I do understand that things have been pretty wild with this thread, but I will try to be as tactful and respectful as I can with my post. Please do not punish others if you see that my post is in violation with your request. Please delete my post/ban me, instead of punishing others for my actions.
I've been silent for a while, since I've been busy with work. The last meaningful post I've made re: the AV321 situation was quite a while ago. It was at the point when Gonk first joined in on the raffles discussion. Since Gonk always states everything so concisely, completely, and eloquently, I felt there was not much else I can add to the subject
While I do believe you are fundamentally a good guy, I do see why others have a hard time understanding your continued support of AV321. For me, to post as often as you have on AV321, especially in light of the all the development, basically conveys to the mass that you are still supporting AV321/MLS, and have chosen to disregard any and all negative press surrounding them (love that run-on sentence

). The posts about trying to engage AV321/MLS in business with your company is especially condemning in the eyes of many.
Your recent posts here in the past few days reminds me of the repeated debates that went on the in the recent past with people like Graphicsguy, Mac, Quadman, etc. I've told Mac after he's come to the realization of the truth for himself that everyone has his own time line of when he will cross that bridge. Perhaps that's the point of frustration for many here is that they've seen so many cross that bridge, but yet others are still refusing to do so for what seems to be all the same reasons. And the crossing scenario goes through the same pattern each time. And I believe most of those situation really reflects a certain level of selfishness. That is, people try to justify what's going on by projecting their relationship with MLS/AV321 with how great things should be, but at the same time, dismissing the actual reality that is happening with hundreds/thousands(?) of cases. Their thinking is if MLS is treating me so well, then he can't be screwing those hundreds/thousands of customers. Until he proves "ME" wrong, I will continue to dismiss those 'reported problems' to be either a gross exaggeration or an outright lie--even if it comes from long-time, well-respected member of the forum.
Things like your business acumen and motives have already been beaten to death here, so I won't go into that. Instead, I'll see if I can understand from your engineering viewpoint (being an "Engineer" myself). I would like to think that the ability to recognize patterns is a skill that an engineer would possess. There are far more better engineers on these forums than myself, and I do try to learn from those people to improve my skills.
Even if I were to take a weekly snapshot of what's going in the AV321, I would at least know the following (I can't summarize everything, but if you search for that single post(

) by Chu listing all the infamous problems with AV321:
1. Forum members have been dropping like flies (esp. long-time, well-respected members).
2. Many members expressing their disapproval - be it in a spirited manner or in a very tactful and respected manner - have had their posts deleted or are banned outright.
3. Repeated problems with
a. Amps
b. Veneers
c. Cabinet quality (fitment, varied dimensions, etc.)
d. Continual late delivery of products or products never coming to fruition
e. Continual missed dates with non-products
f. A book of excuses ranging from numerous illness, natural disasters, world events, alien invasions, etc.
g. Multiple shipping issues
h. Multiple monetary issues be it with product refunds, coupon refunds, or loan repayments
i. Selling off b/c/d-stock products
4. The list goes on...
As an engineer, just a few of those patterns alone would raise serious questions with me about wanting to pursue a company that failed in so many critical areas of engineering. Even if I didn't have any business acumen, my engineering instincts would tell me to steer clear away from AV321, since their engineering practices and customer support departments are well below sub-par of any company I would want to deal with. Perhaps I'm wrong about those engineering instinct, but I'm just sharing my experience.