Has gene ever used wire world cables?



Audioholic Jedi
j_garcia, quit already your just wanting to argue. You sound sillier by the minute. The system I use works great. I bet it's a lot better than you think. What do you use, or do you? LOL I bet you have NEVER tested for SQ. It shows.

I don't push button, I use a rotary switch with a neutral between each position. Simple ICB with copper or silver traces. Right to the terminal, it's copper or silver. Simple..

Everything is identical except what I'm testing. I do very little any more. I know what I like, why keep testing? Like I said, I don't make cables to much any more.. Why? I have 100+ pairs here and cable stock for another 50.

I'm not building a reference system, I have a few. I'm working on MY HT room and speakers that I BUILT, not someone else.. Every nail and Screw.. I did it. Speakers in all. This is my Swan Song.
I guess the real question is, why are you even here then? What shows is, YOU are the one who just likes to argue for no other reason than you have nothing better to do. And...on the ignore list.


Audioholic Jedi
I guess the real question is, why are you even here then? What shows is, YOU are the one who just likes to argue for no other reason than you have nothing better to do. And...on the ignore list.
As I said, argue with a lunatic and you get the worst of it. Chesterton's assertion is well and truly validated in this thread.


As usual, jealousy and ignorance bring unkind words. It didn't take long on the ignorant part.. LOL
Definite AG material. This is getting better by the post. Join in, lets see what you're really made of.. At least I'll know who is a who.

Right now 3 or 4 are looking a lot like the site left overs. I don't want to hear from the dummies. I want someone with some chops.. Would you guys pipe down, you're embarrassing me with all this attention. LOL I could give a crap what the site regurgitators have to regurgitate. The wannabe site squints?

Now it's the way I "push buttons" is in question.
Mr Rogers with no manners and a hangover, wonderful. :)

As I explained BEFORE, it's a rotary switch and you want to know you switched. You CAN learn the difference if there is any. I'm not trying to prove anything to anyone. I did that years back when my ears were a lot better. But it's EASY to hear the change between two cables.

If one is being used and one just setting there. All you have to do is turn a rotary switch and listen. First left then right. I use/used 2000 graphite powder, nothing more. I dip the ends, tap and install. Speaker ICs 15 minutes to 200+ hours.. Depends on the size and the material.. You leave one pair working 24/30 and nothing on the other pair of cables. Check close the first 24 hours and every 2 day, stop when you want. I kept a log, how hard is that?

I use the same type of cable, drivers, caps, inductors, resistors and solder. It was pretty tightly controlled.
Mcintosh Samra C20/or 10db gain LS, Brain 5800/MC240 and RM30/40 speakers. Good test gear. Same Thoren TT and Sony SACD.


Audioholic Samurai
You're still the ignorant one here. And what on earth do you think we're jealous of?

So you did all sighted tests and you knew which set of cables was which?


Seriously, I have no life.
It can't be simple to hear. You put 1000 hours on a Turntable tonearm, connections (RCA or XLR) and preamp, you don't do anything to the other pair. I use identical Decware phono/RtR preamps.

You hook them to the SAME 2 switchboxes. (I prefer copper traces for speaker ICs).

You can compare on the fly, if you are careful. What is so hard to understand about that?
There is no hocus pocus. There is no memory. You only move your arm, I don't even have to get up..

If you can't hear the difference, guess what, there isn't any.. If you do there is.

I also tell people this. Has anyone ever called YOU on the phone and 20 years later you still recognize who they are, but you haven't heard a word from them in all that time.. WHY?
And if you know if/when they're being switched on & off, you have confirmation bias. In a true unbiased double blind test, neither the tester nor the person being tested can know this.

"Exactly the same"? If you read the values of the components, maybe, but in reality, 'exact' is hard to achieve, especially when you're dealing with consumer level equipment. Ever hear the saying "Electronics- always precise, never exact"?

You never answered my question- how's your hearing?

If you answer with 'perfect', you lose all credibility.


Audioholic Warlord
To all those who persist in prodding the escaped circus bear, I urge you to leave him alone. He has repeatedly made reference to other audio forums that he has left. He seems to misspell those abbreviations, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that there were many of them. If you ignore him here, he will also leave AH. Let him misspell AH any way he chooses – as long as he leaves.

To crudely paraphrase GK Chesterton: Never wrestle with a turd. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, you still wind up covered with sh!t. In this case, I could modify that to say: Never try to explain scientific method to a stubborn fool. He's a fool, and he's stubborn. He'll never get it.


Audioholic Jedi
To all those who persist in prodding the escaped circus bear, I urge you to leave him alone. He has repeatedly made reference to other audio forums that he has left. He seems to misspell those abbreviations, but that doesn't matter. What does matter is that there were many of them. If you ignore him here, he will also leave AH. Let him misspell AH any way he chooses – as long as he leaves.

To crudely paraphrase GK Chesterton: Never wrestle with a turd. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, you still wind up covered with sh!t. In this case, I could modify that to say: Never try to explain scientific method to a stubborn fool. He's a fool, and he's stubborn. He'll never get it.
That is exactly my point. His only contribution is providing an opportunity for a little humorous sport!


