I guess I'm lucky.
4 active dual 12" OB servo subs, 8 cables
2, 8" x 6 bass column. Direct coupled columns. 7 cables total
2, LS hybrids (Elixirs) main speakers. I don't use the bass section, just the monitor section. 4 cables
Cable, USB, CAT8, Helix RCAs, XLR weaves. Two valve phono pre amps and a valve preamp for my RtR. 18 cables at least.
I use servers, SACD, DACs, a MX122 and a SLP-05 with a Super Rectifier. 8 cables
My AC cables are weaves the main feed is a pinwheels. It's shielded. It feeds a hydra with AC weaves. 6-8 more AC cables.
4 of those AC cables are powering some hefty 200 wpc valve amps and 12K pro amps.
That's OVER 50 cables. You tell me.. 4 cables are shielded, I think. the rest are SHORT.

Does that helps.
My point is shielded cables (CAN) suck the life out of a great sounding system if you aren't careful. NOISE is usually a routing issue . Mine looks like Cable art, I'm not kidding.. It's actually pretty. Most of the time.
Besides what else do I have to do, read the news? I'll stick with cable routing. It's more effective and actually has an outcome I like. LESS NOISE. Better Music!