Thanks for taking time to respond. Unfortunately, I won't have the time to appropriately respond to your posts. However, I'll add a couple of points to what Gonk and a few others have already stated. Regarding the deletion of posts and threads, AV123 made a heavy stance that they won't ever delete posts or threads. I do understand that sometimes, you have to break that rule, since things will get out of hands from time to time. However, dating all the way back to their forum beginning, they've locked maybe one or two threads before the wheels started falling off.
They had never deleted posts or threads before that. However, deleting posts and threads and banning people without warnings or ever stating what the rules are had become a common heavy-handed tactic in the past year. No 'tough' questions were ever answered, nevermind answered to complete satisfaction.
Even though Mark's stated on almost every occasion that he is responsible for the whatever the problems that existed, there was always a 'but it was mainly someone else' fault, too.' That teflon suit he always wore should at least be a warning sign that should MLS over-promise and under deliver once again, you can bet that someone else will be thrown under the bus. And you can bet that would have been you/your company if you were to enter into any business with him.
I understand missed deadlines and such, but come on - as the head of a company, you've missed every single deadline you've set. How badly does that speak of you as a leader? You have to ask if those deadlines were provided to him, or was it something that he made up to generate interest and cashflow? My money is on the latter. Actually, I will take back that statement, as I will not let my money be anywhere near MLS/AV321
I have over 7000 posts on that forum - almost twice as many as you did. Had I kept posting in 2009, it would have been twice as many. It was a nice home for me, as well. I have great memories and friends that I've made there. I cherish that, but as Jed mentioned, that was a surreal place conjured up by someone who's done horrible things (trying to avoid name-calling). Chu alluded to people having to leave their country because it is no longer the place that was their home. I can relate to that. I don't feel any anger or resentment toward my countrymen for staying. Many of them had no choice. The situation with forums is totally different. We all have a choice. Being on a forum does not define my life, as it will continue with or without any forum. The friends I've made are still there. I can still send them emails or call them. The forum is only one method of communications. It is not the sole method.