3805 comparison test
I swapped my 3805 for a new 3805 and it's working fine.

The thought of a different receiver was just too much. However, I still can't figure out why no LFE is output to my sub in DPL II or DTS Neo:6 with TV content (via analog OR coax). The sub works fine if I switch to Direct or Stereo, and Dolby Digital and DTS work great with DVD.
TV discolourations seem to be gone...for now anyway. Who knows, nobody has an answer for me, all I heard was "I've never heard of that before..." and all the implications I'm an idiot implied.

But I swear, the 3805 was reacting with my Sony direct view HDTV via the AC, and if you've read my previous threads you'll know I left no stone unturned (I think).
I evaluated the Denon AVR-3805 side by side with the Yamaha RX-V2400, Pioneer VSX-55TXi and a Marantz (model previous to SR7400) with my speaker package (I also listned to the Rotel RSX-1056, but with different speakers and had the Arcam AVR300 on my short list, but none were available). Bare in mind this was in store with a switch box. Technical specs and reviews only tell half the story, your ear is THE final judge, don't even move those fingers if you haven't actually heard them!
If you haven't listened over the
same hardware, all bets are off. Make sure the volume levels are equal, as an increase in volume will jump out at you and may be perceived as better sound quality. Don't be afraid to bring an SPL and insist on equal volume settings (dB on the volume dial means squat)! You'll be astonished at the audible difference in sound quality from competing products.
All were tested using Paradigm Monitor 7v3 speakers, Denon 2200 source while listening to familiar music in pure direct modes (in my view, the best way to actually HEAR the amplifier without unnecessary disctractions). Yamaha was very revealing of higher frequencies but had little low frequency impact. Marantz had a very warm sound, authoritative bass while sacrificing detail in the upper frequency range (the goal is neutrality remember, not tuning of the source via components). Rotel makes a beautiful sounding product, very neutral, but far fewer features for far more dollars does not a good value make. To my surprise, Pioneer was closest in sound quality, features and price to Denon.
However, there's a reason Denon has such a following. It's the most neutral and revealing sound of the bunch, with high frequency detail and low frequency impact and control all in one package. Not only that, they throw in parts separates only dream of (Burr Brown DACs and ADCs, Analog Devices HammerHead SHARC DSP) with more features for a reasonable price (that's called value). From what I've read (not actually heard remember), only the B&K AVR-507 and Arcam AVR300 compare in sound quality, but still lack features the Denon includes for HALF the price!
That makes your purchase decision simple now, doesn't it?
My ranking:
1) Denon AVR-3805
2) Pioneer VSX-55TXi
3) Yamaha RX-V2400
4) Marantz
The Yamaha is probably the best buy if you can get past the lack of low end or can't afford the Denon. Since Marantz is part of the Denon portfolio, I'm sure future products will be more like. But if bucks aren't an issue, I'd check out the more esoteric B&K (made in America!) and Arcam (UK). They're still half the price of separates, but apparently equals in performance. That's my two cents.