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How do you rank your overall knowledge of A/V Home Entertainment?

  • Novice - ie you have trouble wiring new equipment into your system

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Basic Knowledge - ie - can plug it all in but have trouble setting it up properly

    Votes: 51 17.0%
  • Good Knowledge - ie can set it up from start to finish

    Votes: 188 62.7%
  • Expert - can set it up and calibrate it without using auto set up features

    Votes: 59 19.7%

  • Total voters
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Audioholic Samurai
Tom Andry said:
Axiom Audio wants your opinion!

Axiom Audio is offering $1000 Axiom dollars redeemable on any Axiom purchase to one (1) randomly selected winner!

To be eligible to win, you must: 1) Be a registered Audioholics forum member, 2) Have USA or Canadian Residence 3) Respond to the poll above and explain your response below in this contest thread.

Note this contest ends on January 31st, 2007. Winners will be drawn shortly thereafter

Have fun and good luck!

I selected 'Good Knowledge' on the above poll because A/V home theatre is not my area of specialty, but I am aware of most of the relevant issues and can set up such with a moderate level of competence.

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I enjoy eletronics and consider AV setup pretty easy. I am learning to calibrate next


The poll was rather a bit too simple. I have been visiting this forums for about a month and I have learned so much and yet so little. Little in the sense that I realize how much I have to learn. For the poll I chose good, but when I first read the question I thought I would answer the first or second choice. I feel anyone who was born after my mother ought to be able to plug the thing in... however I do understand there are those out there that have trouble with this sort of thing. (the kind of people that don't understand what input does on a television for instance.... my parents.)

Anyways, a/v stuff is complicated. Would love to win this prize, thanks for offering it axiom and audioholics.


Audioholic Intern
Voted for #4

Me done setted up lots o' stereos.


Junior Audioholic
$1000 off Axiom Order!

I'm learning somthing new every chace I get!So much to learn about in re-fining my home system......so many wires, so little time.........as a cancer patient the home theater hobby is rewarding.As time is not exactly "on my side" yet I enjoy the prospects of making it look & sound better however long I'm on this ride! I've read all the material you guy's(Alan&Co.) write about regarding the Axiom speakers.I've wanted to purchase some since I first read about them! I truly hope I win this one as Axiom's sound great! Many thank's for the opertunity & chance............


i put basic based on the fact that i have never used software/test tones/microphones/etc. to calibrate any system i have.


Full Audioholic
Using the descriptions provided I have chosen expert. I have setup and calibrated my home theater quite a number of times so I have chosen expert. But I believe there is always more to learn and have a hard time calling myself expert.


I can set everything up but I have never calibrated my system. I don'tm have a home theather but I sure would buy one with this credit!!


I picked Good Knowledge. I know quite a bit, but can always learn more.


I've calibrated my system by hand, and offer to do it for friends but they almost never take me up on it. I'll probably be paying an ISF Tech to calibrate my DLP soon as well, since I hate to think I'm not getting the best from it.


i choose good knowledge, because i am comfortable setting up my system, usings a meter, and properly placing speakers... but i am by no means an expert, subs and sub placement are my weak areas, primarly because i dont own a sub (next on the list, however new TV may take presidence)...

most enjoyable thing about A/V equipment is relaxing and listening... i am not a tinkerer, but do occassionally get biten by the upgrade bug... i have been using Paradigm Monitor 9's for like 6 years now with a Marantz Reciever...


Audioholic Intern

i picked expert, given the description of the poll, but there is still a lot i have to learn.

I start with flat settings and compared it to the YPAO.

i didn't care for the the standard parametric YPAO settings as it made the treble a bit too bright for my taste.

also, i upped the back speakers level to better match my fronts. i like a hightened sense of the surround speakers and thus prefer a slightly more pronounced back speaker setting.

I also think that sounds from behind the listener are slightly less loud given the forward shape of our ears. the external ear helps to augment front sounds and diminish rear ones. That's why when you cup your ear, you can hear front sounds more loudly.


I chose good knowledge since, I can use an slp meter with the rives audio test cd 2 to setup my system. I don't have an auto setup feature on my reciever. I wouldn't consider myself an expert since no matter what I try with speaker placement I still have the vocals sometimes sound hollow. This is because my room is down 10-15 dB from 120Hz to 350Hz. If I can fix this I would then consider myself an expert.

- Nick


I chose good knowledge... paticularly with my equipment. I still may need an occassinal pointer & I do still read up on what I need to to do to get to the next level of knowledge.



Good knowledge of basics; however, raising the education level of the general public will always be tough. How do you explain to someone who just dropped 2-5K on a HDTV that in order to truly maximize his/her experience that they need a solid audio system and that the $199 "home theatre in a box" is just not going to work well? Heck, how many people who buy HDTV's bring them home and hook up the cable box to their TV using the S-Video connection and think...whow...now I have HDTV? Education of the general public is hard.


i choise expert but i inbetween very good and expert and can hook everything up fine and fine tune speakers by ear it took me a while to figure all this out but now my system sounds great took me a long time to figure out that the subwoofer needed to be turned down a little because my music was always too bass heavy but i thought the movies sounded great when i finaly turned my sub down music sounded great and didnt miss any thing on the moives and now i cant even tell the sub is working just sounds like every thing is coming from the speakers. one thing that took me a long time to set up is the eq on all the speakers i know where it needs to be for music but for tv and moives a totaly different ball park and much harder to fine tune when you dont have constint sound coming from all your speakers


Full Audioholic
I initially chose and polled as an "expert", however after further reading this post I would consider myself having "good knowledge". Mainly due to the fact that I can and have used an spl meter and the Rives CD and the Avia DVD to assist with system set-up. I try to keep up on the latest technology mostly by reading Audioholics. I am currently planning a new HT as my new home has a dedicated media/HT room. I can't wait to get a projector in there! Another 1/2 year or so of saving and planning for it and I will be ready to start. For now I'm just getting a few pair of in ceilings to add ambiance music to the new rooms of the house. Happy New Year.

Adios Audioholics!


I struggled to know what to choose. But, given the descriptions listed, expert was the best match. Funny calling oneself an expert and still reading tips and owners manuals everytime I need to change things.


I chose basic knowledge because I read a lot of HT information but I don't have the ability to experiment much to see what I really know.


Junior Audioholic
My knowledge

I feel that I have learned quite a bit in a short amount of time, and I am still learning more and more everyday thanks to the advise I read here! :)
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