

Seriously, I have no life.
and Bob is selling books;)
Well, should he give his research away free?
And, it is not like he made this up when Bush is on tape:D
I just don't understand Bush why he even gives such interviews. I guess he believes he is right and history will reflect on him kindly:eek:


Seriously, I have no life.
I listened to 60 Minutes Sunday (CBS) and to Larry King Live (CNN) last night. Both programs had Bob Woodward who's book "War Within" was just released (ordered it from Amazon moments ago).

Bob Woodward had a series of interviews (11 hours) with George Bush on the subject of the war in Iraq. On Larry King, a few taped passages were played back for us and it is clear that Woodward got the story from Bush himself.

See: Within, Bob Woodward&type=web&sortBy=date&intl=false

Conclusions after listening to the two programs:

- The White House cabinet is running the war and bypasses The Chief of Staff and even the Secretary of Defense on occasion... Bush sent his personal emissary to visit General David Petraeus in Iraq without knowledge by the Chain of Command (Chief of Staff/ Secretary of Defense).

- Most meetings on the war are headed by the National Security Adviser without the presence of the President. Bush told Woodward that he was busy most of the times by other matters. The Commander in Chief is simply not overseeing the war... except for occasional Government comments to the public.

- Since July 2006, everybody, except the President, knew that things were going from bad to worse in Iraq. Bush lied to Congress and to the people of the US by saying that things were improving and on the way to victory. He (Bush) insisted in getting body counts of the enemy as often as possible to demonstrate the progress made.

- The relationship with the Senate Democrat majority leader and with the Speaker of the House (Nancy Polosi) are non existent to the point of break down.

- General David Petraeus is the only top military person with full knowledge of what is going on. This includes a new secret method applied to seek and kill the enemy which appears so effective that insurgents are running for their lives. Bob Woodward knows some of details of the secret endeavor but was advised by a 4 star General that any disclosure of the method would compromise the nation and American lives. Woodward doubts that a new elected President will be able to fire General Petraeus because he controls everything and bypasses the Pentagon.

In the next few days, the above will become knowledge to Obama and McCain. My sense is that McCain will want to distance himself from the Commander in Chief whose dereliction of duty is quite evident. Shame!

I saw this last night but missed 60 minutes. Was 60 minutes much different?
I am not surprised at what he has uncovered. I think Bush is oblivious of things outside of himself. Unreal.:mad:


Senior Audioholic
They also comment on Obama's missing flag pin? Guess who else doesn't wear it;) McCain and Palin:D Sorry, that doesn't count though:D
Im sure McCains past speaks louder than a flag pin on where he stands on patriotism.

As for Palin i dont know about her, because i have not tried to get "learned"
on her yet.

I have larger concerns on all candidates, than a flag pin.

For instance, will Palin try and use her position to bully people if elected VP. I know there is stories going around now stating that she fired someone for Not firing someone she wanted fired.

Will McCain continue the War on terror without any plan for bringing our troops home.

Im not sure how this may sound but im gonna say it anyway (im sure others have thought it) one of my concerns about Oboma is, he said he didnt know that Rev Wright was a Bigot/racist. Did he really not know after all them years of attending Wrights Church? Or does he share Wrights views behind closed doors?

Just a few of my concerns on the choices we have for the next elections


Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
I guess he believes he is right and history will reflect on him kindly:eek:
The only real question is whether history will call him the worst president of all time, or merely the second-worst (after Nixon.)


Senior Audioholic
I saw this last night but missed 60 minutes. Was 60 minutes much different?
I am not surprised at what he has uncovered. I think Bush is oblivious of things outside of himself. Unreal.:mad:
The Woodward interview was one of 3 stories carried by 60 minutes. The CNN Larry King show was for the entire hour, as you know. But the 60 minutes appearance was enough to get my attention and when I saw that Woodward was to be on CNN, I quickly scheduled the recording.

On Larry King there were many taped excerpts of Bush replies to Woodward which in all cases make the Woodward book believable. Reminds me of the Woodward & Bernstein Watergate Papers. They reported with integrity then, and my sense is that once again Woodward reports with integrity and honesty. Some say it's because he is a Democrat... I don't know that he is but if so, I still feel he is first and foremost an honest reporter trusted by the Washington Post.


