Log home,cieling start at 3',rise to 12, back down to 3'.( North to South)
Entertainment center sits on North wall, primary listening area 25' x 16.Room opens up,to 25'x 33' w/ 8x10 bathroom taking one corner.A half wall separates listening area from kitchen.
West wall has a 2x1'-2" soffit( floor up) windows takes up 3/4 of the wall ,sofit to cieling.
There is also a door on south wall and a stair well going down stairs next to bath room.
Front corners (North wall) have DIY bass traps,Ceilings have 2x4 bass traps dirrectly behing main speakers. Because of the slooped roof there are at same level as speakers which set on 1'2" cubed base.Cielings behind listening area also have bass traps,they are 6'6 off floor.( sloped with cieling.)
Entire room is wood, walls,floors,
and cieling. 1 large throw rug sits in primary listening area with 2 recliners on it.8' sofa sits up against 1/2 wall.