This appeal goes out to the very few on this site who believe it’s a waste of time to cast your ballot in the upcoming presidential election and future elections.
It’s been my pleasure to discuss civilly the difficult issues that face our great country at this time on this site with almost everyone, without resorting to personal insults, propaganda, wacky conspiracy theories or a blind belief in one party on another.
The sad truth though is that only 42% to 48% of eligible citizens vote in any given year, which is scandalous. Below is a chart (Wikipedia) showing the percentages for presidential elections since our founding. It’s even worse for local and state elections.
The good news is that it’s been slowly going up and we need this trend to continue.
We’ve all been in conversations or arguments with family, friends, and sometimes strangers, at one time or another, where the sad state of affairs in this country is discussed ad nauseam and rightly so. And I’m more than happy to engage with you, on one condition.
Do you vote? If so, let’s gab and solve all the problems.

If not …
shut up!
Do your civic duty and vote!
If not for yourself, do it for your family and loved ones and for those that can’t.
You have a voice, use it.