Enter to Win: Subwoofer from Axiom Audio

What is your number one consideration when shopping for loudspeakers?

  • Great sound

    Votes: 149 93.1%
  • Latest technology

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Color goes with the furniture

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Able to audition them in my home

    Votes: 2 1.3%
  • Right size for the room

    Votes: 3 1.9%
  • Other (please describe below)

    Votes: 6 3.8%

  • Total voters
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Value is Everything

One should expect sound quality to win on an audiophile site, but I am surprised by the absolute landslide here. Does no one shop with their own money? Perhaps most folks are implicitly factoring in the $$$ i.e "I buy the most sound quality I can afford". I can understand that, but I suspect that most design to a budget as I do.

Still, I acknowledge that it is somewhat of a cop out to say value as the number one consideration when shopping, since it is not an inherent property of the speakers themselves. So I choose accuracy.

As for the value of the other poll choices to me, latest technology is a complete non-factor. If the sound is there, I don't care what tech was used to make it. Matching furniture color - tiny consideration. It's impossible to match everything in your room. That's why choice is key.
Auditioning - Very important. It's difficult to know what speakers will sound like in your home and stores with mock living rooms don't make it much easier. I buy many things online sight unseen - however they come with a favorable return policy. If I buy speakers sound unheard, I would expect the same.
Right size for room - I must take my ability to size sound in a room for granted as I see this as a non factor in my speaker purchases, since I do this inherently. Consumers have to be at least a little intelligent about this.


I'm Voting For "Value"

That combination of "what you get for what you pay." In my case, a combination of performance, aethestic and cost.

Axiom Architectural baby!


Great Sound

When my divorce is final, getting a system with great sound within my budget is the route i will go. hopefully that will mean i've ordered the 60-500 system. i miss not having surround sound for movies.



I agree; sound all the way, providing this includes the "feel" or "exeperience" associated with bass production. In other words, if someone came up with a design that took subwoofers out of the borg like cubes to throw sound around and enhance the experience, then I am in - sound all the way. Heck, give me "baseboard subwoofer trim" for the media room and we can make sure everyone in the room enjoys it


Audioholic Intern
Features and aesthetics are great and all but nothing beats great sound! After great sound, I'd put 30 day trial so that you can actually be convinced that you are getting great sound!


Junior Audioholic
Plain and Simple: If a pair of speakers doesn't sound good, the rest just doesn't matter much.


Junior Audioholic
Great Sound

followed by reasopnable price and aesthetics.

mikey d

Junior Audioholic
i voted other because
I Love my AXIOMS

I have everything else AXIOM but a sub and I LOVE MY AXIOMS!!!!!

i have this crappy weak cant reproduce base even as low as my m80's yamaha sub.


Audioholic Intern
Obviously sound quality is going to be the most important factor - I'd like to see who voted otherwise. They're odd ones to be on this site.


Audioholic Intern
Accurate sound that is pleasing to my ear. Although that statement may be an oxymoron ;-). In the real world, appearance usually plays a part in the choice, as does room size. While I've upgraded my electronics several times over the past 25 years, I still prefer to listen through my old AR9 speakers. When I heard them (inhome audition) I knew that was the sound I wanted. But there is no way my wife will let me drag them out of the music room (read:basement) and put them in our new family room. So we are now shopping for speakers for the home theater. Sound will be the primary parameter, followed by appearance/scale.


Trick Question

It would seem that these are much related options. Room size is important for sound quality, since running speakers on low or high amps will damage them. Technology is necessary in order to play many of the latest audio formats. Color well if the wife is approving the purchase with out the color there is no sound. So it would seem all of these options seem to make Great Sound


I would have to say Sound first and foremost. Followed by craftmanship, their is something to be said about a solidly, built, and polished speaker cabinet w/ the speakers showing. I prefer to deal with a quality Manufacture who stands behind their product with support before and after a purchase. As for technology, as soon as you buy it, it is usally outdated. Fortunately, a good quality speaker can last quite a few years.


Senior Audioholic
Sound is why we fill up our living areas with speakers. I don't care what they look like. Something like a sub can usually be hidden in a corner out of the way.



How many watts x 2 channels. I've had a hard time finding speakers I can afford that will handle my TFM-45 which is 375x2 @ 8 ohms.


Sound Always. "Never buy anything you can't hear" is what I was taught from the person who gave me my first audiophile experience. It has never done me wrong. My ADS L880's are the sweetest speakers that I know. So far I am not impressed with the so-called 'latest technology'.
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Audioholic Intern
Like so many others, I agree that great sound is the most important thing to consider when shopping for speakers. Obviously, that's not the only factor, as I do not have unlimited funds. I try to achieve the optimal balance between sound quality and price I'm willing to pay.


Got to go with great sound. That's what I want when I sit down to listen to music or to Watch a flick.
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