Junior Audioholic
Bad Service in todays Places....
I am a former Grocery manager, so Customer Service was my day. and Never once did I do anything to Embarress or degrade the customer. Minus the Shoplifters we had to detain......
But stories like yours Is why I will be shopping online. etc....
3 Weeks ago while shopping at Nebraska Furniture Mart Here in KC. I was checking out their Clearance table. Looking for a Pioneer 1015, I noticed they did have an 815 for 499 Marked Down to $300, Knowing the prices of the 1015,915,and 815 online, I said to the guy (20ish) that came up to me. "Being on the clearance table, Would they be willing to markdown the 815 to the 199-230 range as they are going for online"
Without hesitation the little punk snarled back "Then Go buy it online then, We don't Price match so you are wasting your time."
This was said in the snippinest arrogant, young punk tone you can imagine. So help me, I am 30 now, married and had my 2 year old daughter with me. If My wife/child were not in there I would likely be in jail for shoving that Pioneer where that kid would think twice about how he treated people for his lifetime. I stood there and just chuckled to myself, my wife on the other hand, just Grabbed my arm, and tugged me to move along, and said to me as we were walking away, "I wouldn't blame you for Laying that kid out after he talked to you that way"
I think it's things like this that give stores bad Reps...Word of mouth is killer to a companies rep it was very PISS POOR Service.
Now here is the funny part....
After going upstairs to check out a new Bed etc.... We come down stairs....Walk through the CD section, I notice the Sennheiser HD280 Pro's Listed at 190$ !!!!!!!!!! I just happen to have a print out of some Prices I was finding online for those and the 555's a female attendant of that area came up and asked if I needed help. Being in a Crappy mood from the previous twirp I asked "why are these 280's so high? when I can get them at 3 different web sites for 70$? she replied " Let me see those, and follow me, we'll match what you got on the paper" Signed sealed and delivered, 73$ out the door.
I didn't explain to her my previous experience, but did talk about wanting to get the 1015, and She mentioned NFM was considering not carrying Pioneer Recievers anymore...and to return back as they will be closed out soon. Don't know if there was any truth the her statements but at least she seemed to be Willing / able to get answers.
That's Customer Service.
I am a former Grocery manager, so Customer Service was my day. and Never once did I do anything to Embarress or degrade the customer. Minus the Shoplifters we had to detain......
But stories like yours Is why I will be shopping online. etc....
3 Weeks ago while shopping at Nebraska Furniture Mart Here in KC. I was checking out their Clearance table. Looking for a Pioneer 1015, I noticed they did have an 815 for 499 Marked Down to $300, Knowing the prices of the 1015,915,and 815 online, I said to the guy (20ish) that came up to me. "Being on the clearance table, Would they be willing to markdown the 815 to the 199-230 range as they are going for online"
Without hesitation the little punk snarled back "Then Go buy it online then, We don't Price match so you are wasting your time."
This was said in the snippinest arrogant, young punk tone you can imagine. So help me, I am 30 now, married and had my 2 year old daughter with me. If My wife/child were not in there I would likely be in jail for shoving that Pioneer where that kid would think twice about how he treated people for his lifetime. I stood there and just chuckled to myself, my wife on the other hand, just Grabbed my arm, and tugged me to move along, and said to me as we were walking away, "I wouldn't blame you for Laying that kid out after he talked to you that way"
I think it's things like this that give stores bad Reps...Word of mouth is killer to a companies rep it was very PISS POOR Service.
Now here is the funny part....
After going upstairs to check out a new Bed etc.... We come down stairs....Walk through the CD section, I notice the Sennheiser HD280 Pro's Listed at 190$ !!!!!!!!!! I just happen to have a print out of some Prices I was finding online for those and the 555's a female attendant of that area came up and asked if I needed help. Being in a Crappy mood from the previous twirp I asked "why are these 280's so high? when I can get them at 3 different web sites for 70$? she replied " Let me see those, and follow me, we'll match what you got on the paper" Signed sealed and delivered, 73$ out the door.
I didn't explain to her my previous experience, but did talk about wanting to get the 1015, and She mentioned NFM was considering not carrying Pioneer Recievers anymore...and to return back as they will be closed out soon. Don't know if there was any truth the her statements but at least she seemed to be Willing / able to get answers.
That's Customer Service.