I say just crank the oil to $5/gallon and get it over with. I'm stick of this slow climb and bleeding dry which is exactly what they want; keep us addicted and slowly kill us. Let the economy implode now as it'll only be worst later. Here's some ideas on energy.
1. Offer more tax breaks on hybrid cars. Hybrids aren't a permanent solution, but a good stop gap.
2. Require any newly constructed houses and buildings to place solar panels on the roof. Tie those places into the existing grid. Eventually you'd have loads of electricity being generated and just need some Nuke plants as backups. If I'm not mistaken, solar panels for a home are under $10k nowadays and the sun isn't going to dry up anytime soon.
3. Place a long string of wind turbines on the west coast to blow back all the pollution coming from China and India

Still need oil to lube the motor
4. Push hydroelectric power as the oceans are only going to get busier with global warming.
5. Outlaw paid lobbying (aka bribery).
6. Make it so no public official can own shares in commercial interests. They should serve the people at fair pay and nothing more. Remember the big scare of bird flu or whatever? Guess who owned loads of stock in the company who had a vaccine? I haven't heard about bird flu since the person in question sold up.
People always say that doing any of this is not possible. But take a look at a country like Switzerland who has 57% hydroelectric, 30% solar, and 13% nuclear power. Granted, only 8 million people living there, but like Sun Tzu said, large or small doesn't matter as it's just a matter of organization.