with the cable.



I've yet to hear a single piece of good information. BLOKE! I keep reading comments but nothing of any value. Do you have any information about anything other than. "Test it" or "all cable sounds the same". 1890s to 1920. Could you at least bring your education to pre cold war. 1950-80s. How about an EE hand book after 2000.

Side note: If you need CRAP to read below is a start of about 1500 articles, paper an information I've gathered. Some is fine if you're Albert Einstein. I'm NOT.


If I have any type of mental disorder that's untreated, at least I have an excuse. What on earth is yours? I can take a pill an be fine. You on the other hand are just rude.

Would you keep your personal diagnosis about MY mental health to yourself. I've read about BBQed, and all kinds of remarks about cable conditioning, just nothing remarkable. BUT I'm not trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear either when it comes the a HT system.

"Cables" not who is rude or has some disorder. I personally do, but I try not to make fun of others if they do. It's called being a gentleman. Rare but I try.

Now about those cables that break-in along with everything else. You wonderful bunch have been using OFC copper so long you think everything sounds the same and takes 25 minutes to settle in. Not everybody uses Marantz, Denon and Onkyo.

Next thing everyone will be using spikes on their speakers and saying how wonderful they sound and look.
Room treatment? What's that? "I use DSP", I don't need room treatment. It's like the Parts Express circus here. I love it. "I added a sub to my HT should I ad just one?". I'm adding speakers on my deck, will the wireless work?
At least they have a questions and are fun.


I'm just listening to the HT and AV idea mostly. The 5.X speakers I started 8 years ago are close.

I'm being critique by a few people that don't even use a flippin' turntable. I'll be listening to them, that makes a lot of sense. LOL Entertaining lot, ay BLOKE! Faugh a Ballagh. Clear the way.

How do I support this site. I think I'm going stay and enjoy the entertainment for one and a learn of a better HT setup that will play music well too. My Krell 5.2/6 with a playthrough Cary SPL-05 for 2 channel is pretty good.

I want to know what you do know, not what you don't..

It sound like the AG crowd. Next you'll be telling about world politics, the condom shortage, oh I forgot the tube shortage, too. LOL There sure isn't a cable shortage. Good information on the other hand, maybe..


Audioholic Jedi
I've yet to hear a single piece of good information. BLOKE! I keep reading comments but nothing of any value. Do you have any information about anything other than. "Test it" or "all cable sounds the same". 1890s to 1920. Could you at least bring your education to pre cold war. 1950-80s. How about an EE hand book after 2000.

Side note: If you need CRAP to read below is a start of about 1500 articles, paper an information I've gathered. Some is fine if you're Albert Einstein. I'm NOT.


If I have any type of mental disorder that's untreated, at least I have an excuse. What on earth is yours? I can take a pill an be fine. You on the other hand are just rude.

Would you keep your personal diagnosis about MY mental health to yourself. I've read about BBQed, and all kinds of remarks about cable conditioning, just nothing remarkable. BUT I'm not trying to make a silk purse out of a sow's ear either when it comes the a HT system.

"Cables" not who is rude or has some disorder. I personally do, but I try not to make fun of others if they do. It's called being a gentleman. Rare but I try.

Now about those cables that break-in along with everything else. You wonderful bunch have been using OFC copper so long you think everything sounds the same and takes 25 minutes to settle in. Not everybody uses Marantz, Denon and Onkyo.

Next thing everyone will be using spikes on their speakers and saying how wonderful they sound and look.
Room treatment? What's that? "I use DSP", I don't need room treatment. It's like the Parts Express circus here. I love it. "I added a sub to my HT should I ad just one?". I'm adding speakers on my deck, will the wireless work?
At least they have a questions and are fun.


I'm just listening to the HT and AV idea mostly. The 5.X speakers I started 8 years ago are close.

I'm being critique by a few people that don't even use a flippin' turntable. I'll be listening to them, that makes a lot of sense. LOL Entertaining lot, ay BLOKE! Faugh a Ballagh. Clear the way.

How do I support this site. I think I'm going stay and enjoy the entertainment for one and a learn of a better HT setup that will play music well too. My Krell 5.2/6 with a playthrough Cary SPL-05 for 2 channel is pretty good.

