

Audioholic Ninja
kia303 said:
A 35 yr. old Columbian man was trying to cure his nephew's hiccups, the uncle pulled out a gun and pointed it at the 21 yr. old nephew in an attempt to scare the hiccups out of him. Well the gun was loaded and the uncle ended up pulling the trigger and killing his nephew, the uncle was so distraught that he then turned the gun on himself and commited suicide.

Couldn't they have tried peanut butter or a glass of water?
If they were both dead, how does anyone know what happened?


Sorry to say it Chuck since you work in that field,

That's why I call them SALES HOLES!


Audioholic Warlord
MDS said:
That is the EXACT line that was spoken by a Best Buy salesman on a HT show I watched on the DIY network. That show was sponsored by Monster and the homeowner that had the HT built bought all Monster products. It must be part of Monster's training for salesman.
Hit the nail on the head.



i red that one i thought it was just a really bad way to get out of murder but it turns out he told his neibour that he was goin to do it and then she heard the gunshot looked out and saw him shoot himself


Audioholic Chief
MDS said:
That is the EXACT line that was spoken by a Best Buy salesman on a HT show I watched on the DIY network. That show was sponsored by Monster and the homeowner that had the HT built bought all Monster products. It must be part of Monster's training for salesman.

I think it is just BB and Magnolia, because I have never heard that before, not even from the Monster people.

Dumbass of the day: <b>Me</b> :rolleyes:

I'm building a computer and i was pulling a part out and my hand slipped and cut one of my fingers to the bone... I can't believe I did that! :mad:



Audioholic Intern

CaliHwyPatrol said:
I think it is just BB and Magnolia, because I have never heard that before, not even from the Monster people.

Monster does do a bunch of salesman training. Every so often the managers in BB HT get to go to monster conventions and get loaded up on monster's propaganda. They usually bring back a bunch of free stuff, but their employees don't get anything but the propaganda.

The one we were told to use at my BB store was the drinking a milkshake through a coffee straw analolgy.


Audioholic Chief
Today's *winner*:

<b>I am not making this up</b>

A guy came in and we were talking about video cables, and he said, "What about HD-Hemi cables? Are those any good?"

I refrained from telling him that no, these cables do not use hemispherical heads, because I didn't want to let him down. :)

I don't know where these people come from...!


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