
Junior Audioholic
Bad Service in todays Places....

I am a former Grocery manager, so Customer Service was my day. and Never once did I do anything to Embarress or degrade the customer. Minus the Shoplifters we had to detain......

But stories like yours Is why I will be shopping online. etc....

3 Weeks ago while shopping at Nebraska Furniture Mart Here in KC. I was checking out their Clearance table. Looking for a Pioneer 1015, I noticed they did have an 815 for 499 Marked Down to $300, Knowing the prices of the 1015,915,and 815 online, I said to the guy (20ish) that came up to me. "Being on the clearance table, Would they be willing to markdown the 815 to the 199-230 range as they are going for online"

Without hesitation the little punk snarled back "Then Go buy it online then, We don't Price match so you are wasting your time."

This was said in the snippinest arrogant, young punk tone you can imagine. So help me, I am 30 now, married and had my 2 year old daughter with me. If My wife/child were not in there I would likely be in jail for shoving that Pioneer where that kid would think twice about how he treated people for his lifetime. I stood there and just chuckled to myself, my wife on the other hand, just Grabbed my arm, and tugged me to move along, and said to me as we were walking away, "I wouldn't blame you for Laying that kid out after he talked to you that way"

I think it's things like this that give stores bad Reps...Word of mouth is killer to a companies rep it was very PISS POOR Service.

Now here is the funny part....
After going upstairs to check out a new Bed etc.... We come down stairs....Walk through the CD section, I notice the Sennheiser HD280 Pro's Listed at 190$ !!!!!!!!!! I just happen to have a print out of some Prices I was finding online for those and the 555's a female attendant of that area came up and asked if I needed help. Being in a Crappy mood from the previous twirp I asked "why are these 280's so high? when I can get them at 3 different web sites for 70$? she replied " Let me see those, and follow me, we'll match what you got on the paper" Signed sealed and delivered, 73$ out the door.

I didn't explain to her my previous experience, but did talk about wanting to get the 1015, and She mentioned NFM was considering not carrying Pioneer Recievers anymore...and to return back as they will be closed out soon. Don't know if there was any truth the her statements but at least she seemed to be Willing / able to get answers.

That's Customer Service.


Audioholic Chief
I'm normally the kind of person you would want to talk to when venturing into a big box store... It was just that one time I could not help myself. I really could not believe this person could be so stupid. Every other time people ask stupid questions I am cool with it, because dealing with ignorant(not in a bad way) customers is part of the job. That is why they come into the store, because they are looking for information. I hold back when people ask me if I work here, or if people ask what the difference between an Ipod and an Mp3 is, or what is the difference between plasma and hd, or if we carry High-Density tvs, or Bose is the best, the list goes on, and on, and on...

I deal with these things on a daily basis, so I am used to these kinds of questions. But this one incident was just so blatently retarded I couldn't help myself. Like I said, I'm usually the person you want to see when looking for info. I know more than any associate in my department (which isn't saying much :rolleyes: ) and I am willing to give you a good deal just for the sake of being nice. For example, I gave someone 400 bucks off of a plasma tv just because the customers were nice people looking for a deal. They didn't even get any cheese on it, which numbers wise, looks bad for me because that is volume with no cheese, which is worse than nothing at all. Then I did the same thing with a smaller LCD for someone else.

Ok, enough of that... <b>Todays Dumbass of the Day winner is...: Another associate!!!</b> :D

One of the associates that is new in the department decided to argue with me because he thinks the Bose sounds good for having little speakers. *Sigh* So I tried explaining to him the poor response that they had and I showed him some of the comparable models that other companys make that sound better for half the price. He then says, "No, they sound good, you're just an Audio Snob." Lol... I guess I am... Oh well, you can't save them all! :p



Junior Audioholic
DumbAss or Brilliant

A 21 yr. old Ohio resident, pretty sure it was not Buckeyefan 1;) , reported to his local county court building for jury duty. Upon arriving at the Security screening the young man emptied his pockets, which consisted of keys, cellphone, money, etc. and lastly a small tin containing a green leafy susbtance. The gentleman was given his property back and upon further questioning by the officers admitted that the tin did contain Marihuana, the young man was arrested and issued an appearance ticket to return to court to answer the possession charge. The good news he was released from jury duty, so I ask, is he a dumbass or did he do it on purpose to get dismissed from jury duty? :eek:


MDS said:
You know, it's entirely possible that the woman had no knowledge of what a mini-system or boombox is and was at the store to buy her kid the 'boombox' he/she asked for.

