Buckeyefan 1
Thanks I will hook the video up if it is that easy.
Yes, I can manage to get to where I can set all the Speakers to small, but I shouldn't have to do that should I?
The Crossover is set to 40Hz right now, but I tried setting it from 80 to 200Hz, but it helped Very Little if at all even at 200Hz.
Also right now the Sub is on LFE + Main, But I tried it on just LFE with No Luck (What is the difference between LFE, and LFE + Main).
When you say set the db level on the Sub to +10 or +15, is that where there are only 3 to pick from, and them being +15, +10, +5? If so, it is already on +15.
When you talk about the Graphic EQ for each channel, I am not sure if I have been there or not, can you tell me how to get there, and I will check.
Thanks Bobby