You never answered my question- how's your hearing?
I had to sort the insults from the question and who said what. Mercy.

My exit physical was actually good. That was 18 months ago. Some low level loss 100-600 and of course my highs fall off from 12k-15K (+8 or - how ever you want to look at it) at 15K. My right ear is is close to my left. My hearing is good enough considering most of the guys I knew are deaf or dead. I did and do take good care of my ears.. I'm very fortunate at 68 working where I did. A lot of pile driving, hammer work and rotary drifters drilling, hammering and casing holes.

It was seldom just me listening 20 years ago to cables, gear, trap tuning or speakers either. It's been a while for any other than some OCC weaves I picked up. Nice product. Several people participated. We weren't trying to disprove or prove anything. It was mainly a place we met and worked through issues and refined things we made or were trying. Speaker stands, different plants, inner tubes for decoupling speakers, a lot of different block diffusers. A lot of speaker builds. Brian Chaney of VMPS (2012 RIP) did a lot of our crossover work.. Fast! There was also a great workshop here at that time. :) Just about everything matters, that's for sure.

I think I'll pick some apricots and squash.. Come on dog..


To crudely paraphrase GK Chesterton: Never wrestle with a turd. It doesn't matter if you win or lose, you still wind up covered with sh!t. In this case, I could modify that to say: Never try to explain scientific method to a stubborn fool. He's a fool, and he's stubborn. He'll never get it.
I'll say this as plainly as I can. Please don't call me a fool. A turd. A reference to poop, stubborn or anything else. I appreciate that. IF you have something worth saying say it.

Marantz and Denon how's that workin' out for ya? LOL Science? With those choices your talking about science?
Which part? 2 ears, 2 eyes, one mouth.. Try it.. You're not going to hear anything different other than weather the speaker is actually plugged in.. LOL More STUFF between the source and speakers than the Bay Bridge at rush hour.

This place is like the Joint. Clicks!!

I can see the mess Swerd without looking. Hums everywhere, noise everywhere. All the time your telling yourself it's not that noisy, I can turn it up.. Crap rattling, falling off the table, dog barking. A lot of NUT scratchin'. Am I close?

Ok you're a hard ass, I'm impressed. You could join in and support the local gangwangers. LOL

I'm going to take my rabbit for a walk. This is boring.. It's lost it's sparkle for sure.


Audioholic Samurai
There's a group for you on facebook that you'd fit right in with. They're called "Everything Affects the Sound". I suggest you try there next. They'll love you.


Audioholic Jedi
There's a group for you on facebook that you'd fit right in with. They're called "Everything Affects the Sound". I suggest you try there next. They'll love you.
Or come check out your esteemed status on the FB Audio Bullsh*t group....but you'd probably be happier in the EAtS group....they're bonkers.


Audioholic Warlord
There's a group for you on facebook that you'd fit right in with. They're called "Everything Affects the Sound". I suggest you try there next. They'll love you.
Ooooh are those the guys I need to sell my magic coffee grounds too...I man "audiophile" coffee grounds?

The were definitely not eaten then shat out by an animal in case anyone was wondering. Wouldn't that be weird?


Audioholic Jedi
Ooooh are those the guys I need to sell my magic coffee grounds too...I man "audiophile" coffee grounds?

The were definitely not eaten then shat out by an animal in case anyone was wondering. Wouldn't that be weird?
Not just shat out but repeatedly for about 1000 hours....and then perhaps a "cooker" would still need to be applied to keep things....uh, even.


Not just shat out but repeatedly for about 1000 hours....and then perhaps a "cooker" would still need to be applied to keep things....uh, even.
Great another drunk post. Slobber, slobber , trip fall!!

Bla, Bla booger, not, 899, not just about.... uh even.

THAT makes more sense. AA meeting are everywhere. You can introduce yourself as Yourassholyness. The one with the cherry red face. Let me add lovin...HD to the list.. I'm gonna really enjoy myself, I see.

Reply from lovin...HD: Booger, spaz, ignorant, blubber, blubber, BURP, FART, I'm so funny.. I like BEER. I know, I'll hop in a speed boat!! 1000 hrs ops! 899.

I would say tomorrow you'll wake up sober and well. I fear it's just another day with a snout full of suds, insults and embarrassment for all you meet. It's always the brave ones in a pack and behind a keyboard.. I can see your little round red face.. LOL, YA Limp noodle, booger eatin, spaz.. There I told you. Sober up and stay off the roads.
I think I'll try that ignore button. I've never had the pleasure, maybe it's time.

What a few hardcores keep saying, it must make it so.. Has nothing to do with better SQ but what the heck.. I guess spouting what someone else said is more important than the facts. It always helps when you really show off by not even owning the piece of equipment being talked about.. I love that.. Not even a clue as to what I'm talking about. Planet Youranus, Yes that is the correct spelling.. The epitome of DUMBASS remarks from a dumbass.

Reply: Bla bla bloop, fart... Trip, throw up, step in it. Pass out in it.. Face down on the concrete.


Audioholic Samurai
"I posted some articles about conductivity in nano wires and nano tubes and how to make better circuit breakers that have nothing to do with anything I'm talking about in the audio realm, but I've done my research and they prove my point!"

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