I want to know what you do know, not what you don't..

It sound like the AG crowd. Next you'll be telling about world politics, the condom shortage, oh I forgot the tube shortage, too. LOL There sure isn't a cable shortage. Good information on the other hand, maybe..
You just made my case! G.K. Chesterton said: - "If you argue with a lunatic, you will always get the worst of it." So I will refrain.


If you hear something different after 1000hrs with a cable, then I would be far more inclined to say something other than that cable changed or something is wrong with the cable.
It can't be simple to hear. You put 1000 hours on a Turntable tonearm, connections (RCA or XLR) and preamp, you don't do anything to the other pair. I use identical Decware phono/RtR preamps.

You hook them to the SAME 2 switchboxes. (I prefer copper traces for speaker ICs).

You can compare on the fly, if you are careful. What is so hard to understand about that?
There is no hocus pocus. There is no memory. You only move your arm, I don't even have to get up..

If you can't hear the difference, guess what, there isn't any.. If you do there is.

I also tell people this. Has anyone ever called YOU on the phone and 20 years later you still recognize who they are, but you haven't heard a word from them in all that time.. WHY?


Audioholic Jedi
If YOU are pressing the button then YOU know which cables are which, defeating the purpose of the comparison. If someone ELSE pushes that button so you don't know which is playing when, then you might have something. Given that setup, you can test that method and see if you can still tell.


You just made my case! G.K. Chesterton said: - "If you argue with a lunatic, you will always get the worst of it." So I will refrain.
I just saw your system, wow what a rats nest of hidden noise, good lord. My kids did a better job in their room 20 years ago. Where did you learn to route cabling? Holy Moley. Reminds me of Kim Kardashian.
WAY to much junk in the trunk. What on earth are you doing back there? Reminds me of an old analog radio station, except there 3 X the wires hanging from the gear racks on yours. Man think Star Trek DS9 or Voyager. When they pull panels did it look like that? After it blew up maybe.. LOL

BUT your system doesn't have to make me happy. From the front it looks like you spent a lot of time.. But I'm not the one listening to it. I figure if you giggle the video camera behind your gear you could get a special effect. Alien vs Predator on the cheap remake. :)
Last edited:


j_garcia, quit already your just wanting to argue. You sound sillier by the minute. The system I use works great. I bet it's a lot better than you think. What do you use, or do you? LOL I bet you have NEVER tested for SQ. It shows.

I don't push button, I use a rotary switch with a neutral between each position. Simple ICB with copper or silver traces. Right to the terminal, it's copper or silver. Simple..

Everything is identical except what I'm testing. I do very little any more. I know what I like, why keep testing? Like I said, I don't make cables to much any more.. Why? I have 100+ pairs here and cable stock for another 50.

I'm not building a reference system, I have a few. I'm working on MY HT room and speakers that I BUILT, not someone else.. Every nail and Screw.. I did it. Speakers in all. This is my Swan Song.


Audioholic Samurai
How am I ignorant? I think it's the other way around, you don't seem to be very well informed, I'm just listening to YOU. It's CABLE, not wire. It's cable not cord. I don't use tinfoil hats and it is BREAK-IN not Burn-in. You ARE dense aren't you. Mercy!
I was actually using those specific words because sarcasm and you obviously have a problem with synonyms. If you look back through your messages you've called them multiple things as well from cables to interconnects. I'm calling you ignorant because you have bought in to the whole cable break in BS hook, line, and sinker. If you look back through your messages you've called them multiple things as well from cables to interconnects.

YES you need a turntable. YES YOU NEED A TURNTABLE to chime in, I insist. I'll send you one of my specials. We can't have you talking out your A$$ to long, it will hurt your throat. :)
No, actually I don't need a TT to know that cable break in is not a thing.

You need to learn some manners, young, or old it really doesn't matter. YOU just don't want to get along. What are you? A teacher or something? You read about it, but you don't know about it? Everything about you is rude up to this point.
And you've been nothing but condescending in the tone of your writing this entire time. I actually have stopped myself from telling you to GFYS on several occasions. How's that for manners? Am I a teacher? No, I've already told you what I do, but it seems you lack reading comprehension also.

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