Instead of helping her out, you decided to embarrass her and make her feel stupid. That is exactly why people have no respect for the kids that work at Best Buy/Circuit City.

If I were the manager and witnessed that behavior, you would be fired immediately! I hope you feel good about yourself.

Well said.


Happy Customers

I work for a public water utility. Of course the only telephone calls we ever receive are from the happy customer that wants to tell us what a great job we do, NOT!

The most memorable phone call I ever received was from a gentleman complaining that the water coming out of his taps was the horrible. Of course I went through the whole nine yards to assure him that we would send a crew out to flush the pipes and that our water exceeds all standards.......blah, blah, blah.

His response to me and I quote,
"Your water is so bad I wouldn't wash the sh it off my dog's a$$ with it."
I still want that quote cast in bronze and hung in City Hall.

Brian, so how is your water lately? :D


Audioholic General
MDS said:
You know, it's entirely possible that the woman had no knowledge of what a mini-system or boombox is and was at the store to buy her kid the 'boombox' he/she asked for.

Instead of helping her out, you decided to embarrass her and make her feel stupid. That is exactly why people have no respect for the kids that work at Best Buy/Circuit City.

If I were the manager and witnessed that behavior, you would be fired immediately! I hope you feel good about yourself.
I would have pointed them out and gave her some pointers on what to look for,i'd go overboard for someone that doesnt know so she feels better about it. Thats just me.


Full Audioholic
majorloser said:
His response to me and I quote,
"Your water is so bad I wouldn't wash the sh it off my dog's a$$ with it."
I still want that quote cast in bronze and hung in City Hall.

Brian, so how is your water lately? :D
When I bought my house, the faucets pumped out this ugly brown water. First thing I did was replace all the copper/pvc/galvanized with copper. The horizontal runs were galvanized with vertical lines copper. PVC usually used as interface or in one case, a maze.


Junior Audioholic
I worked in the electronics department at Office Max for years while in college.

I had a gentleman in the store one time asking me where the laptops were. I nicely smiled and pointed at the display behind him. He smiled, gently, and said, "Gee, you think I'd see a sign that big."

Sometimes customers are so preoccupied with what they're looking for, that they stop looking.

I'm in IT now, and could go all day with some of the stuff I've both heard, and have had told me on the phone.


Audioholic Chief
niget2002 said:
I worked in the electronics department at Office Max for years while in college.

I had a gentleman in the store one time asking me where the laptops were. I nicely smiled and pointed at the display behind him. He smiled, gently, and said, "Gee, you think I'd see a sign that big."

Sometimes customers are so preoccupied with what they're looking for, that they stop looking.

I'm in IT now, and could go all day with some of the stuff I've both heard, and have had told me on the phone.
We have a similar sign for our DVD players, and that is where I point when people ask me where they are. I always get that response when they see it, but it is the best way to tell them where they are.

Yesterday's Dumbass of the Day was a customer who was in the soundroom messing with the speakers, when there are signs posted all over the place that say <b>Please ask for assistance</b>. Well, he was tilting a Polk Monitor 70 forward to look at the back and sure enough, it slipped out of his hand and fell over, breaking the grille and knocking the top driver out... So as a punishment for his ignorance, I sold him a Bose set and some Monster speaker wire.



Audioholic General
As bad as that it,its funny as hell and he's in audio hell for awhile.


Audioholic Spartan
Like I have a clue but...