Audioholic Ninja
I really don't understand the GOP of today. They say they're for freedom and they trust people to make good decisions on their own, yet they're pro-life. They believe that states should be free to govern themselves, yet they press a constitutional ban on gay marriage. They believe money is best left in the hands of the rich. I'm not convinced money is better left in their hands. They're for small government, yet they support tapping your phone. They're against increases in spending, yet run up an enormous debt. There are many GOP principles I agree with, but the GOP of today won't see my vote.

Joe Schmoe

Audioholic Ninja
There are many GOP principles I agree with, but the GOP of today won't see my vote.
Yeah. A long time ago the GOP was a lot different (Roosevelt, of all people, was a Republican!)
There has not been a single decent Republican candidate in my lifetime, though.
These days, the Democrats are not doing much better.
I would vote Libertarian or idependent, if I thought they actually stood a chance of winning.


Audioholic General
There are many GOP principles I agree with, but the GOP of today won't see my vote.
Certainly the same for me. I straddle various traditional conservative and liberal values on a variety of topics, the new parties don't represent those things well at all anymore and spend too much time quibbling over personal matters. Run the country, balance the budget, ensure protection but don't strip privacy... how far have we really lost our way?


Audioholic Spartan
Im not sure how this may sound but im gonna say it anyway (im sure others have thought it) one of my concerns about Oboma is, he said he didnt know that Rev Wright was a Bigot/racist. Did he really not know after all them years of attending Wrights Church? Or does he share Wrights views behind closed doors?
Come on dude. I can think of a few people I have known that turned out to be racist or make a racist statement after I knew them for a few years. The truly insidious part of racism is that most racists aren't blatant about it. I doubt that Obama was hanging out with Wright in purely social circles where this kind of talk would come out.


Senior Audioholic
Come on dude. I can think of a few people I have known that turned out to be racist or make a racist statement after I knew them for a few years. The truly insidious part of racism is that most racists aren't blatant about it. I doubt that Obama was hanging out with Wright in purely social circles where this kind of talk would come out.
That may be true, but i dont know of many preachers that dont atleast tip their hand on most controversial issues in their sermons regularly.



Audioholic Spartan
Come on dude. I can think of a few people I have known that turned out to be racist or make a racist statement after I knew them for a few years. The truly insidious part of racism is that most racists aren't blatant about it. I doubt that Obama was hanging out with Wright in purely social circles where this kind of talk would come out.
Rev. Wright was selling the DVD's of his racist sermons, after Sunday Mass.
That's how the press and YouTube got them.

Here are many video clips of Rev. Wrights hate speech.

Rev. Wright, married Barack and Michelle Obama. They've been going to this church for 20 years. They have been taking their two little kids to this church.
That means this kind of racist stuff that's said in this church, Barack Obama had been signing on to, long before he came on the public scene -- long before he ran for local office in Chicago, state office in Illinois and then, of course, the United States Senate.

I'm sure this has to put some doubt in the minds of fair and open minded Obama supporters.


Audioholic Spartan
Rev. Wright was selling the DVD's of his racist sermons, after Sunday Mass.
That's how the press and YouTube got them.

Here are many video clips of Rev. Wrights hate speech.

Rev. Wright, married Barack and Michelle Obama. They've been going to this church for 20 years. They have been taking their two little kids to this church.
That means this kind of racist stuff that's said in this church, Barack Obama had been signing on to, long before he came on the public scene -- long before he ran for local office in Chicago, state office in Illinois and then, of course, the United States Senate.

I'm sure this has to put some doubt in the minds of fair and open minded Obama supporters.
Crazy stuff.

Although I think Wright is nuts, and about 95% of what he says is garbage, I will say that as a black man, I do agree that it's hard for white Americans to put themselves in our shoes. Have any white members on this board been pulled over by a cop after dropping off their girlfriend at home after a date? I have. The cop pulled me over and asked me, "Why were you sitting in front of that house?" Yeah right, I was casing the joint so I can rob it later. :rolleyes:

Although Wright's words are offensive, I don't see how it means that Obama must be a racist. It does show he has poor taste in religious leaders.


Audioholic Spartan
Crazy stuff.

Although I think Wright is nuts, and about 95% of what he says is garbage, I will say that as a black man, I do agree that it's hard for white Americans to put themselves in our shoes. Have any white members on this board been pulled over by a cop after dropping off their girlfriend at home after a date? I have. The cop pulled me over and asked me, "Why were you sitting in front of that house?" Yeah right, I was casing the joint so I can rob it later. :rolleyes:

Although Wright's words are offensive, I don't see how it means that Obama must be a racist. It does show he has poor taste in religious leaders.

