Enter to Win: A7-700 Subwoofer from Elemental Designs!

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Do you currently use acoustic room treatments in your home theater?

I do not use room treatments. My walls are to busy.

If no, is there something in particular that you are looking for in a product that would make you choose to move forward with acoustic room treatments?

Not at this time. They would help the sound though.


Contest Question: Do you currently use acoustic room treatments in your home theater? If yes, what do you use and what would you like to see improved over you current acoustic treatments? If no, is there something in particular that you are looking for in a product that would make you choose to move forward with acoustic room treatments?
1) No, not currently.
2) What has turned me off from treating my room is a) most room treatments that I've seen would not pass the wife test (i.e. they have to be very bulky to do a decent job) and b) they are too expensive for what I feel I would get as a result of treating my room further, which already has a fairly flat response. If I could find something that was pleasing to the eye (high WAF), reasonably affordable, and proven to be effective, I'd reconsider adding room treatments.
Cruise Missile

Cruise Missile

Full Audioholic
Contest entry

No I don't own any room treatments....... yet.
The pricing has been one of the stumbling points with the wife.
I realize the benefits of room treatments and if they were better looking I would surely get the nod from the boss.


Not yet

I don't yet have acoustic treatments in my room. I'm in the process of buying a home, so I'm going to wait until I'm settled in before I start working on my theater again. Acoustic treatments will be in the works as long as I can keep the budget under control.


Full Audioholic
I do not use acoustic room treatments for two reasons, money and space. As a college student, room treatment aren't exactly cheap, and truth be told, they are pretty much last on my lis of upgrades. Don't get me wrong, I want to purchase some later in life, but now is not the time. Second is space. Because I am living in a dorm (home at summer), there really isn't much space to put up any treatments. I would at least wait till I got an apartment so I had the room to do treatments (which if everything goes according to plan, should be within the next year or so).


Junior Audioholic
I currently do not have any acoustic treatment in my room. With the way the room is set up, I have a window and a closet on each side where first reflection is, so I would need some kind of solution for that. Also, it seems to me that on most forums, everyone is completely consumed by absorption, and almost all of the people who are in the industry seem to favor more diffusion, which doesn't seem to be as readily available, and if it is, its ridiculously expensive.


Junior Audioholic
I don't currently use room treatments. Once I move to a house where I have a dedicated home theater I will be more concerned with them. WAF is definitely a consideration for me not having them currently.


Junior Audioholic
No I do not have any acoustical treatments , my HT is also my living room so if I could find treatments that wear say 1" or less thick for $30 to $80 with interchangeable color and texture face plates or something like that I would buy in a heart beat


I do not have acoustical treatments currently. I would definitely would like to add such items if it were 1-2" and could match the decor of my room. So, a variety of fabric choices and the ability to change the fabric later on should the decor change would be fantastic.


I currently do not use any acoustic treatments. The current offerings are two big to fit in my tiny living room. If they made something for people who have smaller spaces it would be nice.


pick me, pick me!

I'm not using specialilzed room treatments but. I know that room treatments make a difference (and so do furnishings). The only treatments I'm likely to buy in the near future are 'corner traps' for my ceilings.

I would like eD to invent a way to redirect bass sound/vibration away from neighbors' walls so us apartment and townhouse dwellers can enjoy our subs to the max! Maybe a spray-on bass-deadening 'stucco' or paneling for walls and carpet padding for floors. There is an increasesing number of leases that outlaw subwoofer usage because of this problem.

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Right now I do not use any treatments but I would use ED's stuff if I win a sub........:D


I do not currently use treatments in my main theater, because it serves double duty as a living room. I will echo other's comments about not being able to use treatement due to decor. If there was a line of very reasonably priced panels that would easily blend in to a living room/theater, I would check them out.

I do however have treatments in the theater at my cabin. It was installed before I got the place, so I do not know the brand, but it is likely 10 years old. I have swapped out many of the other existing components, but left the room treatments because although they are ugly, they get the job done. If I was to redo them, I'd use something thinner, as they stick out nearly 4 inches.


I do not use any treatments but I know it would greatly improve the sound b/c my basement is not the best as far as sound quality goes.


Audioholic Intern
I don't currently use room treatments. It's my living room, and I'd have to see something that looked like living room material before I considered it. That, and it would have to be inexpensive.


I don't currently use any treatments. I would use them if they were a bit cheaper and do not look out of place in my living room. A design that would give a good "home" feeling.


Junior Audioholic
Besides the normal rug/furniture, my room is without acoustic treatments - mainly because the room is multi-purpose, and it would have to blend into the decor. It would need to be easy to install, nice looking. Price is also a factor since you can't verify the results until after you've bought the product, so it can't be too expensive.


Audioholic Intern
No, I currently don't have any acoustic treatments. I know of the benefits of having acoustic treatments although I haven't pulled the trigger yet on this part of my home theater. I suppose a way to help me towards this purchase would be to have a sale; maybe something like buy one get one half off.


Junior Audioholic
I need room treatments (or a new room)

I have an open floor plan including a balcony to the second floor. The current theatre is in the great room with no room treatments.

I need something, currently audio is clearer in the upstairs bedrooms than in the theatre seating.

Winning this subwoofer would encourage me to move the theatre down to the basement. (My subwoofer size limit upstairs is about 14"x16").


Junior Audioholic
No i do not currently use sound treatments. My room is not an ideal set up so i guess i am waiting on moving to a house where i can have a more dedicated media room. That way i don't have to deal with the W.A.F. either.
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