They've never had anything resembling a QC/QA program. They still don't. Current replacement amps for the MFW aren't the same size as the ones they replace so you can be pretty much assured that you'll be able to turn an A stock subwoofer into a B stock one as you try and fit it in. Further, with some amps that have recently shipped, there's an issue with a connector that needs to be removed and reinserted 180 degrees in order for the amp to work. At one time SVS contracted with AV123 to have them produce cabinetry. QC issues ended that quietly. Other companies have also investigated AV123's ability to produce cabinetry to spec and have rejected them. Prior investors have long since cashed out. Those that recently invested monies have lost it all. I will politely disagree with those that feel the company is founded on rock solid principles.
As to their employing designers having made speakers costing upwards of $100,000, just who is in that stable of designers? Names and speakers please.
Now I'm not writing off their lines as fake as I didn't take the phrase that someone else used it it's most literal sense. I simply took it as meaning shoddy or wanting in various areas. My attempt as a person in his 50's to translate current venacular

Word up!
Whatever AV123 once was and could've been isn't what it is now. It has become a model of how not to run a company. A case study. With the bombardment of specials, deep discounts, only available for a short time, better hurry this won't last long, it strongly reminds me of the electronic stores that litter NYC. Such a deal! I'm verklempt!