1) Are you currently looking for or using a music server?
a) if you are currently using, which do you use and why
b) if you are not, would you like one, why or why not.
Yes, I am looking for one. I am currently stumbling forward with playing my music remotely on iTunes and piping the audio to my AVR on the other side of the house, or for the FLAC files I have, playing them on my Western Digital media player; neither method is really very refined.
2) When purchasing a music server, which are the three most important considerations to you and why?
Audio quality, user interface/experience, and compatibility. I do not want a unit that can not playback at least at the same quality that my PC or media player can already. The ability to browse, add to playlists, compile different playlists, and generally navigate through the library is important. I prefer a unit that will play not just MP3 and apple formats, but also FLAC and perhaps other formats.
3) Are their any deal breaker features in music servers (meaning you wouldn't buy one with that feature)? What are they?
Yes, if it did not support either of these:
- 24bit/96k (or 192k even better)
- network connectivity (I prefer to play off NAS drive over offline USB drive)
- if it does not have a good user interface