Has gene ever used wire world cables?



Audioholic Overlord
I have an idea.
*looks around

Lets all just stop posting on this thread and see what happens next.

Everybody in?



Audioholic Overlord
I'm just trying to send him somewhere that his "knowledge" might be appreciated.
I don't know if the dark lord himself is powerful enough to bestow a blessing upon you to support your quest.
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Audioholic Ninja
Are you in a coastal area like FLA, or some other place where center console boats are common?

Center console makes more sense, as I see more of them.

The Math is tricky for many- Geometry isn't too bad because it's in two dimensions but once they get into three dimensions, it's all 'Analytical Geometry this, Analytical Geometry that...".

What kind of kind of you use for coping- did you make it?
Gulf coast. I cut most of my copes on a bandsaw, on lines drawn by eye, from just being so overly familiar with the profile of just about any imaginable, practical angle, or compound angles, in many cases. I developed a mental trick for this many years ago, with seeing the straight lines of all this, in which for it to apply to normal cutting ops. I can cut well fitted copes in the field with a sawzall.

Proving left and right parts to check that they are the same. Funny that, being nobody would ever be able to tell, after they are installed. Eyeballed copes cut in a bend. I have a simple layout I do for these. Takes me all of about 15 minutes.



Audioholic Jedi
Great another drunk post. Slobber, slobber , trip fall!!

Bla, Bla booger, not, 899, not just about.... uh even.

THAT makes more sense. AA meeting are everywhere. You can introduce yourself as Yourassholyness. The one with the cherry red face. Let me add lovin...HD to the list.. I'm gonna really enjoy myself, I see.

Reply from lovin...HD: Booger, spaz, ignorant, blubber, blubber, BURP, FART, I'm so funny.. I like BEER. I know, I'll hop in a speed boat!! 1000 hrs ops! 899.

I would say tomorrow you'll wake up sober and well. I fear it's just another day with a snout full of suds, insults and embarrassment for all you meet. It's always the brave ones in a pack and behind a keyboard.. I can see your little round red face.. LOL, YA Limp noodle, booger eatin, spaz.. There I told you. Sober up and stay off the roads.
I think I'll try that ignore button. I've never had the pleasure, maybe it's time.

What a few hardcores keep saying, it must make it so.. Has nothing to do with better SQ but what the heck.. I guess spouting what someone else said is more important than the facts. It always helps when you really show off by not even owning the piece of equipment being talked about.. I love that.. Not even a clue as to what I'm talking about. Planet Youranus, Yes that is the correct spelling.. The epitome of DUMBASS remarks from a dumbass.

Reply: Bla bla bloop, fart... Trip, throw up, step in it. Pass out in it.. Face down on the concrete.
Yes, and I'd like that translated please!


Seriously, I have no life.
Gulf coast. I cut most of my copes on a bandsaw, on lines drawn by eye, from just being so overly familiar with the profile of just about any imaginable, practical angle, or compound angles, in many cases. I developed a mental trick for this many years ago, with seeing the straight lines of all this, in which for it to apply to normal cutting ops. I can cut well fitted copes in the field with a sawzall.

Proving left and right parts to check that they are the same. Funny that, being nobody would ever be able to tell, after they are installed. Eyeballed copes cut in a bend. I have a simple layout I do for these. Takes me all of about 15 minutes.

I should have learned to TIG weld a long time ago- I could make a killing repairing boat props, skegs and other parts.


Yes, and I'd like that translated please!
Get drunk and it will make sense to ya. I never cared for wine, beer or any alcohol. Personally I don't want to understand what the person has to say. He/She/It has made it's point. I saw what they were using for playback. I'm sure it sounds fine. I'll leave it at that.

I've seen people spend thousands to achieve, noise. I've seen people spend under 1000.00 usd and achieve pure bliss.

I really don't care if people like me or my post. It won't change a thing in my systems. The prove it to me crowd can prove it to themselves or not. My way is not good enough. Even though it did what it was suppose to. Your way? I really don't care, I'd doubt most have never checked one way or any other. Maybe what's the cheapest. I suspect.

Now if you have some tips you want to share, that's fine. I can even wade through the jealousy. I do have that effect on people. After all I am better.

Isn't that what your little group is trying to imply. "YOUR BETTER", than the new guy. You are going out of your way to prove that?

The come back. "YOU STARTED IT!"

OK I started it, what of it? Ya happy? Be a person of your word.
"Lets all just stop posting on this thread and see what happens next."

I'm pretty sure he/she/it will argue with it's heart doctor when the times comes. I didn't, but you go right ahead.

I feel a South Park episode coming on.

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