Enter to Win: Onix SP3 Tube Amp from AV123!

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Junior Audioholic
My current set up with my Marantz SR7500, DV7600 would be strictly used for Home theater only. My 11x17 room is already set up 7.1, so I would leave it alone. I would then use the Onix to set up a dedicated 2 channel setup in this same room. I think I would pair it up to a Onix brand reference speaker or to a pair of Vandersteen 1C's that I recently had a chance to demo. Wow, now that I'm thinking about it a new CD player would be nice too...and maybe a few new cables... this is going to get expensive!


Junior Audioholic
Separate room....

I would use the amp as a foundation for a small, stereo-only system in a separate room with a nice pair of bookshelves...unsure of the make at this point.


I would add this amp to my Yami 1400 which is pushing two B&W 604S3's. This set up is in my main listening and watching room. If my present speakers don't sound good with the amp I will go out and purchase a pair that does. I would most likely fire it up when listening to music since it is a two channel amp.



Tubes, Tubes, Tubes.

I Love them. This amp will be used in a dedicated two channel system with my old beloved Spica TC50 speakers and what else a turntable(Denon DP-62). I'll probably have to add a nice sub and some appropiate wire. Again just love them tubes taking me all the way back to when I built my first Dynaco amp & preamp. Good listening and good luck all.


Junior Audioholic
Wow, nice contest audioholics/AV123!

I'd use this amp as a good excuse to dust off the old Thoren record player, need a new cartridge though, and to warm up those CD's. Good thing the kitchen area has the 2 channel setup with old Dynaco bookshelves and a Heathkit solid-state tuner. Also have some wonderful sounding old Yamaha floor standers that I'd have to try with this amp. Axioms in the basement with a Yamaha RXV757 reciever. Would be interesting to hear the Axiom's powered by tubes.

I've got a box full of various tubes like old Phillips 12ax7's and many others pulled from various guitar amps I've owned that I could try in this amp. Anyway, nice looking product, would love to hear it! :D


Not really sure until I give it a full audition to see how well the amp can integrate with my existing equipment.


Definitely would fit well with the 2-channel bedroom system:

Denon DRA-395
PSB Image 2B Monitors
Sony DVP-NS50P
Sony PS-4300 Turntable (MINT condition!)

I'd also like to hear it with my Definitive 7004's in my HT room but I think this amp would be far better suited for the bedroom system. With an amp like this, I'd I think I'd buy a Rotel RC-1070 in place of the Denon in order to get the most out of the turntable and the sound of this beautiful amp.



Would definately use this with my two channel kef iQ5 setup, in my main listening room.


onix sp3

if i were to win a onix sp3 tube amp, the amp would be used in my study where i currently have a pair of rocket 250 bookshelf speakers powered by a hk avr7200 receiver. the receiver resides in my home theater and must be configured for multizone use. quite inconvenient as the study and home theater are at opposite ends of the house. so the onix amp would be used as a two-channel setup in my study. i have an onix xcd88 cd player that would be moved to the study to complete the two-channel setup. the only potential purchase would be to replace the rocket 250 speakers with a pair of strata minis. that would be heaven. cheers.



I've got a small would-be dedicated theater room upstairs, separate from the day-to-day system in the family room. The room is about 18x13 and, other than a rack-sized niche in one wall, completely bare. This amp would be a great excuse to finally buy a pair of Mordaunt-Short Performance speakers and one of the high-end Denon DVD units to drive it. Oh, and a couch. Though the Performance speakers might not be efficient enough for this amp, I'm sure I could make do...



How I would use the SP3

I would use the SP3 in my office two channel system. The SP3 would take the place of my Cambridge Audio A500. Source material would come from my PC, and Yamaha CDC-575 CD player which will eventually be upgraded (potential for a Arcam, or entry level Musical Fidelity player). Speakers will be Energy e:XL16 monitors. I hope the SP3 has a tape loop, or a set of outputs for my Musical Fidelity X-Can V2 which I use for quiet listening with my Grado SR-125 cans. All cables are DIY Cardas Crosslink interconnects, and DIY Cat-5 speaker cables.