It shows that the hundreds of people that listened to those sermons (for 20 years), and never complained are all racist.

That is the type of hate speech one would expect at a kkk meeting.
Why didn't someone call ED Bradley from 60 minutes; instead of listening to it for 20 years?

Also: Lets try to stay with the subject. Being pulled over by a cop has nothing to do with a US Presidential candidate listening to hate speech for 20 years and doing nothing about it. At the very least he should've found a new church, 10 years ago.
His kids didn't need to hear that crap!
What type of "Change" is this guy promoting anyway?


Senior Audioholic
Have any white members on this board been pulled over by a cop after dropping off their girlfriend at home after a date? I have. The cop pulled me over and asked me, "Why were you sitting in front of that house?" Yeah right, I was casing the joint so I can rob it later. :rolleyes:
I cant say that i have ever been pulled over because of my ethnicicity. I can see how it would make an African American feel angry, singled out, etc.

Please dont take this the wrong way, cause i wasnt there and didnt hear the convo between the officer and you. Is there any chance he was just doing his job? I would like to think if your car(not you) was new to the area, and was seen sitting in front of the house for a while, the officer was doing the right thing. He may have been patrolling the neighborhood due to some reported mischief or recent burglaries. Like i said i wasnt there, so the whole exchange between the 2 of you may have revealed why he stopped you.

If the officer stopped you for any other reason than doing his job, he was in the my view. I dont condone any law/authority figure showing racial or religious bias. I feel that people like Mr Wright can dislike/hate white people as much as he wants......i will even defend his right to do so. However, i dont think people who feel the same way as Mr Wright or any racial extremist, should be in a Law/authority position.

I think we should all love each other the same way that Jesus loved everyone. if we did the world would be a much better place for it.


Audioholic Spartan
I cant say that i have ever been pulled over because of my ethnicicity. I can see how it would make an African American feel angry, singled out, etc.

Please dont take this the wrong way, cause i wasnt there and didnt hear the convo between the officer and you. Is there any chance he was just doing his job? I would like to think if your car(not you) was new to the area, and was seen sitting in front of the house for a while, the officer was doing the right thing. He may have been patrolling the neighborhood due to some reported mischief or recent burglaries. Like i said i wasnt there, so the whole exchange between the 2 of you may have revealed why he stopped you.

If the officer stopped you for any other reason than doing his job, he was in the my view. I dont condone any law/authority figure showing racial or religious bias. I feel that people like Mr Wright can dislike/hate white people as much as he wants......i will even defend his right to do so. However, i dont think people who feel the same way as Mr Wright or any racial extremist, should be in a Law/authority position.

I think we should all love each other the same way that Jesus loved everyone. if we did the world would be a much better place for it.
Who knows. Maybe it did seem suspicious to him. But I was only 17 and it just seemed hella strange to me to be pulled over for nothing more than sitting in my car, talking to my girlfriend for a few minutes after a date. I saw him drive past us and leave. Then he must have waited for me down the street to see what I was going to do. I don't remember him telling me his reasoning. I was just shocked and a little scared at the situation.


Seriously, I have no life.
The only real question is whether history will call him the worst president of all time, or merely the second-worst (after Nixon.)
I doubt a cover up of his type is worse than what Bush has done.
But, even if he is the 2nd, Nixon paid a heavy price, Bush has not.


Seriously, I have no life.
I really don't understand the GOP of today. They say they're for freedom and they trust people to make good decisions on their own, yet they're pro-life. They believe that states should be free to govern themselves, yet they press a constitutional ban on gay marriage. They believe money is best left in the hands of the rich. I'm not convinced money is better left in their hands. They're for small government, yet they support tapping your phone. They're against increases in spending, yet run up an enormous debt. There are many GOP principles I agree with, but the GOP of today won't see my vote.
Yet, now they are all over that lipstick stuff that MaCain et al has used. That is ok though:mad:


Senior Audioholic
Who knows. Maybe it did seem suspicious to him. But I was only 17 and it just seemed hella strange to me to be pulled over for nothing more than sitting in my car, talking to my girlfriend for a few minutes after a date. I saw him drive past us and leave. Then he must have waited for me down the street to see what I was going to do. I don't remember him telling me his reasoning. I was just shocked and a little scared at the situation.

At age 17 im sure it was a bit scary and strange....your hormones were probably doing your thinking for you :D


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