Exclusive Denon AVR-3805 First Look!


Unreg - Freddie

The Bi-Amp humming problem

Did anyone find a solution to the humming coming from Zone 2 to selected input (VDP in my case) when bi-amping. When I turn Zone 2 volume-level down it dissapears and of course so does the bass. This is really bugging me...please help.



Junior Audioholic
Unreg - Freddie said:
Did anyone find a solution to the humming coming from Zone 2 to selected input (VDP in my case) when bi-amping. When I turn Zone 2 volume-level down it dissapears and of course so does the bass. This is really bugging me...please help.

Try disconnecting the shield/ground wire from one end of each channel of the interconnects used to hook up the bi-amp setup. I'm pretty sure what you're hearing is a ground loop hum.


Unreg - Freddie

keenan said:
Try disconnecting the shield/ground wire from one end of each channel of the interconnects used to hook up the bi-amp setup. I'm pretty sure what you're hearing is a ground loop hum.

Thanks Keenan. Unfortunatly I´m not sure what you mean? Should I disconnect the shield/ground wire in the RCA cable between preout and vdp in?

Thanx again.


Junior Audioholic
Unreg - Freddie said:
Thanks Keenan. Unfortunatly I´m not sure what you mean? Should I disconnect the shield/ground wire in the RCA cable between preout and vdp in?

Thanx again.
Yes, you only need to do it on one end of each cable. Try it on some cheaper cables you may have laying around first if you dont want to screw up your main cables in case it doesn't work. This "fix" has worked for others so it's worth a try.



Anyone know where I can find a detailed comparison between the Denon 3805 and the Denon 2805 alongside the Onkyo 801?

Jason Coleman

I'll try to say this quietly...but I de-bi-amped my 3805. I opted for Zone 2 instead.



no bass?

Do you have a Wall switch for your outlets? Check to make sure it is on if your Sub Woofer is plugged in


Bi Amping

I am new to this Bi Amping... Can someone please tell me what I would need to do for this to happen. Let me first say, I have Definitive Technology BP2002's. I can Tri-wire the Highs, Lows, Mids... The way I have them setup now is the Highs and MIDs are Binded Together and are wired into the Front and Left Speaker posts on the back of the AVR 3805. I have a Y connector connecting the LFE into the Left and Right SUB WOOFER PRE- OUT on the back of the AVR 3805. The LEFT and RIGHT FRONT PRE-OUT are going to the Sub Woofer input for the LEFT sub Woofer input on the Left Speaker and the RIGHT sub Woofer input for the RIGHT Speaker. Do I need a seperate Amp or Crossover for the HIGH OUTPUT speaker connections in order for me to BI AMP this?


AVR-3805 Multizone questions

Clint, thanks so much for a fantastically detailed review. I'm about to purchase an AV-3805 and had two questions I wanted to clarify.

1) The review states "no digital sources output to Zone 2/3". Is this really what it sounds like, i.e. if I have my CD player hooked up to the 3805 digitally, I can't play it back via zone 2 or 3? I'm surprised if that is the case since it seems there are plenty of DACs in there to handle this (at least for one additional zone if you're running 5.1). Does that also mean that I couldn't route multichannel movie audio that is playing in the primary zone to other zones simultaneously (for example to bathroom speakers so I can hear the dialog while I'm in another room)? Which brings me to my second question...

2) In the notes of the bi-amping section of the review, it states that "Zone 2/3 does not allow the same source to be sent simultaneously to the main speaker outputs so feedback is impossible". Does this mean that you can't select the same source device to be output to all speakers in all zones simultaneously? What I'd like to achieve is the ability to have my main zone 5.1 speakers, 2 speakers in zone 2, and 2 speakers in zone 3 all playing back the same source material during, for example, a party. Analog CD source would be fine for this if the answer to question #1 above precludes playback of digital sources in zones 2 and 3.

Thanks again for the great review, and thanks to anyone who can help provide answers to the questions above.


Jason Coleman


Zones 2 and 3 will only pass analog-fed signals. It kind of sucks, but it's no big deal if you've got a player with decent DAC's and analog connectivity. As far as multichannel, again you have to use the analog connections (which you'd already have to do in the case of SACD). You can play the same source in all zones at the same time. I've had my 3805 bi-amping Paradigm Studio 100's until last weekend when I finally ran speakers into my kitchen and wanted to utilize Zone 2 of the 3805.

Quick question for other owners using Zone 2...is there a way to make tone adjustments for Zone 2 independent of the main listening area? I've got Paradigm Atoms in the kitchen which sound a heck of a lot different than the Studio 100's and need some tweaking and tuning.



Audioholic Field Marshall
Use Analog Inputs

It's a hassle but you can also connect your analog inputs for CD, DVD, HD tuner, etc. so you can output different sources to different zones. I'm currently doing this with my Denon and previously with an HK.

I read the reason why manufacturers do not distribute digital signals in their equipment is there's an issue with copyright protection. This sounds so stupid that it's probably true.


How is the 3805 at just 2 channel cd music?

How is the 3805 at just 2 channel cd music?


Junior Audioholic
Unregistered said:
How is the 3805 at just 2 channel cd music?
I use my 3805 to run 2 channel music about 95% of the time, and I think it does a wonderful job. I highly recommend it.


slmcdonald7 said:
I use my 3805 to run 2 channel music about 95% of the time, and I think it does a wonderful job. I highly recommend it.

Thanks Guys,

The Amp I own at the momeny sucks at CD Music


RC-969 or newer?

So is the RC-969 been replaced by an RC-970? I just bought the AVR-3805 and it cam with the RC-969 which has a black face (while not lit) and blue numbers that light up. It has problems as some of the numbers do not light as well as the other info that is suppose to light up in the mid section of the remote. I put new batteries in but that did nothing to help.


Jason Coleman


You are correct...the remote has been replaced (for various reasons) and the one you have is the older problematic one. Call Denon and they will exchange yours for a new one.



Audioholic Slumlord
Unregistered said:
How is the 3805 at just 2 channel cd music?
At first I used the 3805's pre-outs to drive my Adcom GFP-555, the difference in SQ is not that noticeable except for may be at very loud level. Now it is driving a Bryston 4B SST, again the improvement is not great. I think the 3805's amplifier section is excellent for music.


denon link

I haven't looked back through all the pages of this thread - but does anyone have experience with multi-channel audio and the Denon Link. I am trying to decide between the 2910 ($650) and the 3910 ($1300 and with the link). I only need the 2910, but I am frustrated about a lack of the link on this machine. Is there really a big difference in sound quality between the link connection and the analog cables? Thanks.

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