I have been either on the phone or in front of customers for 19 years. I have stories on top of stories but I always tell myself a few things...

The customers is not always right but they are always the customer.

The "rocket scientist" I am speaking to may not know a thing about what I'm selling but I also know nothing about rocket science.

The person I am speaking to may just be having a worse day than I am.

I have high blood pressure...just let it go.

and one that always sticks in my mind...whenever you point a finger at someone just remember one thing...you have three fingers pointing back at yourself.

Ever caught yourself being a dumbass??? I have.:)


This happened between a friend of mine and me, both of us do not like to admit that we are wrong :)

Somehow Bose got brought up, and being the informed audiophile that I am, I proceeded to tell him that Bose sucked compared to may other companys. His response: These bose speakers I heard in the store sounded wayyyyyy better then the RBH T-2, T1, 66-SE setup i heard at the same place. Puzzled, I thought to myself for a second and then decided that the Bose marketing had gotten to him, just like so may others :(


Audioholic Chief
I have been either on the phone or in front of customers for 19 years. I have stories on top of stories but I always tell myself a few things...

The customers is not always right but they are always the customer.

The "rocket scientist" I am speaking to may not know a thing about what I'm selling but I also know nothing about rocket science.

The person I am speaking to may just be having a worse day than I am.

I have high blood pressure...just let it go.

and one that always sticks in my mind...whenever you point a finger at someone just remember one thing...you have three fingers pointing back at yourself.

Ever caught yourself being a dumbass??? I have.:)
Yeah, you are absolutely right. I was a dumbass for laughing at that lady, it was of course extremely rude and unprofessional, but I swear I couldn't help myself...

As for the Polk speaker, I just pushed the driver back in and glued the pegs back on the grille... It still works but the top driver sticks out about an eigth of an inch, I can live with that. It doesn't really matter because I got my revenge by raping that guy's wallet. :)

Today's Dumbass of the Day:

An unsuspecting victim walks into the soundroom and shuts the doors so he can talk on his cell phone. This, of course, immediately pisses me off because now customers wont walk in there because the doors are shut. So, unbeknownst to this guy, I keep the remote for the sound system outside of the room. I then proceeded to turn the volume up to a level that conflicted with his phone call. He then starts running around the room looking for the volume knob, which is hard to see because half of the room is dark. So, after his feeble attempt to silence a rather loud scene from Pitch Black, he comes bursting out of the room like someone had just let one go in there. Needless to say, after his phone call had ended, he didn't go back in there.



Junior Audioholic
A real DumbAss

A 35 yr. old Columbian man was trying to cure his nephew's hiccups, the uncle pulled out a gun and pointed it at the 21 yr. old nephew in an attempt to scare the hiccups out of him. Well the gun was loaded and the uncle ended up pulling the trigger and killing his nephew, the uncle was so distraught that he then turned the gun on himself and commited suicide.

Couldn't they have tried peanut butter or a glass of water?


Audioholic Chief
kia303 said:
A 35 yr. old Columbian man was trying to cure his nephew's hiccups, the uncle pulled out a gun and pointed it at the 21 yr. old nephew in an attempt to scare the hiccups out of him. Well the gun was loaded and the uncle ended up pulling the trigger and killing his nephew, the uncle was so distraught that he then turned the gun on himself and commited suicide.

Couldn't they have tried peanut butter or a glass of water?

I heard about that on the radio... I couldn't believe it! How stupid can you be?! At least the hiccups were cured...



Audioholic Chief
<b>Dumbasses of the Day:</b>

I'm going to be installing an HT for some friends of mine, and they are adament about having "high quality" speaker wire, so I figured, what the hell, it is their money and they don't want to listen to me!

