1. Do you currently own or have a need for powered speakers? If yes, where?
A: I don't own any. They would be nice to have as computer speakers.
2. In your opinion can powered speakers sound as good as passive speakers paired with an amp or receiver?
A: I'm sure that if you throw enough money at something it can be what ever it is that you intend for it to be. I believe it to be a matter of engineering and design.
3. If you add wireless surround speakers to your home theater system, will they match the sound quality of your passive speakers? Is this something you would consider doing?
A: Due to cost and size I think wireless surrounds in my home theater would have to take a hit sound quality wise. I can't see myself going that route as my surrounds are pretty decent now (for me) without being very expensive.
4. If you use a desktop computer speaker system, what do you like or dislike about the system? (size, sound, quality)
A: I use the H/K SoundSticks II. Due to space constraints and affordability I have to say that I like these pretty well. I paid under $100 for them but if I paid the MSRP of ~ $300 I would not be happy with the sound or the quality. Size would still be good.
5. When you are listening to music, how important is the ability to change songs and source without walking to your audio system?
A: If you guys come up with a way to automatically flip records ... I'm in.

Seriously, I don't mind getting up but I have seen systems where the rec'r gets music from a computer and there is absolutely no reason to get up. I'd say that for me it is somewhat important like maybe a 6.5 / 10 on the desirability scale.