You took the words right out of my mouth brother.
This constant drumbeat of fear, anger, hatred for the ‘other’ and divisiveness gets old and serves no one but the professional politicians, the same people we need to weed out of our system of government, as much and soon as possible. Without the false promise of revolution ... ‘drain the swamp’ my ass; there’s more alligators now than I can remember ... which always seems to go tits up anyway.
Agree to disagree and then compromise and let’s fix the country, at least domestically, like we used to in the 50’s & early 60’s. Stop making unrealistic promises and give us some positive results that we can see and feel. And if it doesn't work, fix the mistakes and try again.
Yes we had baked in racism, women were discounted and other issues but things got done at the end of the day at least.
And No! I don’t have any desire to go back & recreate the past. To repeat, I just want us to compromise, get things done and stop acting like petulant children. It’s possible, we’ve done it before. Learn from our mistakes and try to fix them. With the operative word there being ... try. They’re not even pretending to do so now.
Our infrastructure is a mess. Railroads, bridges & roads, communications and the plundering of our natural resources right under our feet that we’ve been blessed with. Without any thought whatsoever for how we’ll need them to stay afloat in the future.
A quick-buck economy that serves only but a few and the looming existential threat of climate change. Just look at what’s happening in the Arctic & Antarctica kiddies to start with. Even the Pentagon has made contingency/war plans for, since they agree with the scientists.
The ‘Effin Pentagon! One of the most staid and conservative members of our society that I can think of. If that doesn’t convince you, I don’t know what will.
I don’t see why we don’t see this and act accordingly.
Why? Because the politicians know this and rather give us bread and circuses to distract us, than deal with the issues at hand. They’d rather ‘downplay’ it, as some dangerous moron recently said, like we're little children who can't handle the truth.
Wake up folks!