1) Are you currently looking for or using a music server?
Ans: No, but will be within 1 year. Currently finishing up the video side of the HT room.
a) if you are currently using, which do you use and why.
Ans: No, I still feel that they are in their infancy. They seem to come and go too fast (company wise) so support and expandability is of question.
b) if you are not, would you like one, why or why not.
Ans: I certainly would like one but at this time am concentrating funds on other ventures.
2) When purchasing a music server, which are the three most important considerations to you and why?
Ans: 1- expandability 2- reliability 3-lossless support (multi format WAV, FLAC, ALAC, Etc.)
3) Are their any deal breaker features in music servers (meaning you wouldn't buy one with that feature)? What are they?
Ans: A deal breaker would be no expandability (500gb is not enough to hold even half of my collection in lossless format) At least offer a USB 2.0/3.0 connection for an external HDD (which I see this Olive model does). Also having a digital out. Continued support through firmware updates, with history showing it in past models. Would prefer to have Wi-Fi or wireless but not a deal breaker. If I am investing in a "Music Server" I would really consider strongly a complete media server (at this day and age) that means a Blu-ray drive and SACD/DVD-A playback as well. Of course now we are entering a different animal all together.
I see that the 04HD and 06HD models have most of these above mentioned features (still neither is true multi-media) but lots of other "audiophile" upgrades. Wow - $2.5K and $5K seems a little steep though!