You are listening to fear-mongering mis-information from right wing media sources,
Biden's team has publicly declared that they will not shut down the country. They are considering a mask mandate, which is central to what I consider the big WTF? in all of this. Wearing masks is easy! Why is it being touted as such a travesty of individual freedom (aside from the president of the US undermining it)?
Schools should remain open unless there is an outbreak.
Have we lost sight that experts can come up with a phased sequence of countermeasures to incrementally implement or relax depending on the specific conditions for each region and it is not an "all or none" shutting down of the national economy? That is the sane response I would have expected of any president - yes I even expected it from Trump (more fool me)!
By having a phased countermeasure approach, the frequency of total shutdowns should be reduced to only certain regions for a limited length of time.
Unfortunately, the time where this would be of the greatest benefit is NOW (and previous months) which is on Trump's watch and he has committed to selling the narrative that we must choose between health and economy when the reality is managing the health in an incremental manner has the best long-term outcome for the economy!
I just checked and it looks as if hospitalizations in your area are shrinking! Nice to see some movement in the right direction! What do you think has contributed most to that? Did Milwaukee have shutdowns, or some other public policy, or a public awareness initiative?
COVID-19: Data Pages Activity Level by Region and County Cases County-Level Deaths Facility-Wide Investigations Frequently Asked Questions
Aside: From the Forbes article above, here is a quote to provide some perspective on how soon we can expect the vaccine to bail us out:
Of course, it is safe to say that the vaccine will surpass mask wearing over time, but it is up to us to keep the numbers down until (presumably) early April, after which, the vaccine can carry us!