PS: I still love my ULW-10 that I use in my HT setup!


Junior Audioholic
I'd use it in my main-floor living room where I currently use the sb amps of my HK325 to power in-ceiling Infinity speakers.
I stream mp3s over my Xbox (in my basement along with my home theatre) using XBMC, so I'd move the Xbox into my living room & purchase a set of bookshelf speakers for streamed movies & use the Infinity's for music.


I would set up my first analog system by pairing this amp with a pair of Atelier's First Horns and an entry level Pro-ject turntable.
Pick me, pick me, pick me...:)


Senior Audioholic
I'd first try the SP3 out in my main listening room (HT/2-ch) and see how it sounds with my current speakers. If that is noticeably enjoyable, I'd keep it there. If not, I'll move it to my secondary room.

In my primary room, it would be paired with my Monitor Audio S8 fronts. In the secondary room, with Castle Avons. I may look into purchasing a dedicated CD transport if I win this.


Junior Audioholic
Educational purposes

If I were fortunate enough to with this AMP. I would most likely take it to my classroom were I tech technology in an Ohio high school. I am putting together a unit on audio for the coming year. So far I have 1 Karlson style speaker with a E/V 15" speaker, a blown Technics Amp and a couple of CD players. I'm looking for donations. The room is about 35'x56' with 14' ceilings with steel cross beam and carpeted floor.
I am trying to find more stuff. There is no money to be had for this so everything will have to be donated. This amp would be the crown jewel.


I'd use it in my bedroom, the ultra industrial look goes well with my decor. That and given the fact I'm using my TV's speakers for all my audio needs (spent all my money on some Videohol). I'd hook it up to my Toshiba HD-A1, for CDs. The player has some pretty amazing CD playback quality, it is now my primary listening station. I didn't have any idea what I would pair it with speaker wise (because of advantages/disadvantages a tube amp may have), so I headed over to av123.com. I browsed my way through the site until I came across an sp3 package they were advertising, An SP3 plus a set of bookshelves they call Reference 1 LEs. They promise to produce the best sound I've ever heard for the money. Given thier strong recommendation and affordability this would definitely be the buy. Maybe I'd include one of their high end CD players but I'd have to be very happy with the difference between them and my HD-A1 given my status with the player.


Junior Audioholic
If I win this amp (please) it will be used in a secondary room that has been dubbed the jazz room, it would be paired to dedicated 2 channel system via some high dollar bookshelves (due to space restraints)


Audioholic Intern
Contest Question: If you win this contest, how will this amplifier be used? Describe what room it will be in (main listening room, secondary listening environment, dedicated two-channel room, etc), speakers/ electronics it will be paired with, any additional purchases you’ll make because of the amp, etc.

1. two channel music
2. office at work
3. speakers: Norh 7.0 pair, ancient SONY cd player, PC soundblaster Xfi output from computer.
4. if i win, i would get a better cd player. i am using an ancient college days $50 cd player that is ok but not great. my office currently is powered by a 1987 NAD 7175PE receiver that STILL works great today. the memory presets for the FM don't store the stations if the unit powers down (probably a simple lithium battery replacement)


Mike JL

Audioholic Intern
I have no experience with tube amps, but I would love to start with the SP3. I would most likely hook it up in my family/media/HT room with some new speakers. I run a 7.1 Def Tech system connected to a HK AVR7200 now but I do listen to two-channel - radio and CDs - in there fairly often. I prefer to listen to stereo sources in stereo, not surround.

I've been looking for an excuse to try out some Onix speakers (Ref or Rocket), but I have a tough time justifying the purchase with my current setup. A new amp might be just the reason I need.
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Im just getting back into the audio thing. I took about 8 years off (got married, had children, got divorced) I just broke out my old reciever and dvd player (str-da9es and dvp-s7000both sony) and just purchased some jamo fronts surround and sub. I guess I would run the amp to the fronts and let it rip.
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