So, I go into Magnolia and I am looking at their spools of wire for some decent looking 12 guage. One of the associates greets me and asks what I am looking for, so I tell him I need some 12 guage speaker wire. So he takes me over to the spools and pulls one up and looks at the side of it, and looks at the cross section. The guage wasn't written on the side of it, so he says, "well this looks like 12, how much did you need?" So I take a look at it, and sure enough, 16 guage! So I inform him that it is 16 and ask him if he can go look for some 12 for me. After that guy left, another guy walks up, and he then proceeds to show me this wire at the end of the rack. He says, "Yeah this looks like 12 to me, that's really good stuff too." At 2 dollars a foot, it better be! So I play dumb and ask, "Good stuff? What's the difference between that and cheap wire of the same guage?" He then proceeded to tell me to think of it as a freeway, the cheaper stuff is like a freeway with clogged traffic, and the expensive stuff is like a clear freeway, more information passes through :rolleyes: . "Oh, really? Did you make that up all by yourself?" He didn't like that... Oh well! So I take a closer look at the wire, and there is a very thin layer of copper wire wrapped around a rubber center! So I take a look at the side and I see: 24 AWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost hit the roof! I said, "Pal, this isn't a freeway, this is a bike path. I can't believe you just tried to sell me this!" That is where we parted ways...

I haven't gone audio shopping in a long time... I can't believe this is what is going on in the stores today, no wonder all of you guys hate us sales people!! :)

I apologize on that dumbass's behalf for any of you who have gone through an episode like this!



Audioholic Warlord
CaliHwyPatrol said:
<b>Dumbasses of the Day:</b>

I'm going to be installing an HT for some friends of mine, and they are adament about having "high quality" speaker wire, so I figured, what the hell, it is their money and they don't want to listen to me!

So, I go into Magnolia and I am looking at their spools of wire for some decent looking 12 guage. One of the associates greets me and asks what I am looking for, so I tell him I need some 12 guage speaker wire. So he takes me over to the spools and pulls one up and looks at the side of it, and looks at the cross section. The guage wasn't written on the side of it, so he says, "well this looks like 12, how much did you need?" So I take a look at it, and sure enough, 16 guage! So I inform him that it is 16 and ask him if he can go look for some 12 for me. After that guy left, another guy walks up, and he then proceeds to show me this wire at the end of the rack. He says, "Yeah this looks like 12 to me, that's really good stuff too." At 2 dollars a foot, it better be! So I play dumb and ask, "Good stuff? What's the difference between that and cheap wire of the same guage?" He then proceeded to tell me to think of it as a freeway, the cheaper stuff is like a freeway with clogged traffic, and the expensive stuff is like a clear freeway, more information passes through :rolleyes: . "Oh, really? Did you make that up all by yourself?" He didn't like that... Oh well! So I take a closer look at the wire, and there is a very thin layer of copper wire wrapped around a rubber center! So I take a look at the side and I see: 24 AWG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I almost hit the roof! I said, "Pal, this isn't a freeway, this is a bike path. I can't believe you just tried to sell me this!" That is where we parted ways...

I haven't gone audio shopping in a long time... I can't believe this is what is going on in the stores today, no wonder all of you guys hate us sales people!! :)

I apologize on that dumbass's behalf for any of you who have gone through an episode like this!

a lot of the guys at my work were telling me to use that "highway" story. I told them to go %^&* off. They think they know more then me. One Day I will sit them down and metaphorically %^&* them.



Audioholic Chief
Sheep said:
a lot of the guys at my work were telling me to use that "highway" story. I told them to go *&^% off. They think they know more then me. One Day I will sit them down and metaphorically %*&^ them.

Yeah, I would have put my foot in his ***, but I didn't want to get my shoe dirty...

I just couldn't believe this guy was trying to sell me that crap!



Audioholic Spartan
CaliHwyPatrol said:
What's the difference between that and cheap wire of the same guage?" He then proceeded to tell me to think of it as a freeway, the cheaper stuff is like a freeway with clogged traffic, and the expensive stuff is like a clear freeway, more information passes through
That is the EXACT line that was spoken by a Best Buy salesman on a HT show I watched on the DIY network. That show was sponsored by Monster and the homeowner that had the HT built bought all Monster products. It must be part of Monster's training for salesman.

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