For the love of god or whoever … VOTE!

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Audioholic General
Seriously, I have no life.

I agree. You need to get out more.


Audioholic Jedi
Yeah, look it up. It's called science.

I don't know what would be worse, Donald Trump as President or you. After reading your political posts over the years, I'm tempted to say you.
LOL at least if you're a republican and believe in evolution that's a step up from a large part of the "base". Not interested in being president myself, don't have the background for it (like drumphy).


Audioholic Jedi
Seriously, I have no life.

I agree. You need to get out more.
That's a forum assigned thing. I have a great life. I do get out quite a bit, not as much these days due social distancing type needs, but....


Audioholic General
From reading your posts over the years, you are definitely not a liberal. Liberals don't want humankind to look all the same.


Audioholic Warlord
And replace them with whom, Democrats or different people whose ideas are more centrist?
How about just not Cruz, Gaetz, McConnell, and Graham. They can have an "(R)" in front of their name if you like.


Audioholic Spartan
From reading your posts over the years, you are definitely not a liberal. Liberals don't want humankind to look all the same.
LMAO., look who has come back from the dead !! and he's so out of touch he doesn't even know what side of the fence 'ole Lovin' is on !!

This can't be real.......... I knew I shouldn't of had that second Manhattan tonite ....


Audioholic Jedi
LMAO., look who has come back from the dead !! and he's so out of touch he doesn't even know what side of the fence 'ole Lovin' is on !!

This can't be real.......... I knew I shouldn't of had that second Manhattan tonite ....
Those girly drinks can mess with ya!


Audioholic Warlord
Wow! I kinda regret checking the last couple of pages of posts before bed.:eek:


Audioholic Warlord
Loeffler and Perdue (GA) are the Republican last hope of maintaining the Senate if that's correct. So Trump has em on for a couple minutes. Then Lin Wood gets on to push the rigged election and actively tells voters to not vote. Uh, I think you'd want your base to vote on Jan. 5th to save the Senate. The moral of the story is should the Republican lose everything, the guy at the top did it. Brian Tyler Cohen has probably been the best one on the left during this mess.


Audioholic Warlord
Another trend I've seen over the recent months is how often CNN and MSNBC get down voted on youtube while providing no response in the comment section. It's funny because these were the same people who said Democrats base their position on "feelings" yet the entire denial of the Trump era is based on feelings. Faux is a superb example of those who cry foul the loudest are actually the ones doing it the most. Faux didn't become this bad overnight. They had those strands going back many years. Hannity was the driving force behind it for a long time. Trump pushed it to its peak. In a way Tucker has surpassed it. Such a stupid era we live in here.
Edit: in the future Republicans could clean their plates with "yeah we fucked up with Trump", but sadly there will be attempts at revising history.
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Audioholic Samurai
I've only been alarmist once that I remember, and it wasn't about socialism per se, it was specifically about US democratic socialism. It was when I thought that Bernie Sanders might become the Democratic presidential candidate, and I would actually be forced to vote for Trump. That was an alarming thought. The rest of the time I've just been in disagreement, however vocal.

I fully admit, I am a strong advocate of capitalism and a market economy, albeit with appropriate "guard rails" for protecting the environment, equality, fiduciary responsibility, product safety, and some other factors for defending the public good. I am also an advocate of financial meritocracy, and I think that system works famously. (Don't confuse support of meritocracy with our inane tax system that values wages less than other income. I did that rant before.) Nonetheless, I think there are things that can be well done by governments, though I'd rather not distract this post with those right now.

The economic success of some countries you mention are not, IMO, the result of their socialistic policies, they are usually the result of their capitalist policies, or other factors, like mineral wealth. Canada and Australia have become more capitalistic over time, and both are especially proud of their recent high technology achievements, mostly done by start-ups. The world's only production quantum computer, for example, is designed and built in Vancouver. Sweden is home to important telecom and engineering companies. Norway is more socialistic, but it has a multi-trillion dollar sovereign wealth fund from oil. Isn't it odd that France and Italy are both so well known for luxury products made by corporations aimed at the rich, when both of those countries seem to despise rich people, and have previously tried to nearly tax them out of existence? But here's a better question... why is Europe still quite secondary to the US, when it has more people by far? And all of these countries get to benefit financially from the US security umbrella? Their children are arguably better educated. They have more equitable health care. They live longer (in general). It is an interesting question.

Regarding monopolies... they used to be different. They actually did dominate necessities. Is Google a monopoly like that? Nope. Not even close. I use Bing all the time because I own more Microsoft stock than Google stock, and it works just fine. So does Yahoo. Is Amazon a monopoly? No way. Walmart? Not nearly. These are just companies that have become extremely rich, and a bunch of politicians think that they have power they don't. How many here really care about Facebook? Not me. Intel? How the mighty have fallen. Do these companies occasionally do some things that reduce competition or raise prices? Yeah, but it's not like Standard Oil was way back when. I think our politicians are just looking for something to do except actually govern and improve our lives.

I like getting richer from other peoples' genius. That's why I like capitalism.
Sorry about the late reply guys, I ran out of juice yesterday afternoon.

Well that’s up for debate about why these hybrid socialist/capitalist countries are doing well and you raise some valid points I agree with. Yes mineral wealth plays a large role for some countries (Norway - energy) and others have carved out some niche markets.

I think both systems (capitalism & socialism) offer benefits, depending on the economic times. It’s this blind belief in capitalism though, the dogmatism that worries me. Everything is judged in black & white, with no allowance for greys.

Why not take the best of both and integrate them like these countries have, here in the US? And tweak them to our needs?

I’ve had these debates with my Republican friends and all I encounter is a brick wall, with talk of American ‘exceptionalism’ and that ‘old’ Europe or Canada can’t teach us anything and they shut down.

There’s an odd dichotomy here in the US where corporate welfare, for example after the Great Recession of 2008 is OK and currently with the virus, but individual welfare is frowned upon and seen as weak & unnecessary. What’s the difference?

Unless you're still a believer in ‘trickle-down’ economics and we all saw how well that worked out in the Reagan years and impacts us to this very day.

BTW Irv I disagree that some European countries despise the US. I speak from personal experience with my Sicilian relatives who I’ve kept in touch with since we immigrated here in 1962 and my travels in Europe at different times over the years … well maybe with the French. :D That’s more from a snobbery angle than anything else. Privately though they still realize where their bread is buttered and value our friendship immensely and admire us.

It’s only when DJT made his grand entrance on the world stage that they questioned our sanity. A constant refrain I hear from my relatives nowadays is; WTF is going on over there? Have you lost your minds?

I can’t say I disagree.


Seriously, I have no life.
Having G.O.P. members of Congress that stands up for democracy would be a very good start.
OK, just checking. I have been seeing comments in various places calling for one party and that can't be allowed.
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