I have what I consider good knowledge. Maybe not so much about specific speaker specifications or frequency response charts or anything like that...but when it comes to hooking up electronics, it has always been a piece of cake for me.
I remember the first a/v equipment piece I ever hooked up. It must have been around 1984/1985 or so, I was 10 or 11. We had finally just gotten our first VCR (my mom went out and spent the big cusk, woohoo!) but my dad was gone camping for the weekend. It was Friday night and we couldn't watch the movie my mom bought until Sunday night at the earliest! UUUUGGGG!! So, Saturday morning I get up and take it out of the box and read the instrux and hook it up, pop in the movie, and....magic! A movie playing on our TV the WE OWN! How cool was that?!?! So, all excited and full of manly pride (at age 10, I didn't know what it was, but now I know it was that manly pride
) I go get my mom and show her.
She yells at me that I don't know what I'm doing and I'm too young for touching electronics and even though it was PLAYING THE MOVIE she made me unhook everything and rebox it for my father to DO IT RIGHT. She didn't ground me, but it was close.
So, my dad comes home and after me annoying him to all heck to hook it up, he reads the instrux and flabergastedly says, "I can't do this. Michael, you do it." I was shocked, astounded, dumbfounded and speechless.
I was hooking it up and my mom came in, she said "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!?!" and I just pointed to my dad and he said "I can't hook that thing up, I am having Michael do it. Relax, I'm watching him."
I laughed so hard (in my head, mind you). LOL.
To this day, my dad can still barely work a simple remote control let alone set up anything a/v related.