1) Are you currently looking for or using a music server? NO
a) if you are currently using, which do you use and why
b) if you are not, would you like one, why or why not.
While I'm not currently using one, I do use our home computer to perform this function. I often build playlists, and then play them through our wireless Creative XMOD, which I can hook up the receiving box to whatever system in the house I want to play the music through.
2) When purchasing a music server, which are the three most important considerations to you and why?
a. Ease of use. I do not want to have to spend a lot of time and read lenghtly instructions to set anything up.
b. Functionality. Can it play streamed music from the computer or directly? Can you hook up external hard drives? Can you build play lists, search, etc.
c. Price. Obviously, it would have to fit within a budget - the less expensive the more likely I would be willing to consider the purchase.
3) Are their any deal breaker features in music servers (meaning you wouldn't buy one with that feature)? What are they? Not that I am aware.