If it's so dangerous, why isn't the WHOLE WORLD not trying to get Mexico and the Central American countries to treat their people better?
They have in the past but if you haven’t heard ‘isolationism’ is the rage nowadays, with the biggest culprits being the three largest super powers; US, China & Russia all chiming in, in agreement, unless they can make political/economic hay out of it for their own benefit.
Regarding the parents coming back to get their children.
First of all we separated them and deported them without their children.
That’s on us. We made that stupid hideous decision for them.
Secondly I think they’ve made the extremely difficult decision that the dangers of making a very hazardous trip back to get them, never mind the cost which they probably can’t afford anyway in most cases, and then bringing them back to a hellish present & future of grinding poverty and violence just isn’t worth it in the long run for their children’s lives and economic well-being. Desperate people make desperate decisions.
I would also like to know why other countries are allowed to enforce their immigration laws.
And we’re not?