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How do you rank your overall knowledge of A/V Home Entertainment?

  • Novice - ie you have trouble wiring new equipment into your system

    Votes: 2 0.7%
  • Basic Knowledge - ie - can plug it all in but have trouble setting it up properly

    Votes: 51 17.0%
  • Good Knowledge - ie can set it up from start to finish

    Votes: 188 62.7%
  • Expert - can set it up and calibrate it without using auto set up features

    Votes: 59 19.7%

  • Total voters
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I have a good knowledge of setting up an a/v system plus basic room treatments. I like to use avia for the basic setup and a spl meter.


Audioholic Intern
I went for "Good Knowledge", I've set up a couple of 5.1 systems and am reading up on this site in preparation for setting up a 7.1 system sometime later this year.


Audioholic General
I chose good knowledge. I don't know everything and there are some things I'd like to do that I haven't done, but having set up my own system, helped others and most recently my father, I can chose the right equipment and get it set up and working well rather quickly. Further tweaking can always improve it, but some of that I haven't really worked on before on any system. I'd say I'm on the edge of expert though, but I'd prefer to underestimate my abilities in this area simply because I haven't done as much of the kinds of tweaking I'd like.
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Junior Audioholic
Good knowledge.

I have set up a couple systems for myself and family. I have no problems with hardware and connections. However, for calibration my preferred method has been to run the auto setup, then verify and tweak manually after I have an idea of what it should be.


Audioholic Intern
I voted expert, I set up 3 to 5 systems a month. And do numerous audio video related installs and repairs every month, it just happens to be my second job.


I put expert, because the description seemed most apt to my abilities. I am not an "expert" in the grand scheme of things, but am certainly able to set up and tweak my system myself. I have gained all of this knowledge from this site and other websites and forums. I really like my new hobby:)


Audioholic Chief
Again, due to the poll's definition of expert, that's what I chose. I have studied acoustics & sound system design & engineering under some of the great minds of audio and the founder of SynAudCon, but I am not an expert in such matters, those would have been my teachers. Now I'm a highly educated hobbist! If you don't use it, you lose it, and since I no longer work in audio, I've lost much! But I can definatley set up equipment w/o autoset up features, but I sure enjoy setting up a system and comparing my settings to those of the autoset up.
billy p

billy p

Audioholic Ninja

have to say GOOD and the reason is simple. Each and every time I read threads on this forum, it reminds me how little I know!!:eek:


Senior Audioholic
How do you rank your overall knowledge of A/V Home Entertainment?

I chose "good knowledge." I'm probably somewhere between basic and good though. I'm pretty proficient at knowing how to set things up properly, how to use the video calibration discs, calibrate speakers (roughly) and knowledgable about moving speakers around to tweak their sound. I'm by no means and expert. I must say, almost everything I've learned, not to mention my rekindled interest in this hobby, has come almost exclusively from this site. This place is awesome.:cool:


I can set up most systems and have the basic equipment to set it up. I spend too much time tinkering with different systems.


I am pretty new to AV setup, but electronics and wiring have always come easily to me, so I am becoming very adept at getting everything set up. I am still somewhat too reliant on auto setup features, but I hope to not have to use them for much longer. For now I have Good Knowledge.


I chose expert although probably not quite there. I have rives audio test cd and DVE with an spl meter and can set up an entire system from scratch, but I know there is people out there with alot more knowledge then i have about audio, so almost expert is where i fit in.


I figure I'm somewhere between basic and good knowledge. I did setup my HT System myself and calibrated it to my tastes but the thought of more technical calibration like with SPL meters and Avia discs makes my brain hurt. I am happy with my system the way I did it though.
Kyle Lorenz

Kyle Lorenz

Junior Audioholic
I chose good knowledge because I set up my system and also other people's systems easily.



Yes, there's always more to learn. And I consider "expert" below "pro." But I calibrate my audio and video carefully, and use more than the standard test patterns that would probably put me in the advanced category.

As for this prize; best one yet from Axiom. I know it's random... but I want it soooo baaaad. ;)


Senior Audioholic
I consider my level of knowledge very basic. Ok, maybe a step or two above basic, as I can find my butt without having to have my hands tied behind my back.

Seriously, I need the owners manual and maybe even a huge chart to be able to figure out how to hookup my receiver etc. The real problem comes weeks or months down the road when I clean the AV room (never let the W clean the AV room) and I accidently disconnect a wire (maybe I should let the W clean the AV room, then I could blame her) and don't have the slightest clue where the wire is suppose to be connected.

Maybe if I played with the wires more I would be more familiar with their proper "hookup". Nah, too much work.

Instead I like to sit back and watch the movies. Maybe I tweak the speaker locations from time to time, because you can never have a speaker in the perfect position. And I am constantly fiddeling with the AVIA setup DVD, as I can never seem to get the widescreen CRT set up to suit my wants and desires.


Repl for contest

I am b no means an expert, but I do sell electronics and tr to offer the best advice to m customers. If I don't know the answer, I find it and tr to make the answer sound simple enough for m customer's understanding. I am prett resourceful and look to learning something new all the time.

I currently live in an apartment and I have a Denon AVR2807, M&K LCR750s with a Martin Logan DYnamo Sub. I look to add the center and surround speakers later (if m neighbors in m apartment don't go crazy). I have an SPL meter and enjoy tweaking my system and my fathers for the best sound possible. \

While I enjoy audio, video displays are my main area of expertise. I gave myself a good rating, but not expert status yet. Once I step my game up, with some time I hope to be on that level. Right now, I'm enjoying the process of making mistakes, learning, and passing on my experiences for my customer's benefits.

Maybe with my fiance and I get a bigger place, I'll step up and try a full axiom system, I've been dying to try it out recently!


I listed "good" but I consider myself pretty average. I just read the instructions!


Audioholic Intern
Good Understanding

I think that 90% of the knowledge that a true expert has in his or her industry/practice/hobby can be obtained through hard work and a little trial and error, but that last 10% that truly makes him or her an "expert" can only be obtained by years and years of experience. One great thing about A/V as a hobby/industry is that it is always rapidly changing and creating more and more new things to learn about (and spend $$$ on!!!)


I think I have excellent knowledge but wouldn't call myself a pro. The fact is is that the average individual struggles I believe hooking up A/V components. I have helped so many people since the early 80's. I can't tell you how many times I have been to friends homes and pull out a ton of wiring that didn't need to be there.
Also, setting up and calibrating I am fairly comfortable with as well. I enjoy the challenges, and the technical knowledge is fun to have.

Mike Eckhardt
Monroe, WA
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