Good article. Thanks. It's hard for me to believe Ohio has not adopted a helmet law. Almost every motorcycle accident that makes the news here in the city results in a death. I don't know if it's sport bike vs. cruiser, age, or location, but it's definitely a trend that needs to stop with a helmet law.
I ride a Road Star Warrior, which is a mixed breed of cruiser and sport. I've noticed more sport riders wearing helmets, but more are also "hot heads" on our 270 beltway.
Every day you can catch a group of guys pulling wheelies going 80+mph. Yes, they do have helmets, but that won't help scraping them from a big rig or bridge wall.
The cruiser crowd - especially on different bike nights around the city, are definitely more intoxicated and show little fear of riding their bikes after hours of partying. More don't wear helmets than do. The problem is they're under the influence.
I'm all for inacting a helmet law in Ohio. I admit, I don't wear one if I'm in my neighborhood, but as soon as I hit a main road, the plastic goes on. If it were law, I'd put it on in the neighborhood.